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Solved was trying to install build 2.5 :/


Sailor Apprentice
Hearts of Oak Donator
after installing intel fix and running runme.bat it said this (runtime error program C:\Users\man\Documents\POTC) abnormal program termination please help
Did you install Build 14 Beta 2.1 Full first? Can you post the compile.log, system.log and possible error.log that should be in your main game folder?
COMPILE ERROR - file: no debug information; line: 1
file not found: seadogs.c
Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
User Rised Exception
fail to create program
file not found: seadogs.c????
Do you have a PROGRAM folder? Or is there a PROGRAM_new folder?
Do you still have a RunMe.bat?
What folder is your game installed to?
file not found: seadogs.c????
Do you have a PROGRAM folder? Or is there a PROGRAM_new folder?
Do you still have a RunMe.bat?
What folder is your game installed to?

i dont have runme.bat beacuse i already ran it, and i have both PROGRAM and PROGRAM_new folder i installed the on my documents folder
That install is borked. You need to delete and start over. It happens some times.
That's not good. Apparently RunMe.bat was not allowed to do what it needs to,
otherwise that PROGRAM folder would have been deleted and the PROGRAM_new folder renamed to PROGRAM.
Recommend trying to reinstall in a different folder, say C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean.

Or you could try to run the BAT file again. See attached.

(Off the record: STUPID WINDOWS SECURITY MEASURES!!! :whipa )


  • RunMe.zip
    2.3 KB · Views: 127
i tried to reinstall potc but i cant because i lost the disc and file so is there any file that i can download