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Not a Bug Slow Motion?


Storm Modder
Have just started latest version... all characters and melee move in slow motion. I can it the R key to speed it up and I get it to normal speed but any time I move from location to another or a sword strike it reverts back to slow motion.
Did you change anything in the internal settings? I just installed the new version myself and don't have this problem....
Occasional slow motion on inside locations is a known issue. Using windowed mode seems to help with that though.

There is code in place to set the time compression OFF when anyone draws their blade, but this should set things to NORMAL and not to slower than normal.
When you are in slow motion and you press R, what is the first number that displays on the screen?
maybe your fps is just dropping hard? Had that issue after the last patch, I had to delete my options file to get PotC run smoothly again ;)
I am having this issue inside and out and I have never had it before. Pieter when I hit R the screen says 3x

Levis I always change things in internal settings and I did this time as well, but I did not change anything that I haven't before. I'll double check. Is there any specific place I should look that would affect this.
Try deleting your options file also
I am having this issue inside and out and I have never had it before. Pieter when I hit R the screen says 3x
So when you speed up to 3x, things appear normal for you? But at 1x it is slow-motion?
Perhaps you could upload a savegame?
3x might be a little faster than normal. Deleting options had no effect. I am having trouble uploading a save file. I have a file in there but when I click upload and go to the save folder it appears to empty.
Thanks Pilat


  • -=Player=- Barbados. Gray Rock Bay. May 14th, 1682.zip
    562.7 KB · Views: 84
  • error.log
    273 bytes · Views: 98
Lowering screen resolution seems to have fixed it. But now I can't seem to get the game back into widescreen mode.
So any news on this?
removing your options file didn't work?
So sorry not to get back to you on this. That was on my laptop last week. The slomo was fixed by lowering the resolution. (Current CTD problem on the desktop)