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some fixes

Guess whose kicked off the coffin lid :pflag

Couldn't access the Build Bugs subforum, so thought I'd ask here, if you don't mind, Morgan.

Just reinstalled the game and the Build 14 Beta 2.1 mod last night. Tried it this morning and encountered two odd bugs.

1) It seems the x1-x3 speed modifier key is broken, as once you speed up, you can't slow down again. It also gives me x10-x30 speed instead. Very odd.

2) The game tends to jump and freeze on the main menu while in-game, trapping you there and forcing you to restart if you want to continue playing. I tested a few things and the only notable POSSIBLE connection seems to be with accessing the options menu while in-game [I encountered this bug while trying to figure out what the speed control keys were to try and fix bug #1]. However, it DOES have a measure of randomness as well, as once or twice it just seemed to F1 on me for no clear reason, freezing me there until I shut down the game.
Ahoy there! hopefuly I can be of some help:
1) the controls were changed, r is speed up, and g is slow down
2) this is a known bug with the options menu, never had it happen to me randomly though:confused:
1. Already answered.
2. "New Game" only works when you just started the game. "Resume" is disabled when you open the Options menu.
I know this is annoying, but this is to prevent worse bugs that we have been unable to figure out why they happen.
Cheers, mates. That was a lot of help. Any chance the control menu will be updated with the next patch, so that issue #1 is resolved for those of us unaware of the control change?

as for #2: So once you access the options menu while already having loaded a save, you are invariably forced to restart? Or am I misunderstanding?
1. Good call; I'll change that. Does "Time compression UP" and "Time compression DOWN" sound clear to you or can we do better?

2. Indeed. Workaround: make a save prior to opening the Options menu and you can reload that save afterwards.

1) To find out which buttons do what go to POTC--->program--->controls--->defaultcontrols.h. You can also change them there.

2) If you want to go from the game to "options", save then exit to options, then start from your last save.
@ Pieter: That sounds perfect, IMO.

@ Hylie/Pieter: Thanks for the advice about the work around. That's likely what I'll end up doing. As for the defaultcontrols.h, I think I'll avoid fiddling with things that can be broken. I'm infamous for decombobulating such things :p

@ Morgan: Apologies for hijacking your topic, mate. Your next mug of rum is on me :p
Since i reckon you can't really find good music for the game unless you've got your sources, i thought i'd post this thing:

i use it for shops and taverns right now, but it's good for spanish towns as well. Period piece.
Well, i was thinking of getting my hands on the FTP again so i can update it. I also finally found where the portugese soundtrack is, but i lack appropriate music, so i'm hesitant to call the music pack finished. The music itself has recieved some minor updates though. Also, it uses the original music_standard file now, so i'll include it for convenience sake, although it's not strictly neccesary anymore.
Well, if you need help compiling it into a pack, let me know. Point me at the music bands most likely to have fitting music and I'll try my hand at it when I have time. Could then put it up on MegaUpload or some such site.
We are using DropBox now which is 2GB for free. Check out the downloads section at the top of the page.
The FTP is still there though; or at least, a few days ago it was.
I don't have any bands or composers for the spanish and portugese towns. That's the issue.
Hm. I'll look into it then. May have to put it off till next week though. College work and such has occupied my time till then.
I'm beginning to suspect the enableflags mod check is not working. I'll need some help with this, and it shouldn't even be that hard. Try sailing into a port under a false flag (NOT your own), go on land with some crewmembers (not officers) speak to a group of pirates (They're not ordinary pirate citizens. Their character skins should be quite distinctive) and see if they utter these lines:

"I'll teach you to play pirate and stab us in the back. Here's to showing how REAL pirates do battle! Get him lads!",
"Oh, rats!",

It might take a few tries to get them, since they've got random chance of being selected. There are some other things they might say, but those are the lines i'm looking for specifically. You don't get them if you've got the enableflags mod disabled.
I've got a potential fix here for the pirate group dialogue. Should you choose to install this, the lines i asked you to look for in the previous post should be:

"Hiding under some foreign flag won't help you Captain, we hunt everyone!",
"Oh, rats!",

This particular fix is not yet in beta 2.2.


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