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Fixed Sidequests for Additional Storylines

Playing La Croix as a pirate.Now I cant sell my ship and swapping ships is not possible.
What player type did you select? And what is the quickest way for me to replicate that problem?
Sounds to me like you have professional navy applied to yourself, which may indeed happen if you join the pirates. But of course that needs to be handled differently. :facepalm

True, but you previously said:

That is what I have done - identified the remaining "Standard" main quest files as well as those specific to "Brave Black Flag", copied the side quest files from "Brave Black Flag" to the general folder, and verified that the quest book works properly. ;)
Cool, thanks! :cheers
Several quests in Hornblower will still not be working, but you can start by taking the both_reaction.c from LaCroix which may get at least some of them working.
Then the ones that still don't work will need their quest coding taken from the BBF/Standard storyline QUEST folder too.

Very possibly, but I didn't particularly want to play "Hornblower" all the way through again. So I went back to a slightly earlier version which accepts my savegames. I now have a savegame at St. Pierre so I can experiment with side quests, otherwise I'd rather like to try my luck with the latest update and the "Bartolomeu" storyline...
Fair enough. :doff

The Bartolomeu storyline might be a good one to test as well once the sidequests are properly separated from the main quests.
Not sure when I'll get round to doing that though; not feeling too well at the moment....
What player type did you select? And what is the quickest way for me to replicate that problem?
Start as La Croix, go to the nearest shipyard and try to sell your ship. ;) Checking for the ability to swap ship will be a bit harder...

Several quests in Hornblower will still not be working, but you can start by taking the both_reaction.c from LaCroix which may get at least some of them working.
Then the ones that still don't work will need their quest coding taken from the BBF/Standard storyline QUEST folder too.
Why not take "both_reaction.c" from "Brave Black Flag"? Should that not work for all side quests? Or from "Nelson", which certainly used to work with all side quests in Beta 3.4 because I went through the whole lot, and is more similar to "Hornblower" because it's a professional navy character?

The Bartolomeu storyline might be a good one to test as well once the sidequests are properly separated from the main quests.
Not sure when I'll get round to doing that though; not feeling too well at the moment....
Get well soon!
Pieter I'm working on the exchange of Grand Turk. Should I wait for quest moved here and there or is it time to try to move all
quest references to the new (single) town location using the latest installer + zip?
Good question. Not sure when I'll get to doing the big sidequest moving thing, because that would probably require a fair bit of figuring out.
I also wouldn't object to someone else doing at least part of that because I am not quite familiar anymore with the sidequests due to lack of time to play the game properly.

Start as La Croix, go to the nearest shipyard and try to sell your ship. ;) Checking for the ability to swap ship will be a bit harder...
I think it is because of joining the pirates, which uses some of the same functionality as joining the navy.

Why not take "both_reaction.c" from "Brave Black Flag"? Should that not work for all side quests? Or from "Nelson", which certainly used to work with all side quests in Beta 3.4 because I went through the whole lot, and is more similar to "Hornblower" because it's a professional navy character?
Brave Black Flag and Nelson are both basically identical to the Standard storyline.
The annoying part is that the Standard storyline never distinguished properly between sidequests and the main quest.
So the Standard storyline (and therefore BFF/Nelson too) both_reaction.c contains most of the tutorial and I think some sidequest stuff.
And quests_reaction.c contains the main quest AND most of the sidequest stuff.

For all actual mod-added storylines, the main quests are in quests_reaction.c and both_reaction.c is pretty much empty.
Jack Sparrow has got custom versions of sidequests, which are in both_reaction.c there.

For Jack Aubrey, several sidequests were enabled by having their quest code copied from the Standard storyline file into its own both_reaction.c file.
This was then copied to Jean Lafitte but also to La Croix. While Aubrey and Lafitte are gone, LaCroix is not.
So that is the only version of both_reaction.c that contains properly separated sidequests that can be directly put into the Hornblower storyline.

Unfortunately this project was never completed though, so that enabled only some of the sidequests and not all. But it is a start.
While the Standard/BFF/Nelson files are actually more complete, they don't have the proper difference between sidequests in both_reaction.c and main quest in quests_reaction.c .
So putting that in the Hornblower storyline would either overwrite the actual main quest or not enable the sidequests but add the (skipped) tutorial instead.

Does that make any sense?
I have dug this thread out from the depths of our archive, because it is most definitely relevant again.

Basically what I want get done is to remove all SIDEQUEST code from the Standard storyline both_reaction.c and quests_reaction.c
and to remove all MAIN QUEST code from the Nelson storyline both_reaction.c and quests_reaction.c .

Once that is done, we can combine what is then left in the Nelson storyline (only the sidequests) and move them to the main PROGRAM folder.

So who would like to see sidequests working in ALL storylines? And who might be tempted to actually help make that happen?
Several quests in Hornblower will still not be working, but you can start by taking the both_reaction.c from LaCroix which may get at least some of them working.
Then the ones that still don't work will need their quest coding taken from the BBF/Standard storyline QUEST folder too.
I tried that, then went to Kralendijk. When that still misbehaved when I took Toff Oremans' quest and went to the port, I tried copying the version from BBF instead, and that didn't work either. I even tried starting a new game, with a different profile so as not to lose my existing savegames, went through all the initial motions at Antigua and then disobeyed orders to sail to Jamaica, where the priest still thought the "Help the Church" quest is already in progress.
What exactly "misbehaved"?

According to the Wiki, the Toff Oremans sidequest should be available in La Croix and therefore also in Hornblower if you copy the both_reaction.c file.
The self-dialog blaze_dialog.c file is now a common file in PROGRAM\DIALOGS so either it works in ALL storylines or in NONE of them.

Only thing I can think of is an issue with the ship deck location or missing characters.
I thought I put a SideQuests.c file in PROGRAM\Locations\init though. And for missing characters, you will get a screen and compile.log message.
As with the original attempt, when I go to the port, there is no option to go to the pirate's ship. Instead I go straight to the port, where I get a repeat of the last thing Toff Oremans said. Or, if I visit the governor first, I get a repeat of the last thing the governor said.
Does it still work in the Standard storyline? Should be a pretty quick check using Holland as starting nation.
Use the cheatmode to bump up your reputation so he'll talk to you. Or if anyone is playing La Croix, check in there.
I wonder if it is now generally broken or it is just the Hornblower version that is being difficult.
Thanks! :cheers

@Grey Roger: So what is the last thing that DOES still happen properly?
Do you get the self dialog in port at all? Is it the correct lines? If not, does the Hornblower storyline have its own blaze_dialog.c file?
If that part does work, but the teleport afterwards fails, does the main AND Hornblower folder both have a Sidequest location init file?
The last thing which happens properly is talking to Toff Oremans - or, optionally, talking to the governor.

As I recall from last time I played this quest successfully, you're not supposed to get the self dialog in port. You get it after you press to enter port but while you're still at the gate in town, and if you choose to go to the pirate ship then you teleport to the pirate ship. This does not happen. You go straight to port and get the wrong line, specifically a repeat of what was last said to you by Toff or by the governor.
The self dialog is definitely supposed to trigger when you get into port; I remember that much! :wp

Perhaps the Hornblower storyline has its own blaze_dialog.c file; that would explain it.
As I suspected, indeed Hornblower does have its own blaze_dialog.c file which must be the cause for this problem.
I have now combined it with the shared one which should get this working again.
You know what this means, don't you? Now I have to start "Hornblower" all over again - thanks! ;)

"Saving Toff's Daughter" now works. There are still no women standing outside Kralendijk town hall so "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean" can't start. Meanwhile, in Kingston, the priest still thinks "Help The Church" has already started; if I talk to him, he still asks what I've found out and all I can reply is "Nothing so far".

Here's a savegame with Hornblower about to go to church in case you want to try experimenting.


  • -=Player=- Jamaica.zip
    673.5 KB · Views: 120
You know what this means, don't you? Now I have to start "Hornblower" all over again - thanks! ;)
No, it doesn't. ;)

While this update does force you to start a new game, just set #define IS_SGV to 14.908 in PROGRAM\globals.c to get round that limitation.
This may cause an error message if you do escort quests now but otherwise should do no particular harm. :no

"Saving Toff's Daughter" now works. There are still no women standing outside Kralendijk town hall so "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean" can't start.
Indeed not all sidequests are propely set up yet outside the Standard/Nelson/BBF storylines and that is one that still needs to be done.
Hopefully I can get to do some work on this project some time next week.

As it is, the sidequests mentioned here should be functional in Hornblower now too:
Any others would be a quite convenient bonus. :wp

Meanwhile, in Kingston, the priest still thinks "Help The Church" has already started; if I talk to him, he still asks what I've found out and all I can reply is "Nothing so far".
Here's a savegame with Hornblower about to go to church in case you want to try experimenting.
Does that come with any error.log entries?
There won't be any relevant log entries at the time of the savegame because that was created just before I went in and talked to the priest. Next time I play, I'll try to remember to check for logs after talking to him. But neither "Help the Church" nor "Strange Things Going On" are on the list of side quests for Devlin Opera, so the only problem really is that the priest's normal responses may be affected.

"Saga of the Blaque Family" worked before the newest update. I expect to visit Martinique next time I play, so I can check that again. Ditto for "Woman Who Lost Her Husband and Son" and "Sink the Pirate Corvette". "Patric and the Idols" isn't on the Devlin Opera list but worked, mostly, before the update - the only weirdness was that you didn't need to talk to Lucien Bescanceny. Fred Bob didn't give me the letter which meant "Help The Lady" couldn't work. And the Spanish admiral wasn't present in the residence so the quest to find Lucas couldn't start; perhaps the update has fixed that. I'll find out next time I'm passing Puerto Rico...

And I'll need to see if Governor Shaw is now missing a daughter. Last time I checked, during the previous pre-update game, he didn't give that quest, he went straight to a standard ship-hunting quest.

Some time ago, it was impossible to do "Saga of the Blaque Family" if you were hostile to Britain, and that was fixed. Could the Thomas Reilly quests also be fixed so that he doesn't care if you're hostile to France? That should open up those quests for Hornblower.
There won't be any relevant log entries at the time of the savegame because that was created just before I went in and talked to the priest. Next time I play, I'll try to remember to check for logs after talking to him. But neither "Help the Church" nor "Strange Things Going On" are on the list of side quests for Devlin Opera, so the only problem really is that the priest's normal responses may be affected.
It could be that the shared dialog file looks for "stuff" that doesn't exist. This happened also with Clint Eastwood after I moved his Jack Sparrow related code out of the storyline folder.
If that happens, an error.log file is likely to be generated.

"Patric and the Idols" isn't on the Devlin Opera list but worked, mostly, before the update - the only weirdness was that you didn't need to talk to Lucien Bescanceny. Fred Bob didn't give me the letter which meant "Help The Lady" couldn't work. And the Spanish admiral wasn't present in the residence so the quest to find Lucas couldn't start; perhaps the update has fixed that. I'll find out next time I'm passing Puerto Rico...
And I'll need to see if Governor Shaw is now missing a daughter. Last time I checked, during the previous pre-update game, he didn't give that quest, he went straight to a standard ship-hunting quest.
It could be that Patric and the idols is completely dialog-based and therefore should work properly.
Were there any on-screen log messages about not being able to find certain quest cases? If those did not occur, then it should work as well as it always did.
Are you sure talking to Lucien Bescanceny was required before? How about in the Standard/BBF/Nelson storyline? Is it still required there?

The letter is probably a storyline-specific quest item. That one will need to be moved to the main initItems.c file instead.

If I recall, the Shaw quest is enabled through a player character attribute which has not yet been added to the general files.
So that one probably doesn't work yet. Same with any others that are contained in the StartStoryline.c files.

Some time ago, it was impossible to do "Saga of the Blaque Family" if you were hostile to Britain, and that was fixed. Could the Thomas Reilly quests also be fixed so that he doesn't care if you're hostile to France? That should open up those quests for Hornblower.
I think what we need to do is to first get all sidequests working equally well in all storylines.
Then when that is done, we have two exta things to do:
1. Adjusting various sidequests that need improving; please maintain a list of known sidequest issues and accompanying general requested for that.
2. Disabling certain sidequests depending on storyline. For example, the Peter Blood one should not be available in the Bartolomeu storyline.