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Signal Lighthouse mission stuck.

Hey guys as I wrote in several places- After I Blow up the lighthouse with Styles and then with Horatio getting back to the beach (when the Hotspur isnt there) the mission is stuck since the frenchman who needs to prison us isnt talking so im just standing there stuck with the mission :(

Please help,
It looks like you are near the end of this story. I hope you have been saving often as this last part does hang now and then. Go back to your last save and try it again. If that doesn't work then maybe a coder can help you.
Thanks for the advise Sir Pistof but I allready done the second part of the quest about 5 times :). Im affraid somthing in the data of the quest is might be missing :)
please provide the .log files and a savegame just before it hangs (and tell me what to do to finish the quest cause I haven't played this storyline yet).
Then I will look into it when I have time.
Thanks for the advise Sir Pistof but I allready done the second part of the quest about 5 times :). Im affraid somthing in the data of the quest is might be missing :)

Can you post the .log files from your game folder ( System - compile - error ) for the point where the quest stops working.

Thanks I will try to fix it.
I have played with the Save provided by Ilan R-New account

from Walkthrough :-

Go back to shore.
Meet Lt. Bush and rejoin the Hotspur
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<---------------- SAVE STARTS YOU HERE
Sail to Bridgetown.

AT BRIDGETOWN: (choices rejoined)

Go to port.

Jack Hammond tells you to go to Flagship

Auto transfer to Flagship.

Pellew and Captain Hammond agree on plan of attack on French fleet.
You are to destroy the signal tower (lighthouse).

Auto to port.

Go to Mrs. Mason's house to collect belongings.
Talk to man blocking the door.
Maria and mother are in prison for debt.

Go to prison.

Pay for release of Maria and her mother.

go to town.
Meet Lt. Bush.
Talk to him.

Go to port. (must do)
See Hammond and Quelp.
Talk to Lt. Bush.

Board ship.

Sail to Anse Casse Bois - (Guadeloupe)

Auto deck scene for landing party.

Auto to beach.

Take landing party to next valley.

Go to next valley [TRAP]

Go to next valley [TRAP]

Go to lighthouse beach.
follow Styles to kill French signalman.
Blow up signal tower.

QUEST JUMP - to Beach - change character - you are now Midshipman Hammond.
Talk to Matthews.
QUEST JUMP - to Hotspur - change character - you are now Lt. Bush
Talk to Hammond.
QUEST JUMP - to valley - charge character - you are now Hornblower again.
Go to beach

Captured by French. <<<<<<<<----------- BREAKS HERE

QUEST JUMP - to Flagship - change character - you are now Lt. Bush.
Talk to Pellew about rescuing Hornblower.

the quest breaks because Thomas Wolfe does not appear on the beach

in attached compile .log

Template <goto> -> path not found chr.id = Thomas Wolfe
Template <goto> -> teleport chr.id = Thomas Wolfe to <goto : goto01>
Quest name Captured_by_Wolfe_five FOUND in QuestComplete
Template dialog: can't start dialog, DialogMain return false!
Quest name Captured_by_Wolfe_six FOUND in QuestComplete
Template <runto> -> timeout for chr.id = soldier1X
Template <runto> -> teleport chr.id = soldier1X to <goto : goto07>

in system.log

Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx
resource\models\characters\error.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\error' not loaded
Release d3d8
Undefined error
Release d3d

and in error.log

function 'LAi_SetOfficerType' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
null ap
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
null ap
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
null ap
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
null ap
RUNTIME ERROR - file: models\models.c; line: 133
no rAP data

I think the problem my be with the model of Thomas wolfe in a French uniform - but am not sure

from quests_reaction.c

     case "Captured_by_Wolfe":
       ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Styles"), "Guadeloupe_Jungle_03", "officers", "reload3_1");
       ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Able Seaman Tompkins"), "Guadeloupe_Jungle_03", "goto", "goto1");
       ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Able Seaman Stanley"), "Guadeloupe_Jungle_03", "reload", "reload3_3");
       ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Able Seaman Wilks"), "Guadeloupe_Jungle_03", "goto", "goto14");

       SetModelfromArray(characterFromID("Thomas Wolfe"), GetModelIndex("WolfFrench"));  <<<<---- THIS MODEL CAUSE ERROR?????
       Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Thomas Wolfe")].headmodel = "h_WolfFrench";

       LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Able Seaman Tompkins"));
       LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Able Seaman Stanley"));
       LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Able Seaman Wilks"));

       characters[GetCharacterIndex("Styles")].Dialog.Filename = "Styles_dialog.c";

     case "Captured_by_Wolfe2":
       pchar.quest.Captured_by_Wolfe_three.win_condition.l1 = "location";
       Pchar.quest.Captured_by_Wolfe_three.win_condition.l1.character = Pchar.id;
       pchar.quest.Captured_by_Wolfe_three.win_condition.l1.location = "Guadeloupe_shore_01";
       pchar.quest.Captured_by_Wolfe_three.win_condition = "Captured_by_Wolfe_three";

But I don't know why it breaks. :shrug

EDIT:- Also in the compile .log

temLogic: found 0 buttons
ItemLogic -> randItem draw: no model for item Guadeloupe_shore_01.indian4
CreateCharacter -> character Thomas Wolfe can invalide model(error) or animation(error)
Equip Character Anadee with bladeC6+1 his nation: 1 blade nation=
Equip Character Girard with blade12+1 his nation: 1 blade nation=



  • error.log
    1.8 KB · Views: 370
  • compile.log
    26.7 KB · Views: 356
  • system.log
    24.4 KB · Views: 366
Last edited:
I noticed in the Models\initModels.c thats the wolfFrench model and a few others have "n++" at the end of theire init while the others have "AddCharacterModel(model);" to close it. So I guess this is some copying which went wrong.
probally replacing this fixes it.

Here is the fixed file.
Please check if it works. I can't test it atm.


  • initModels.c
    373.4 KB · Views: 394
I noticed in the Models\initModels.c thats the wolfFrench model and a few others have "n++" at the end of theire init while the others have "AddCharacterModel(model);" to close it. So I guess this is some copying which went wrong.
probally replacing this fixes it.

Here is the fixed file.
Please check if it works. I can't test it atm.

Sir unfortunatelly it doesnt help. :( as the same old problem
please press F11 first ingame and then try it again.
else please post the error.log and compile.log again after you noticed he isn't there.
This seems to do the trick :).


I'm getting stuck a little bit further in the story but I think thats because I'm missing a location, but dunno for sure. Please check if it does work for you.


  • quests_reaction.c
    772.1 KB · Views: 376
Unfortunatelly sir it didnt. I used the link you sent where Mr. Peter was talking about this problem too. Well it seems it succeded but right after Wolfe came and after the cell scene the screen went black :). (all as it written at the link you sent sir).

I belive since its a new system some new coding and more things will be needed to fix the errors. But Thank yo uvery much sir for your help :) And i hope we will keep in touch ;)
Yeah I had the same problem with it going black .... will look into it then to find out what the problem is.
So is the original problem fixed now? And we now have a new one?

Looks like originally that was one of the Hornblower model errors, but I thought I fixed all the ones I found two weeks ago.
Not sure if that made it into an update yet, but it will do soon.

On that black screen, what do the .log files say?
So is the original problem fixed now? And we now have a new one?

Looks like originally that was one of the Hornblower model errors, but I thought I fixed all the ones I found two weeks ago.
Not sure if that made it into an update yet, but it will do soon.

On that black screen, what do the .log files say?
No, the original one was a model error but also it put the character on location "none" which erased it or something like that. when I commented that section of code (which was useless because the character wasn't even loaded on that location in the first place). He did show up but just with the wrong model. so you could continue.
I haven't figured out yet what the next problem is causing. It should go to a location where you have been before but something makes it not load. Still looking into it.