• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by sweevo

  1. S

    Build 13 Final - Unreadable Text!

    I can't believe I never thought to try that! It worked a treat. Thanks. :)
  2. S

    Build 13 Final - Unreadable Text!

    I'll give Build 14 a go then. I never had the blurry text problem with vaniila POTC.
  3. S

    Build 13 Final - Unreadable Text!

    I just tried that. The text still looks the same, but the graphics are all fine. It's definitely only the text that is affected.
  4. S

    Build 13 Final - Unreadable Text!

    Sorry, picture didn't attach. Take 2! ;)
  5. S

    Build 13 Final - Unreadable Text!

    I'm using Build 13 final on Windows 7. The game starts okay, but the menu text is unreadably blurry. I've attached a picture, so you can see what I mean. Any help would be greatly appreciated.