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Fixed Weird Effects due to Shipyard Repaint Interface


Powder Monkey
Hello there!

Don't know if it's a known bug or not, but I had my Xebec's model doubled one day. It was a Merchant Pinnace before and it changed it's model after I repaired all my ships and re-supplied them; I'm not sure when did it exactly happen. I tested it in order to compare to the original Xebec and I'm pretty sure all the parameters were not changed - it was still slow and hard to manoeuvre as it should be, the cargo capacity didn't change either, I was able to load 6k. So I guess it was only an issue with the model.


Hooooow did you do THAT!?!

Which modpack version are you using? Have you been playing with the Shipyard>Appearance menu?
I could imagine that one causing such things. If I recall, someone once reported being able to get "free" ships through it. :facepalm
I've been using the latest modpack, Build 14 Beta 3.3. Sorry, forgot to mention that. I'm not sure what do you mean by Shipyard -> Appearance menu. It happened couple of days ago, I didn't have time to post it then, just took the screenshots. Later on I just sold it at a shipyard because I didn't like having a clone of my 'unique' ship :p

Maybe there was something wrong with my installation. Right now I'm re-installing both POTC and the modpack, as the game became pretty much unplayable due to constant crashes during boardings. I hope it will help.
At the shipyard, there is an interface to change the paint scheme of your ship.
That one can have some funny effects at times. :facepalm
At the shipyard, there is an interface to change the paint scheme of your ship.
That one can have some funny effects at times. :facepalm
Yeah, I guess that did it. It's the only way you can duplicate a ship as far as I know. I forgot who mentioned this trick or rather "glitch" before. But I thought, that was fixed.
Yeah, I guess that did it. It's the only way you can duplicate a ship as far as I know. I forgot who mentioned this trick or rather "glitch" before. But I thought, that was fixed.
I wouldn't really call it a trick, as all the parameters of the original Merchant Pinnace were the same, so it was the same ship with a Xebec model. If that's what you meant.
Technically the stats are indeed intended to stay the same if you repaint.
Doesn't always happen though, which is why we tried to limit repainting only to those ships that have EXACTLY the same stats as each other.
So basically, doing my smuggling bit. I went to do some repairs for my Sloop-of-war and Brigantine in shipyards and my Brigantine turns into a replica Sloop-of-war. Cool! But, no. Not a nice bug.


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Did you try to repaint the brigantine? That can happen if you are not careful.
Only repainted my 'real' Sloop-of-war. But let's just say hypothetically I may have tripped between ships in the process. Is this something that will always happen every time I get a Brigantine?
Repaint interface may not always work for companion ships.
I know there are some bugs there....
So repainting ships is a bad idea then. Players are at risk of ruining their saves and/or game.
One has to be careful about exactly which ship one is painting. Sometimes you can think you are repainting one ship while the shipyard thinks you are repainting another one. Watch which ships appear in the boxes carefully.
Thread title modified and marked as Confirmed issue due to the Repaint interface doing weird things.
Yea please let us know when it's ready I'll be glad to run it through.

To be honest I hate losing, so if I ever die I just reload back and try to finish what I started :p

I just encountered an issue that may or may not be related to the bug with Marine which we spoke about.
I arrived in Bonaire port.
In shipyard I repaired my flagship, and I had another ship which I recently captured.. I sold it.
Then i go to store to sell some goods.. i somehow found that I have 2 ships still.. and the second one is exactly same as the one I'm in now (Jackass bark); when actually the one I sold was not a jackass, but a sloop.
I go back shipyard to sell, and I actually did sell it for more money lol..

So overall, I had 2 ships when I arrived in port, and I ended up selling 2 ships with 1 ship remaining.
Yea please let us know when it's ready I'll be glad to run it through.
You didn't have to wait long. Try this: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-5-internal-wip-for-testing.24817

I just encountered an issue that may or may not be related to the bug with Marine which we spoke about.
I arrived in Bonaire port.
In shipyard I repaired my flagship, and I had another ship which I recently captured.. I sold it.
Then i go to store to sell some goods.. i somehow found that I have 2 ships still.. and the second one is exactly same as the one I'm in now (Jackass bark); when actually the one I sold was not a jackass, but a sloop.
I go back shipyard to sell, and I actually did sell it for more money lol..

So overall, I had 2 ships when I arrived in port, and I ended up selling 2 ships with 1 ship remaining.
Did you do anything with the Repaint options in the Shipyard?
We do have this Bug Tracker entry: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/weird-effects-due-to-shipyard-repaint-interface.24700/
Yes I did.. there was only one option for repaint.. and I clicked on it. But the ship looks the same, could this be the trigger of what caused the ship to duplicate twice in my fleet slots?

Ps. and thanks for the ZIP I'll give it a try now; cheers for the support!