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Urgent fix required - Galeon5


Pandora's Kitten
Storm Modder
Please see below screenshot - the on deck view is situated below decks by about 5 feet. So if one of you modelling gods may raise the path on deck, it would be much appreciated for Build beta :3

The ship in question is Galeon5 from POTC NH / Build 14


  • ENGINE 2010-01-02 12-10-09-93.jpg
    ENGINE 2010-01-02 12-10-09-93.jpg
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I saw this problem back in B14A7 but since that was model imported from VCO (if I remember correctly) I thought that this is issue of "not to fix" type.

Correction: Galeon5 is not a model from VCO.
We're not fixing the model, modifying it or ripping off someone's code. We're making the ship properly playable so we have a Elizabethian Galleon that once circled the world and preyed on their Spanish counterparts on their voyages of exploration. That is the only intention.

We are releasing a non-profit, open source product, we are doing VCO, and ourselves, a favour by just spending 5 minutes to move a completely invisible (again we are not messing with someone elses' work in bad faith) virtual deck 5 feet upwards on the vertical axis, and that's it.

If no one is going to fix it then direct me to the tools to do it myself; and I will subsequently release it as an independent, 3rd party mod if that will prevent any frayed nerves. I absolutely refuse to release a WBT on 7 Jan 10 with a deliberately buggy ship that is historically significant because yes, why should I go to all that trouble to work on 217 ships at once and I'm stalled by a "it's not my model" thing. If the rest of the 216 ships have first-person decks then this one should, as well.

I'm making this request for help, or information not as anyone affiliated with any game development organisation but someone who wants Build Beta to have a ship inventory that is realistic as possible. I want a yes or no answer on whether anyone can help me with moving some coordinates 5 feet up on the V axis.

And if it's a no then I'm not liable to meet any deadlines for my work until I have my ships fixed.
Oh dear, didn't want to offend anyone and I simply made a mistake - this one was modified by Yo Ho Ho.

There's RESOURCE\MODELS\Ships\Galeon5\Galeon5_path.GM file which should be altered. To do this you'd need to convert it to some other file format which could be read with Maya (for example to .obj with GM Viewer or to VRML with Inez Diaz Tool but I'm not sure if this will work), properly edit it and finally save it back into a .gm file using plugin from Akella which is available somewhere here. The main problem is that only few people besides Russians successfully created a working .gm file, but maybe something have changed in a meantime. I can't help more since I never modeled anything, thus my thoughts that problem is not quite fixable (Yo Ho Ho was great in modeling in my opinion) and what I'm writing here is my stupid guess.

OOPS well I didn't mean to sound that nasty KK - infact none of my ship mods would be possible without you or NK; I was just excited that we have proper historically-based models for Spanish and English galleons. We can recreate a lot of historical battles with these; there were no Ships of the Line in the age of exploration, galleons with demi-cannon up to 32pdrs were the ships of the line.

These ships were night well indestructible according to some accounts:

Pieter: Thanks for the clarification out-of-forum, right now the ship is playable, you can manually target guns from... hanging outside the poop deck or from the bowsprit. It's worth hearing the thunder of her 32pdrs from there :3 (if you have my war galleon variant). There's a fast galleon variant as well with massively reduced topweight, 11.5kts top speed but only 12pdr guns, to counter the infamous Spanish fast galleons.
Pieter: Thanks for the clarification out-of-forum
In case anyone wants to know, this is my clarification of the problem:

It's not easy to fix unless you know how to do it, which I don't. But ZarethPL does.
I think the problem is worse than you think. It's not just the height coordinates of the walk patch,
but she is using the walk patch of another differently shaped ship altogether, because there's no correct walk patch for her.
So a new walk patch would need to be generated.

The ship needs to be re-exported with Maya to get the proper walk patch.
To use another ship's walk patch, you have to export the GM file to VRML,
then re-import with TOOL and it'll ask which ship's walk patch to use.
You then get our famous reverse lighting bug back.
Better try to convince ZarethPL to help fixing it properly. ;)
I would need the ship, i have the combined mod, but i dont know if it's there... the only thing i cant fix (since yet i cant export them) are locators, but the path mesh should not represent any problems...
It's in the PotC Build Mod.
The locators of the ship are good, so that's nothing to worry about.
Just the path mesh.
SWS just sent me the ship, i'll work on it tonight and hopefully tomorrow will be fixed
I shall be looking forward to sailing English galleon vs Spanish galleon, Golden Hind style!
It's fixed by SC;

the model is not perfect (yet) but now you can imagine yourself Sir Francis Drake!


  • ENGINE 2010-01-04 06-40-35-95.jpg
    ENGINE 2010-01-04 06-40-35-95.jpg
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It's in the WBT package I gave you. Galeon5; you should be able to integrate in Beta from there!

Oh you need to put Walk="" for the Galeon5W and 5F so the broken crew walk isn't displayed. For now I'm happy finally having English galleons to play with.
I really don't have the fixed file. Can you please re-upload it somewhere I can find it?
Here you go - senor Chango deployed this after our conversation yesterday.


  • Galeon5_path.zip
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Thanks; that's indeed much, much better! :woot
Too bad you can't actually go on the forward deck, but at least the camera isn't in the middle of the hull anymore! :wacko:
I was saying to SWS via PM, the path mesh is actually modeled to let you go up in the FC, i just cant understand why isn't possible... i'll work on it tonight
That's bizarre. Anyway, it's better than it was, so I'm not complaining. Thanks for your effort. :doff