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Cannot Confirm Treasure? Not so much.


Storm Modder
I am 0 for 6 on Treasure quests in the most recent version. That seems a little unreasonable.

Also no pirates attacked at White Reefs on the Turks treasure quest for the ship wreck.


  • -=Player=- Turks. Wreckage shore.rar
    718.4 KB · Views: 104
I was 1-8 in my last game and kind of concerned, but in this latest game I am 5-8 in treasure quests and am awash in cash. I don't know why this is but it is.
The opinion on whether treasure quests are OK or not seems to shift back and forth.
In this case, I know for absolute certain no relevant code was touched in months.
So either it has been bad all this time or it is actually still fine.

My personal suspicion is that the reason is simply because of the random element being its usual random self.
If there is a 1 in 10 chance of treasure, that doesn't mean there is a treasure once every ten times.
Only if you search, say, 1000 treasures with those odds, you should find that approximately 100 of the chests have something in it.

But it is totally possible for you to be truly unlucky much longer than the odds themselves would suggest.
Or truly LUCKY. That is possible too and that is why people bother gambling at all.

Each new treasure quest is generated independently from the last.
There should be no "memory effect" of any sort.

Might that be able to explain it?

Out of curiosity, do you ever still find treasure twice in the same spot?
That definitely used to be possible and that is the only thing I could imagine that may be different now.

If that is indeed still the case, then I can't think of anything that may be wrong here.
Though the appearance of treasure based on an arbitrary "luck" skill does seem somewhat odd to me.
Would anyone consider it an improvement to make it 100% random instead?
That luck / sneak skill covers a wide variety of situations, some of which might be genuine luck and some of which might be based on actual skill in dealing with people. In this case, getting a genuine treasure map might be a matter of spotting whether the person trying to sell it to you genuinely has something or is trying to sell you a fake. There's no way in actual gameplay to do that, so let it remain covered by the skill.

Maybe add in a calculation based on how long it took you to get there? Because the quicker you get to the site, the less chance there is that someone else got to it before you...
The treasure is put in place (or not) at the time you get the map.
Getting there happens later.

Only way to do what you suggest is to add an "expiration mechanic" to the treasure quests.
But that would just make it less likely to find anything.
The opinion on whether treasure quests are OK or not seems to shift back and forth.
In this case, I know for absolute certain no relevant code was touched in months.
So either it has been bad all this time or it is actually still fine.

My personal suspicion is that the reason is simply because of the random element being its usual random self.
If there is a 1 in 10 chance of treasure, that doesn't mean there is a treasure once every ten times.
Only if you search, say, 1000 treasures with those odds, you should find that approximately 100 of the chests have something in it.

But it is totally possible for you to be truly unlucky much longer than the odds themselves would suggest.
Or truly LUCKY. That is possible too and that is why people bother gambling at all.

Each new treasure quest is generated independently from the last.
There should be no "memory effect" of any sort.

Might that be able to explain it?

Out of curiosity, do you ever still find treasure twice in the same spot?
That definitely used to be possible and that is the only thing I could imagine that may be different now.

If that is indeed still the case, then I can't think of anything that may be wrong here.
Though the appearance of treasure based on an arbitrary "luck" skill does seem somewhat odd to me.
Would anyone consider it an improvement to make it 100% random instead?

In my last previous game I was getting treasure in the same spots spots.

Ok Random it is.
In my last previous game I was getting treasure in the same spots spots.
Thanks for confirming that.
Then you've probably had an unlucky spell for a while.
Things should pick up for you eventually. :doff