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Fixed CTD At Sea due to "Allied" Quest Enemy


So im on the sidequest called "Strange Things going on in the Caribbean" and i need to sail to Barbados and go into the sea when i hear Land Ho or just go into the sea mode, but when i do , the game crashes.


  • compile.log
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  • error.log
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  • system.log
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This looks a bit curious:
SEA: Did CRs
SEA: Error: You assigned allied character Mystery Man with ID Mystery_Man_04 to quest group... This is an error!
SEA: Did any groups
SEA: added ships
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@Wolfman: I have split your thread into two as there seem to be two probably separate issues.

For the actual crash, the lines from compile.log I quoted above look potentially suspect.
Did you take one of the Animists sidequest enemy captains as your companion?

Also, when exactly does that crash occur? 3D Sailing Mode? Only at a specific island? Is it consistent?
I have many quests on there , so i dont really know if i took "Animists" sidequest or whatever.
So , when i go to Barbados island, and when it says "Land Ho" or "Dry Land" , and i press it to enter the sea mode, it crashes then . it is ONLY on Barbados, and it happens everytime too.
BTW , i havent edited anything in anywhere, only to get the error log.
What does the line 'ch.nosurrender = 2;' mean in a character's definition?
I have many quests on there , so i dont really know if i took "Animists" sidequest or whatever.
That is just another name for the "Strange Things going on in the Caribbean" one.

At Barbados, you rescued a Spanish ship from 1-2 quest enemy pirates, right?
Did you take one of those pirates as your companion?

What does the line 'ch.nosurrender = 2;' mean in a character's definition?
Should mean that the character will fight to the death, if I recall.
That is just another name for the "Strange Things going on in the Caribbean" one.

At Barbados, you rescued a Spanish ship from 1-2 quest enemy pirates, right?
Did you take one of those pirates as your companion?

Should mean that the character will fight to the death, if I recall.

Thats the part i cant get to , because now im in Puerto Rico and i need to go to Barbados, and when i try to sail to Barbados, i crash.
Thats the part i cant get to , because now im in Puerto Rico and i need to go to Barbados, and when i try to sail to Barbados, i crash.
Do you have any characters named "Mystery Man" in your passengers list or on companion ships?
Do you have any characters named "Mystery Man" in your passengers list or on companion ships?
no, but i have like "citizen" in there , i dont know what that means. ill add 2 photos.

Btw @Pieter Boelen what about the error.log ?
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 92
invalid index 8 [size:5]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 92
function 'CreateFlagEnvironment' stack error


  • 1.jpg
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Should mean that the character will fight to the death, if I recall.
Then it should be impossible to take Mystery_Man_04 as a companion because he has that line in his definition in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c".

Besides, looking at "compile.log", the error appears to have occcured at or shortly after case "to_greenford_for_montanez_complete", which is when victory conditions for the battle are set up, and which is triggered when you arrive in Barbados waters. It's as if Mystery_Man_04 has somehow changed from enemy to ally, despite having been defined as enemy in case "prepare_for_barkue". So you enter Barbados waters, various ships try to log in (probably random traffic, "compile.log" mentions British, French and Pirate ships, and the Animist ships aren't among the pirates), then it tries to process groups, and that's where it runs into trouble - group "animists", containing Mystery_Man_04 (commander) and Mystery_Man_05, has been defined.

And so, right after @Wolfman arrives at Barbados, the game crashes, as he reports.

@Wolfman: what are your relations to Pirates, Britain and Spain?

Incidentally, half way down "compile.log" is further evidence for the other bug, which is port names not being pre-processed.
FLAGS: The '#stown_name# Fort' remembers us as personal
@Grey Roger im neutral with everyone , even pirates but i have Cadet Officier with Holland.
Neutral with EVERY SINGLE NATION??? I cannot guarantee the game will handle that properly.
I strongly recommend making at least one enemy. We've had weird stuff (and crashes) happen because of that before.

Though in this case, it seems like a different issue.
Now im enemys with France and Spain , but it still doesnt change anything. so its a different issue.
I suspected as much.

I'm looking into this one at the moment. First recommendations:
1. The latest Beta 4.1 WIP contains a fix to avoid "invalid officers"; I recommend getting it here:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 4.1 WIP | PiratesAhoy! (new game not required)
2. To get rid of the invalid officer you have, execute this through console:
RemovePassenger(pchar, CharacterFromID("Enc_Officer_28"));
See here point #4 for how: Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks | PiratesAhoy!
Now try making an enemy of the Pirates and see if that helps. Because the Animists are treated as Pirates, so I'm wondering if you being friendly to Pirates is what's causing the trouble. (Incidentally, if you're enemies with Spain, be careful where you shoot. The Montanez is Spanish and will now regard you as an enemy, it will show up red in your gunsight, and if you press "Space" to auto-aim guns while it's in arc and range, you're liable to shoot it. It's going to be embarrassing if you accidentally sink the ship you're trying to protect. :facepalm)
@Pieter Boelen i have Beta 14 already , do i need to download that ?
Yes. You are running "Build 14 Beta 4 WIP: 2 Apr 2016" and you should have "14 Beta 4.1 WIP: 22 May 2016".
You need only the Installer EXE, which is a relatively small file.

By the way, BETA 14 does not exist! It is BUILD 14 BETA 4.

Now try making an enemy of the Pirates and see if that helps. Because the Animists are treated as Pirates, so I'm wondering if you being friendly to Pirates is what's causing the trouble.
Could be. If so, this console command should help:
       Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Dark Mystery_Man_04")].recognized = true; // PB: Ensure they're hostile!
       Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Dark Mystery_Man_05")].recognized = true; // PB: Ensure they're hostile!
I'm adding that to the quest code now.