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Need Help Sound Mod Issue?


Hello everyone. I'm new here and I wanna say beforehand that I really admire the dedication to the game and mod you all have. It's not often that you'd see people turn a movie tie-in game from 2003 into one of the best pirate simulators on the market today, and I think that's wonderful. It's like a deeper version of Sid Meier's Pirates! which kept me (and my grandpa who was happy to watch) glued to the screen for days on end as a kid. Anyway, on to the brass tacks, as it were:

The mod is excellent in pretty much all respects save one (in my opinion): The vanilla sound FX during battle. One thing that AC: Black Flag did really well for all its arcadey-ness was its sounds. It sounded hectic, frantic, and frenetic. The Black Sails series did this really well too, as did Master and Commander, etc. To that end, I started working on a sound mod for personal use using a hodgepodge of sounds I took from other games and TV series. The cannons, for instance, sound a lot better. I took sounds from the Napoleonic Total War 3 mod for Napoleon: Total War, and now the cannons sound nice, robust, and throaty. However, I hit a roadblock when it came to editing the crew's responses during battle. The voice for striking up and striking down the sails (our dear Edward Kenway, now you can imagine he's your navigator/boatswain!) works perfectly and fits in nicely with the soundscape--a lot better than the dry vanilla delivery. However, I ran into an issue with the gunner's voice. When he gives the command to fire and reload the cannons, no sound plays. I know it's not a problem with my base mod install, as when I replaced my sound files with the ones that came with the mod, it started playing again. I think the core of my issue comes from the audio bitrate, as my files and the vanilla files have differing numbers. That being said, the files that work also have differing numbers, so I'm not sure why it chose to play some and not others. I'm also extremely new to the mod and don't have the cumulative years of experience working with the engine that the community has, so I'm asking for help. I'm gonna try and upload the folder and if anyone could spare the time and take a look, I'd be much obliged and indebted. Plus I wanna release the mod to the community, but I'd want it be complete, ya know? Anyway, here's hoping I figured out how to upload this correctly:

Backup Google Drive link in case I messed up: RESOURCE.zip

Thanks, me hearties(? Still learning to speak pyrate).


  • RESOURCE.zip
    5.2 MB · Views: 145
Ahoy there @Mazioman and welcome to the crew! :cheers

Thank you for your kind remarks; I'm very happy you enjoy the work we've done here together.

And even more awesome you immediately want to pitch in!
Much appreciated indeed. :bow

I know the game engine can be quite picky about what sound files it'll accept.
Some sounds have actually been known to outright crash the game.
Pure silence though is a new one to me...

Maybe @Jack Rackham can help?
He has quite some experience convincing custom sounds to work in the game. :doff
Listening to those files in VLC, often I can't hear the voice clearly above the background sounds; sometimes I can't hear a voice at all.

The new "CannonReload" files seem to be at the start of the reloading procedure whereas the existing versions seem to indicate when reloading is complete.

I've had pure silence when trying to import a sound file too, and there's a message in "system.log" saying that the sound file can't be played. So the file in question would need to be converted to a format which the game will accept. These new gunner voices might also be better if they were made louder, preferably as loud as existing ones. "gunner_fire.wav" in particular would be useful if it were as loud as the existing file, as that existing file seems to say "Forward".
Well I like the old gunner_fire and gunner_warning sounds. That's why I included them ages ago.
I have used them in my quest so if you change them it will not be as I wanted.
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Well I like the old gunner_fire and gunner_warning sounds. That's why I included them ages ago.
I have used them in my quest so if you change them it will not be as I wanted.

Thankfully so far we have pretty much always found a way to give to each their own.
I'm sure in this case, we can do the same again.

Adding a bit of variety to our current sounds isn't so bad anyway.
And adding in some content from Black Flag might get certain people interested in our work again. :cheeky