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Solved Unable to travel/move after capturing Speightstown


Storm Modder
Hey guys, :doff

Having a little trouble again. I am playing Beta 2.5 and I have two bugged saves which I made after capturing Speightstown. The thread title refers to the second.

In the first save I "talked to the trees" before talking to the fort commander which resulted in a bandit ambush (icon flashing red, but can't draw sword and can't talk to anyone or activate any doors).

In the second I talked to the commander and took the money and was able to walk around a bit but after exiting the town and re-entering it I can't move the character except with the sidestep buttons and can't look around except up and down in a very limited fashion.

My question is can either be "fixed" so I can continue playing from this save? As I had made the mistake of only using autosave much time would be lost.

I've uploaded both saves in 7-zip format and the system.log for the second save.


  • save.7z
    547.5 KB · Views: 97
  • system.log
    38.6 KB · Views: 118
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Try executing this line through console to get moving again:
LAi_SetPlayerType(pchar);     // If you end up stuck, unable to move
For the next release, I'm having that functionality on F12 by default.
void ExecuteConsole()
   ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
   if (!bSeaActive) ref lcn = &Locations[FindLocation(pchar.location)];
   ref ch;
   int i;
   int limit;
Excellent! It should help once Beta 3 is out with that code on F12 by default.
That and the boarding reload one. So get stuck? Press F12! :cheeky
I think those particular instances are the first time I hear it, but getting stuck unable to move does happen more frequently.
Happens when some quest code fails to work properly and you're left standing there as ActorType instead of PlayerType.