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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by Buckshot Burton

  1. Buckshot Burton

    What's the latest version number?

    A lil ot now but even so. Are there any mods I can use without using all the big one ? :keith
  2. Buckshot Burton

    What's the latest version number?

    Seems there's an exe popped up there too, 1.64Gb so I'm trying that in a few :onya2 Does it remove the need for the dvd?
  3. Buckshot Burton

    What's the latest version number?

    Wow! Fast response, thx. I see, and any mods that u would recommend ? :onya2
  4. Buckshot Burton

    What's the latest version number?

    What's the latest version number of AoP2 please? I have 1.3.0 (still a few bugs, CTD when I have just sunk some ships etc) Hey and will the Playlogic forums ever be up ?
  5. Buckshot Burton

    Why on God's green Earth is Food Illegal ?

    Am I missing something here ? How would the ports even operate ? Please help me, this goes against everything I have ever known. :ohh
  6. Buckshot Burton

    A few questions

    Y'arrr, y'ole sea dawgs ..... Was wondering if u could answer me a few questions please.... 1. COMBAT : Am i correct in thinking that the skill of the cannoneers(the crew, NOT the cannoneer himself) only goes up when firing in the THIRD person? Even tho I prefer the FIRST person as it is more...
  7. Buckshot Burton

    PLEASE help me with Frigate to smaller ship swapping

    Hey all. I was wondering if someone could give me step by step instructions as to how to do the 'Get all stuff off the starting frigate (P Blood England line), move to a Tartane, equip it, and sell or store the frigate'. Also I have a problem getting anymore crew. What I want to do is this :-...