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strange beta 2.1 crash


Storm Modder
ahoy !

i play beta 2.1 of course but a strange thing happens, every battle started result of a crash of engine.exe

i can board a ship, hit a townsman, a guard, make any fight, it will always crash o_O

i made 2 tests with all logs allowed

1st i make the cheat about the french invasion (9 key) in oxbay after starting the standard storyline

(=> error.log , system.log , compile.log)

2nd only killed a townsman and started moving to another in oxbay after starting the standard storyline

(=> atak_error.log , atak_system.log , atak_compile.log)

seems the same bug in both test (when i compare the 2 error.log)

what do to, to fix that ? :(


  • atak_compile.log
    3.5 KB · Views: 71
  • atak_error.log
    296 bytes · Views: 88
  • atak_system.log
    1,012 bytes · Views: 77
  • compile.log
    3.3 KB · Views: 78
  • error.log
    296 bytes · Views: 80
  • system.log
    1,012 bytes · Views: 68
damn i cant play i search somethings but i really dont know where it come from :modding

edit1: tested in master and commander storyline, fight seems working, i think the bug happens only in standard storyline

edit2: strange... it works everywhere now, i continue testing to see where the bug come from, i think it can be the sword period (when using a sword which shouldnt be in that storyline, is that possible ?)

edit3: ok im total lost now all works and i have not changed anything :shrug anyway lets set sail and see :sail
It started off with ctd in combat, then later it is ok? It healed itself! :bow

Yes, having a weapon that is not supposed to be in that time period will ctd the game. It will also cause people to walk around with no weapons at all.
ok so the cause is surely the weapons (i made one of each sword in my starting char so if i use an outperiod weapon it will make melee crash, damnit i will have to check in detail what i can and what i cant)

now the problem is totally new... no videos of the french squadron, no story start after leaving oxbay -_-0 i will test f11 but im affraid if it modifies the "bothreaction", "initmodel", "internalsetting" or the controls...

EDIT: ok found, the crash were probably from the swords out of the golden age of piracy period, i will change my starting weapons anyway :) it generated some random crazy bug in storyline but restarting the game made the things ok

ah my dear POTC always love to play with me to answer when i love playing it :)

(i was sure teh weapons period had to make me sad but i never expected crash like that lol)
where to find each storyline time period (including date for comparing) ? still searching but im really loosing too much time :-/ im sure i read it some days ago but cant find è_é

edit: another question: does the weapons of a storyline stay only in the storyline or can be in another ? how to see it ?
Here is a link to a long thread about period weapons. I was only involved as far as bug testing, so do not know any details about what is in Beta 2.1. http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/12575-period-weapons/page__view__findpost__p__394469
Here is a link to a long thread about period weapons. I was only involved as far as bug testing, so do not know any details about what is in Beta 2.1. http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/12575-period-weapons/page__view__findpost__p__394469

thanks but that post is old and was the start of the idea

anyway i found in inititem how each weapon works, im making my own list to have a better view and compare with each storyline, especially the standard because atm i mainly play in it

the good point is that if you meet a sword/pistol in an early age you continue to see it in the other storyline which takes place after the one where the weapon appear (some exeption but well... not a prob i not all thing)

thanks for your time to answer :doff
I found this PDF file dated 11-09-11 in Pieter's files on the FTP. It should help you some. Sulan was the last one working on the period weapons mod until real life got in the way.
thanks, but its already enough explained in inititem i can easily read code, especially that one from beta 2 cause all things were rewritten really well ;)

EDIT: hmmmm the crash still there at each fight i want to do, the other npc are not bugged ? the bodyguards can have an outperiod weapon ? i relly dont get it now, perhaps the "min level" for a weapons i noticed ?
bug finally found: the bodyguards who follow you on land have a melee bug, idk why atm but i continue analysing the bug, it was not me hurray !!!! so now i must check my bodyguard if he has an authorized weapon or something like that, really strange anything was changed about bodyguards in the beta 2 ???? about weapons period ? no one else have this strange bug ???? :modding

EDIT: :modding :modding :modding

screen: this strange thing is in every bodyguard hired in tavern, the ones from the quests havent it and have no bug, that item is there to replace an invalid item, but i really dont see why every random tavern hired bodyguards have it ????????????

i saw that other players noticed it, any explanation ? cause i really dont know where to search to fix that :(

:modding :modding :modding :modding :modding :modding :modding :modding
The papers on your screen are an error. I have seen that in the past. In my install the bottom row is ok, but every item in the top row says "error". There is something wrong with that interface but I do not know what.
i know what the papers are i met them before when i was testing some code or else. but i really dont know what it does inside each bodyguards "hired out of quest", seems that the beta 2.1 will have this bug until a modder make a fix or give me the tip to fix it

all the rest of bugs in game are minor bug at the moment that i will notice perhaps later when i wont have the bodyguard bug è_é :urgh :modding :modding :urgh

edit: we cant enter nevis cause when nigel blythe join us it make crashes too... really need a fix :-/