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Discussion New Language

Nice one, @konradk!
Hopefully @Grey Roger can add that to the main Build soon too.

Looks like after many years, the translation efforts and finally making their way into the future. :woot
There are a couple of problems, one serious, one not.

To test that this version correctly shows Swedish letters, I made a custom version of "initModels.c". I can't type Swedish letters directly but I can copy them, so I changed the entry for "HildaPiratess" to have the name "Åså Öliviä Ärlig-Sköld", which is total nonsense but which contains every accented letter I could find in the Swedish section of "PROGRAM\Characters\Characters_names.c". This was the result:
As you can see, the upper case letter "Å" is not being correctly displayed, though the lower case "å" is fine.

The less serious problem is with the new support for a possible Swedish translation. When I tried scrolling through keyboard layout options, the display went through most keyboard language types and then showed a blank. At first I thought it was simply scrolling one space too far, then I realised that it was failing to display "Swedish". This is because there are entries in "common.ini" for language options and they do not contain entries for "Swedish". After I added those entries, I ran the game again, and now it correctly shows "Swedish" as a keyboard language option. The attached version of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\common.ini" contains the Swedish entries.


  • common.ini
    74.9 KB · Views: 191
The whole point was to get both upper and lower case versions of "Å", "Ä" and "Ö" to see if they all display correctly. Making an accurate name was not important. I could just as easily have named her "Åå Ää Öö". xD

She'll continue to be Hilda Sparre in any version of "initModels.c" to be used in normal gameplay.
Then how can we fake the correct name of my sailboat?!? :shock
It technically isn't any real letter; it's a Greek lambda with a Swedish circle above it. Figure that one out!
You can blame Stargate as it's the "call sign" of Earth in there.
Greek letters, with ot without circles, aren't currently supported. Neither are Stargate chevrons. :p
If someone can model your boat in the game, the model's texture file will probably take care of the name.

As for Stargate chevrons, I can think of only one person in the game who might be able to read them. After you've completed "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and taken Clement back to his lighthouse, Danielle says:
Leave him, Nathaniel, he's off in another world.
Perhaps that is why you never see him again. :D
If someone can model your boat in the game, the model's texture file will probably take care of the name.
I don't think that'll be quite necessary... :wp

As for Stargate chevrons, I can think of only one person in the game who might be able to read them. After you've completed "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and taken Clement back to his lighthouse, Danielle says: Perhaps that is why you never see him again. :D
That'd explain a lot!! :rofl

so Long time no see :modding:wp

but for now i'll send here the translated files I've done so far

more is coming so

Stay alert


The "Untranslated file" is Storyline standard I didnt put specific letters

One more think


Also it want hurt seeing this xD


  • Sone so faer.rar
    288.3 KB · Views: 253
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That's exactly Drante Zan'z version of that song hahah I hope they even at least notified him when they used that
Actually this is the original, if you listen to the cover again you will hear some differences. ;)
Yo So HELLO Everyone!

It's been VERY VEEERY LONG time since we spoke to this topic but

i got favor to ask

Can somebody help me a bit with this?

and second

What can you tell me about these words?

"To a pirate who has no mercy in his
wicked heart we give a secret reward"

So.....I'll Yet again try sent some translated files
What can you tell me about these words?

"To a pirate who has no mercy in his
wicked heart we give a secret reward"
Those lines are in "PROGRAM\QUESTS\Quest_Messages.h" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\globals.txt". They're mapped to QUEST_MESSAGE10 and QUEST_MESSAGE11 respectively. Those are called in "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\quests\both_reaction.c" and "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\quests\both_reaction.c", at case "Tut_RewardForKillingTutor". This is triggered if you kill Malcolm Hatcher and then make your way to a certain house on Nevis. (The reward isn't much. You get a "blade6". Looking at "initItems.c", that's a schiavona.)
Ill try put there something else instead of that blade heh heh

Maybe Briton Sword

Anyway when i get home i Will send again Some TRANSLATED files
i got favor to ask

Can somebody help me a bit with this?
Sorry, I can't help with the translation as I can't speak a word of Polish.

Actually, that's not quite true, I can speak a word of Polish, and the reason might amuse people. I have relatives in Germany, namely a cousin and his family in a town a little east of Berlin. Last time I visited them, we went on a shopping trip across the border to Poland; it's a long drive but everything is cheaper there, so they often make the trip and they're not the only Germans doing it. The Polish supermarket accepted euros at a rate of 1 euro = 4 zloty, which favoured the Poles as 1 euro was worth a little more than 4 zloty, but it made the sums easy. So, while my cousin was doing his shopping, I decided that I wanted a bottle of vodka as a souvenir. Vodka is traditionally made from potatoes but all the stuff I've seen in the UK is grain. I went to the vegetable section of the supermarket, found the potatoes, looked at the word on the sign above them, then went to the drinks section and looked for a bottle of vodka with the same word. It wasn't a guaranteed success; for all I knew, I was buying a vodka marked "Special Offer" - probably not as the word was on that part of the bottle where the maker tells you all about it, not on a supermarket sticker, but you get the idea. The Poles were happy, they got more than the usual price for their wares; the Germans were happy, they got their stuff much cheaper than at home even with the mark-up; and I was happy, I'd got what I thought was genuine Polish potato vodka. And indeed it was, for a check later on Google Translate confirmed that "ziemniakow" is "potatoes".

If anywhere in the game involves the character eating, buying, selling or in any other way interacting with potatoes, I can translate "potatoes". The entire rest of the Polish language is someone else's job. :D
If anywhere in the game involves the character eating, buying, selling or in any other way interacting with potatoes, I can translate "potatoes". The entire rest of the Polish language is someone else's job. :D
:rofl :rofl