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Fixed Unable to find battling fleets after dropping out of world map

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
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i just post here to refer to my detailed post (same version as hylie) http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-progress.20686/page-95#post-470814

i also add that the problem depends also "when" you start the encounter, it seems that when you are exactly on the ship/between the 2 ships in war, it works good, but if you encounter early (when you see the icon in the screen corner), it does the problem

for full worldmap players, it can be a serious issue (im not one of them)

hope it will help
Please mention if you are on Realistic/Arcade and/or have Open Sea Mod ON/OFF. That is probably relevant.

Has anyone tried putting the Beta 3.0 NK.c values back yet?
What I did was look at them in Winmerge and the only values changed have nothing to do with spawn distances.
It is the only code that I know has recently been touched and that I can think could be related to this.
Can't think of anything else at all.
Well I put one dated 11-12-13 in and so far have gotten into two battles so far. It seems to help but does not put things back like they have always been.
Here it is if someone else wants to try it.


  • NK.7z
    15.8 KB · Views: 167
Oh. The NK.c goes in POTC--->progam. It is a good idea to rename or move the one that is in there now first.

So far in 3 out of 4 attempts I found the fleets close by but I was always on the wrong side of the battle meaning I got little or no help. The last battle ended when I was boarded by a Centurion and slaughtered.
Either I am getting better at placing my icon on the world map before entering or this NK.C is helping some. But it is still not as good as it used to be. Something else is also messed up.
Ahoy Hylie,

Yes, it is helping to an extent. I did land in the middle of a battle between two large groups, took one, then everyone of the French was rest to neutral. Also it is no improvement when you try engage from the world map with a vessel(s) not in combat.
So is the file NK.c the only thing that affects going from the map to ship encounters or are there other pieces of code elsewhere?
There has to be other code somewhere else. I had very bad luck in finding battling fleets today.
Well, I have beta three on my laptop so if we could figure out where it is we might copy and past it into this version.
It seems we will have to wait until Levis can look into this. He and Pieter would know where to look.
A lot of the confirmed bugs we find will probably not be fixed until either Levis or Pieter get back. Or another code guru turns up. :shrug
Someone could do a WinMerge between Beta 3 and Beta 3.1. That isn't so difficult.
There aren't many huge differences between the two if I recall.
Adding my two cents.

Sometimes when you join battles via world map no battle is initiated. I understand a random chance of missing the action is nice but it tends to be based on how long it takes for you to press the yes button.

It may be just like when the crew demands wages screen, in that your ship keeps moving. Not 100% sure if this happen in stock POTC, I never remember it being like that.
This is a new thing. The battle is there......somewhere. If one is lucky the ships are in sight but usually I do not know where they are and can not see them.

Hmm a thought. I wonder if "sail to" would show where they are?