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Tweaks to "Worm in the Apple"

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
I'm enjoying replaying this story, and have a few tweaks for
@Bartolomeu o Portugues to approve.

Mateus Santos now lives in Port Royale but his house in San Juan is still marked as such and you can still go in. Is this intentional? If not, "StartStoryline.c" in the attached zip clses the house and blanks its label.

In Thomas the Terror's dialog, he says part of his speech and your reply is the other part. If you prefer, the enclosed version splits his speech with a "\n" linebreak, allowing you to reply, though at present your reply is just "...." unless @Bartolomeu o Portugues can suggest something suitable.

But the main fixes are to the dialogs of the various targets of the "Worm in the Apple" sidequest. In the normal "Hard Labours of an Assassin" sidequest, you can choose to spare them, in which case the quest ends. If you spare them in "Worm in the Apple", the quest ends and the story breaks. So the enclosed dialog files only allow you to spare them if you are not playing the 'Assassin" storyline.


  • Assassin.zip
    12.7 KB · Views: 196
Mateus Santos now lives in Port Royale but his house in San Juan is still marked as such and you can still go in. Is this intentional? If not, "StartStoryline.c" in the attached zip clses the house and blanks its label.
Pretty sure that's not intentional...

But the main fixes are to the dialogs of the various targets of the "Worm in the Apple" sidequest. In the normal "Hard Labours of an Assassin" sidequest, you can choose to spare them, in which case the quest ends. If you spare them in "Worm in the Apple", the quest ends and the story breaks. So the enclosed dialog files only allow you to spare them if you are not playing the 'Assassin" storyline.
Good idea! Better not risk the whole storyline ending abruptly. :onya