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Included in Build Unrecognized Text in Questbook!


Shamshir in the Dark!
Storm Modder
Using Build 14 Beta 3.4
I got this in one of the missions. I believe can be fixed...


  • un1.png
    762.1 KB · Views: 375
Please open the file named "options" in your main game folder with Notepad or such, then have a look at the bottom.
I strongly suspect that one has become corrupted. If so, delete it.
That problem has persisted for ages. I don't know if there is now a fix for that though.

Please open the file named "options" in your main game folder with Notepad or such, then have a look at the bottom.
I strongly suspect that one has become corrupted. If so, delete it.
@HellSailor Says It's been there for years! So It isn't options problem! I looked at my options! Everything is fine there...
Well, technically, since I first played this game, that is, Beta 3.1, there were these problems. That was... Two years ago,
@HellSailor: Do those problems always occur at the same points for the same quests? From what I recall, this issue is completely random.
Which matches with the "options" file problem which is also completely random.
I seem to remember running into that problem before and indeed deleting the "options" file solved it.
That problem is very random; you don't know when it can happen. It can happen in some kind of quests, like... Helping the tailor/shipyard/blacksmith/gunsmith of X island.
@HellSailor Says It's been there for years! So It isn't options problem! I looked at my options! Everything is fine there...
Based on HellSailor's latest posts, I still suspect it IS the options file problem. We've had that for many years as well and none of our attempts to fix it have ever fully managed to get rid of it.
Probably some sort of garbage accumulating in the engine which ends up cropping up in completely random spots. :facepalm
And it isn't really harming the game! Just a visual problem :)
I thought it might be useful to report it.
If it's random, there's nothing to do about it then!
Here's my options file!
I don't see any problems! So it's the garbage theory then!


  • options.txt
    10.5 KB · Views: 391
I also found another quest with unrecognized text today lol
Ignoring from now on! :cheeky
Here's a "consistent" example from beta 4 gold bug. The save is just before finding a last shell
by a rock forward to the right
which on picking it up generates a questbook entry with garbage on the end - but always the same garbage. for me. Reload saved game , cleared options, etc same response. The quest profile jumps from free play to gold bug on loading the game and any further save is in the revised game type (ie saves in goldbug folder not freeplay). - I'm not suggesting that is relevant to the questbook behaviour - just an observation of how it behaves. I too had previously flagged questbook entry end garbage in 3.4.


  • -=gold bug=- Barbados.7z
    435.1 KB · Views: 291
I think I know what causes this problem, but for now I don't find it important enough... remind me off it again when other things seem to work again :).
Well this is how the questbook entries work:

When a questbook entry has to be posted the game checks a object in its memory to see which quest is loaded. If the right quest is loaded already it will find the entry as an attribute and posts this.
If the quest is different it will load the right quest text file and load the entrys as attributes and then posts the right one.

I think what is happening is the object not being removed right and/or the attributes not being removed right. So a new entry is loaded at an attribute which used to be longer in length then it is now and when this is posted it will have some gibberish on the end because the size doesn't compute.
Or the textfile in which it is saved is read binary and there is some gibberish at the end of the line which isn't shown in a text editor but is present.
Or the textfile in which it is saved is read binary and there is some gibberish at the end of the line which isn't shown in a text editor but is present.
If that is the case, it should happen every single time for specific quest entries, right?