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Time for FTP's to go bye bye


Raping the Horses and Stealing the Women!
Staff member
Some time ago I made a post about the public FTP's going down and that everyone should back them up and so on so when I do delete them you will still have your info. I hope everyone did that, if not you will have up to the weekend to do so and from there they will all be gone.


I suggest everyone use either Dropbox or Skydrive and then post links on the forum. It's alot cleaner to do it this way :)


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Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we keep the Build FTP in downsized shape? I need an FTP server for uploading to the ModDB!
Pieter, I can have a ftp for final builds which can be admin'd by you.

Would that be ok?
That sounds OK to me. All I need is a temporary storage from which I can upload by HTTP link to the ModDB.
I think I've backed up what I needed to my SkyDrive folder, and the rest is in the PA public Dropbox, so I'm good to go.

Pieter: You should be able to use HTTP links from a public Dropbox folder with no issues, in the same way as an FTP (see the Build FTP back-up on Dropbox). Are you sure an FTP is absolutely necessary?
Have you been able to upload to the ModDB from a Dropbox link? I just tried and it failed. There are probably Dropbox security measures in place preventing direct file access.
I haven't tried uploading anything to ModDB from Dropbox, nor SkyDrive for that matter.

I just tried using an example from the public Dropbox, and admittedly I couldn't find a way to make it work.
However, I did managed to succeed with a SkyDrive link, but only after 'cheating the system', in a way.
I started downloading a file and was able to copy the direct download link (e.g: https://orzy4a.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pvf8nlcvukWU0hzIMEHYzDUVcpKYb74T6RBqc_8wfKKWcOFM2s_sEdXvvKUxL__VgJ1UBxwDkc5AWidwduBozvg/Locators Tutorial.pdf?download&psid=1). That alone doesn't work, but once I deleted the "?download&psid=1", it DID work for each file I tried.
The same method doesn't work for Dropbox files, unfortunately. There might be a way around if you have a Dropbox account, but I'm not familiar with it.

EDIT: Bugger. Apparently SkyDrive's direct links change every day, so they're not as permanent as I thought.
I'll have a look around and see if there's a similar service which provides permanent direct links to files.

EDIT 2: Aha! Try this quick step-by-step guide: http://www.ehow.com/how_8316162_url-file-dropbox.html
You need to have a Dropbox account and a Public folder set up, and apparently you CAN attain a PERMANENT URL which links directly to a file. :dance

I also checked Google Drive out of interest, but like SkyDrive, its direct URLs are only temporary.
How stupid is that. :rolleyes:
To be honest, that sounds like a lot of trouble to me while keeping a smaller FTP just for uploads would sort it properly.
It'd only need to be about 2 GB big, though ideally a bit larger, say 5 GB or so. More than that is not required.
Just so I can upload a file, submit to the ModDB, then remove the file again. Temporary storage.
Would it be possible to backup everything on the FTP server to Dropbox again? As it is now some things won't work if downloaded from Dropbox, such as Build 12.1 and TOOL.
Actually I'm with Pieter, if it's confusing then people simply won't get it which defeats the point of putting it up.

Baste, yeah I'll be doing a new backup tonight of everything :)
Just having a look at something in the alternative field.


Installing that could solve the issue of file security, files can be shared amongst groups etc..

Any thoughts?
I have just recently started having troubles with Dropbox. It is now a complex process getting anything in there, and their support has not been too uh supportive. It could be that their lack of security is the problem and my stuff shut them down.
I just had a quick look around owncloud, that looks very promising Keith, especially since it is open source! I'll download it and check it out in detail this weekend.

We definitely need a secure place to store files, and I think over the past couple of months Dropbox has proven that it is not a permanent solution.
Well further to the cloud question, I have installed it on the PA! server.


There are a number of addons available also which has made it a little easier to use. So far works pretty well. The addons are easy to install (almost automatic). I'm having a quick look around for an addon to make the public links a bit more user friendly though.

Please join up on it and give it a whirl
To highlight my meaning about the ftp's. I'm doing a backup of the COAS folder and so far i'm up to 60+ gig!! with much more to go.

I've also noticed that a number of the files have been doubled up, these are like 2 gig files themselves. So it's all pretty inefficient at the moment.
It appears to be working, but I have no login, it doesn't accept my forum login and I see no place to register one.
Well that's a bit of an oversight, to be honest I didnt even look for that option I presumed it would be there automatically.

Apparently each user needs to be created by the admin. That sort of kills it a bit.
Yeah, that is a bit of a disappointment, that one was really looking quite promising too. It could still be useful for some things though, even if it is a bit of a PITA.
Would it be possible for the moderators, like Pieter and Armada, to create an account for each user? That way you wouldn't need to create every account. Maybe creating accounts requires webmaster access and thus it wouldn't be possible.
I can't even access "cloud.piratesahoy.net" at the moment; it gives an SQL error. :unsure
It sounds like a potential solution, which would at least keep everyone's content in one place again.
However, if the public links are dodgy or even temporary, that's a bit of a pain, just like with some of the big cloud services.