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Solved Stange Perk Appearing

Where's the rest? Is that in Iron Man Mode? There isn't supposed to be any ability after "Fire Ship". It is the last one in the list.
I know that abilities that are intialized later are appended at the bottom,
but that should no longer be happening because the list should initialize only when you start the game. :shock
I have the same thing except that it shows the picture. It is the advanced ship defense perk. But that perk is already there in its normal place.
Pieter did you change anything more to the perks since I made the changes?
I haven't been able to install the newest WIP version yet so can't check it. I don't have the problem so I assume it's somewhere else.

At least .... does this happen from the first go already or does it only happen after you select a certain perk?

edit: Hmmmm it seems to happen after basic ship defense indeed. I will take a look at it.
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This is the only thing I changed:
//   ChrPerksList.list.LongRangeGrappling.disable.iRealismMode = 1; //Levis
//   ChrPerksList.list.LongRangeGrappling.disable.REALISTIC_ABILITIES = true //Levis
Because that ability is required to unlock "Land Troops" and that one is important to be able to take towns without forts.
hmmm....I will look into it some more then. It seems like the game thinks there is 1 more perk. could be because I made a typo somewhere in the perklist or because there is another one defined somewhere. Or the making of the perk list was always bugged but never showed before.

seems its looking for "shipdefenseprofessional" so I guess this is due to the defence/defense change. Probally somewhere in the code it still says it wrong. searching for it now
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seems its looking for "shipdefenseprofessional" so I guess this is due to the defence/defense change. Probally somewhere in the code it still says it wrong. searching for it now
Indeed that was still wrong in 9 files. I have just done a search-and-replace on them all.
@Pieter Boelen Here is a list of all the files which still have "shipdefenseprofessional" in it. I think this should be renamedto shipdefenceprofessional or you need to do a search for the other one. At least this is causing the problem.

I think its better if you made the change because probally you will be doing an update this week :).


  • Defensewrong.png
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well time to compare then :p.
Might be in the dialog files. Or could be I have a slightly outdated verion of a file. I haven't installed the latest update yet.
What exactly did you search for?

I don't think the latest update should make a difference on this. Pretty sure I didn't touch anything related to this.
I searched for: "shipdefenseprofessional"
Split from main topic.
I tink with these changes it should work. When the next update comes out this should fix it. It will require a new game tough. Altough I can provide a piece of code for the console to erase the problem if needed.
Arcade Mode:
I also got the strange without picture perk: seadogs2_0000.jpg and another, I got the prerequisites but i can't get the perk: seadogs2_0001.jpg


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Master Gunfighter? That perk is not supposed to be showing up at all! Should be Woodes Rogers only.
This is probally because you are using a savegame from before the update?