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Bug Specific Weird BuildingSet Effects


Find(Rum) = false;
Staff member
Creative Support
Storm Modder
There are some graphical glitches in the game. I don't know for sure if they can be fixed. but if they can that would be nice.
The first one is on grand cayman in the port.
The second one is on barbedos on the added part to the town there.
There are more and I will make a screenshot of them and post them. Is there a way I can get coördinates or something like that? that would probally make showing them easier.


  • glitch1.png
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  • glitch2.png
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Yep, that's BuildingSet for sure. Other than switching off that mod, I don't see an easy way of keeping those buildings, but making it appear better.
Might be possible to move that Barbados building a bit though. A palm tree through a building is indeed quite odd. :facepalm

Edit: By the way, I changed the title of this thread to prevent confusion with the "graphical anomalies" that occur sometimes due to the flags mod.
okay, I understand. But moving them could probally fix most of the glitches, and I guess moving them isn't that hard?
I will keep an eye out for them at least and maybe some of them can be fixed by moving a building a little bit.

It's not possible to for example remove that palm tree in the second screenshot?
BuildingSet buildings aren't actually buildings; they're blades and guns attached to stationary characters, as weird as that may sound.
That allows them to be placed anywhere. But editing the actual location model files isn't so easy.

It must be one of these lines in PROGRAM\Reinit.c that places that tree-mansion:
    Build_at("Oxbay_suburb", "mansion", "", 64.3, 14.0, -14.4, -0.5, "building");
     Build_at("Oxbay_suburb", "mansion", "", 51.0, 14.0, 12.0, -2.9, "building");
    Build_at("Greenford_suburb", "mansion", "", -24.8, 0.0, 55.5, 1.8, "building");
Not sure which of the three though.
Those numbers are the X,Y,Z coordinates and the angle at which it is generated.

In PROGRAM\console.c change switch(1) to switch(2) . Now when you press F12 in the game, you'll get the player location and coordinates shown on the screen.
This can be used also to find a better spot for these buildings.
I'm still new to this but reading into the mod now and trying some things.
But for example the extra part for oxbay is put onto a location which has still quite some vegatation.
It's possible to change these locations right? I could just make a copy of it. convert it to a file which can be read by my 3d modeller and change it so the vegatation is gone and safe it again as another location and keep all the locators etc.
Then I could set it to this location in the c file so it get loaded.
Or am I missing something?
I'm getting all the tools now and probally will try some things soon.
Armada is the only one here who has ever done location modifying. It's rather a lot of work and it hardly ever goes smoothly.
If we can solve it by moving the buildings a few yards, that'd be much simpler.
Did I ever tell you I like challenges? This wouldn't be the first game I managed things which where deemed impossible ;).
But indeed you are right. lets first try simpeler fixes and then we can see for better fixes later.
I will try to fix these glitches etc soon.
Another glitch. This time its on saints martin (Philipsburg).
Also buildmod it seems. Will try to fix it later. Just gathering them all here in case someone else wants to do it first.


  • glitch3.png
    429.5 KB · Views: 84
LOL! I don't think that shipyard model was ever intended to go down quite that deep. :rofl

Did I ever tell you I like challenges? This wouldn't be the first game I managed things which where deemed impossible ;).
Eeexcellent! I always love it when people manage things that were thought to be impossible. :dance