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the game wont start?

I'm sorry but I don't see what could be done else. Using my engine.ini, did you get a system.log, compile.log and perhaps an error.log ? (created by the game in your AoP2 folder, near the engine.ini).


  • System.JPG
    71.9 KB · Views: 223
If it isnt working with everything that Philippe has given you Im afraid it probably wont

A question though... do you have fffdshow on your computer
I've never used ffdshow since I wiped my computer last, it causes more problems than it solves.

But, yes, the game has actually created those log files now. It didn't before... the error.log file is missing though. Progress! :shock


  • compile.log
    1.7 KB · Views: 223
  • system.log
    12.9 KB · Views: 207
Wow it looks like your entire resource folder is not working :shock

Yeah, I gather that from reading those logs... on investigation, the resource folders are, in fact, utterly empty. (Edit: Correction, only the models and textures folders are empty. Subfolders are there, just no files at all.) :eek:k This is definitely something I didn't think to check for. I don't know, corrupted archive on the disk...?

I'm not sure there is anything I can do besides use a torrent to get the missing files...

I'm blind. Found a bunch of ".tga.tx" files in the textures folder. Total 32Mb, probably only a small part of what should be there.
i found this entrys in your dxdiag:

DDraw Test Result: Not run
D3D7 Test Result: Not run
D3D8 Test Result: Not run
D3D9 Test Result: Not run

is the direct draw accalator, the direct3d and so activated? if not try to activate it. (on my old XP computer its activated). you can activate this with dxdiag.
Wow it looks like your entire resource folder is not working :shock

Wow there must be a reason why those files are been blocked, i can upload the resource folder for you it will take a while perhaps all day.

Update, i just found some links for you i will pm them to you, hopefully you will get what you need from them. :onya

If what toxic-nova suggests to do doesn't work then i'm thinking maybe your video card is faulty it should be compatable, in your config setup MFC config file is post processing on or off? if on try turning it off. Also never tried but if safe mode is not activated try activating that for the record safe mode and post processing are both off for me.
Hey, the game can't start cause there's practically no files on the HDD. Even files.gm are missing. Surely a bad DVD.

I'm blind. Found a bunch of ".tga.tx" files in the textures folder. Total 32Mb, probably only a small part of what should be there.

The textures folder should be 2,88 Go
A bad batch of discs by the sounds of it, no wounder your game won't start lol, all those TGA files missing is bad news. I wouldn't put it past the programs folder to be missing some files too then. Did you say you installed the game from the disc? or did you transfer the content over to your HDD and then install from there?
I had the same issue when I installed the game from disk the first time. I've run the dxdiag tests, all of them passed.

Anyway, thanks for all the help. I doubt I would have ever found the problem on my own. :onya
Got a looooong download ahead of me.

Edit: No issues at all after installing from a torrent. Thanks again! :sail
Hi Guys ! I had the same problem on windows vista. I had tweaked the seadogs.c file to alter the timescale. When I saw it didn't accelerate me at sea I put the original file back and then the game wouldn't start. I solved this problem using all 3 files Philippe uploaded. Works fine now. Thanks Philippe ! So anyone who has this problem just try this solution. However texts, menus, and dialogs have now been swtiched to french. Could someone please upload his english dialogs/text files ? It would be much appreciated.