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Fixed Update Citizen Dialogs

Cool! Then just that Jack Sparrow one and putting missing citizen characters back in the locations.
Ahh.. forgot about that .. hmm do you want to guide the player right to the tavern or do you want to get him a hint that he can ask citizens?
Ahh.. forgot about that .. hmm do you want to guide the player right to the tavern or do you want to get him a hint that he can ask citizens?
Whatever you like.
Though Jack Sparrow will probably be played by people who may not have the same patience that Hornblower players might have. ;)
Storyteller dialog updated, will look into Oranjestedt in the next few minutes


  • Storyteller_dialog.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 91
Oranjestad dialog should already be good; @Grey Roger did that already. ;)

So that just leaves checking the character init files to put all the citizens back on the streets. :woot
Don't know if I can manage to finish this one today.. but I will at least test if citizens show up at all in Oranjestedt
I only get Bartolomeu's latest update tomorrow as well. Same probably goes for whatever Levis manages to fix tonight. So no worries there. :doff
Uhm.. what exactly got changed in Oranjestedt? Anyway, citizens and their dialogs are correct ;) So that just leaves:

Havana, Santiago, Santo Domingo: No citizens downtown

Tortuga: Add a few more, since the location got waay bigger
Only Oranjestad port was changed. There used to be only a pier there.
Here are my versions of the updated Havana and Santo Domingo citizen dialogues, as promised. The Havana citizen has a mean sense of humour... As well as revised directions, I amended a couple of other details. If you ask about the store keeper or tavern owner, you don't get the answers copied from St. Pierre any more. And the citizens now know that there is something else on the island. ;) Also, the Santo Domingo citizen would previously, if asked about a blacksmith, suggest that you visit the one in Port au Prince. As Port au Prince has no blacksmith either, I was tempted to be evil and change the Port au Prince citizen to suggest that you visit the one in Santo Domingo. But I decided to be nice and have the Santo Domingo citizen send you somewhere else.

I had a look at Tortuga and the directions there seem fine, apparently courtesy of Jack Rackham. In particular, the directions to the tavern are fine - in fact, now I think about it, that's probably how I found the tavern the first time I visited the new Tortuga in a previous game!

There's a problem with the dialogue files I looked at, and probably all of them. If you ask about the colony in general, one of the answers can be "We have a population of ". The file then contains "citizens.", implying that there's supposed to be code somewhere which will supply the population data. It never does, so you only get the first part of the sentence. If someone can tell me what the populations of each colony should be as a fixed number, I can at least edit the files to give a complete answer there.


  • Havana citizen_dialog.zip
    3.5 KB · Views: 92
  • SantoDomingo citizen_dialog.zip
    3.5 KB · Views: 97
I thought Port au Prince had/has a blacksmith?

The game should pick the population from somewhere else, I will take a quick look..
I did not think Port au Prince had a blacksmith, but since I happened to be on Hispaniola anyway, I went to check. If you ask a citizen there about a blacksmith, you get the answer "We have a blacksmith? That's the first time I heard about that. Let me know if you have found him." My thought exactly. :D
Well maybe I had a funny day when I wrote those dialogs :D But sounds good to me :D

anyway, I think the part about the population in the .c file is ok, but it doesn't get mentioned in the .h file, if I see it right.. But I am sure that it worked at some point after I did all those dialogs the first time.. Well, to be honest, it isnt that important is it^^
The population of towns can change over time. If you tell me which files are supposed to mention it, perhaps I can check it.
I know there are some towns out there that do display it properly and I remember making some adjustments for it when Pillat did his previous dialogs.
So we still need to have the various citizens' locators check and adjusted, right?
The population of towns can change over time. If you tell me which files are supposed to mention it, perhaps I can check it.
The citizen dialogues for Santo Domingo and Havana, for a start. I know because those are the citizens I interrogated mercilessly to check that my dialogue upgrades were working. And because those are the dialogue files I examined in detail when I was writing said upgrades. Since chunks of those appeared to have been copied straight from other dialogues, especially the St. Pierre one, it's a good bet that other dialogues are going to have the same problem, especially the St. Pierre one.

Out of interest, do you know the current population of your home town? Accurately, that is? Or perhaps to the nearest 100? Because the average citizen of a 17th century town probably didn't know the exact population. So it would probably suffice to have a permanent statement that "The population of Santo Domingo is about 400", or whatever the correct figure ought to be. Unless disasters such as slave revolt, earthquake, or me in the Sovereign of the Sea can reduce the population drastically...
I always figured that the reason for them mentioning it was because that is the only way for the player to actually know.
Ingame events can change it for sure, so it might give you a clue on whether the town is ready to be raided or something. :shrug
Well maybe I had a funny day when I wrote those dialogs :D But sounds good to me :D
I don't recall seeing a blacksmith in Port au Prince, but if there is one, I'll need to edit the .h file accordingly.

anyway, I think the part about the population in the .c file is ok, but it doesn't get mentioned in the .h file, if I see it right..
It certainly is mentioned in the .h file, right at the end. That's how I found it. The last two lines of dialogue are "We have a population of" and "citizens." The citizen only says the first of those two. Which is why I can offer to put a fixed value there, right after "of". ;)