• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. S

    Solved worldmap encounters

    another question. in worldmap ecounters with other fleets, why do i have the option to disengage when others attack me? and sometimes, why can i not choose to disengage? isn't it better if i always have no choice but to engage when others attack me? they were the ones who attacked, so they...
  2. S

    Solved Ironman with worldmap

    Hey guys. i've always been playing with the ironman mode on, but lately i don't have much time to play so i'd rather do without the long hours of sailing without anything happening. i like all the features of the ironman mode but is there a way to keep the ironman mode activated and have the...
  3. S

    Solved Alt-Tabbing

    uhm, is there a way to keep the game running in the background when i Alt-Tab from the game? this so i can do other stuff while sailing in direct sail. :D
  4. S

    Disable Abilities

    Is there any way to disable character abilities in the game? I would like to disable the 'Instant Boarding' ability since i'm playing with ironman mode and it's very unrealistic to be able to teleport beside other ships. also the 'Pre-reloading' ability, since imo it gives an unfair advantage...
  5. S

    Ironman mode

    so, i just started the standard storyline with ironman mode activated(my first time to use it) and swashbuckler difficulty, but i immediately changed the difficulty since i always died in duels. what exactly are the aspects affected by the difficulty? as for my real topic, the ironman mode...
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    Pieter Boelen's quest

    i just talked to Pieter Boelen on the Grand Turk tavern about the plans of the Spanish to attack the island. i accepted the mission and sailed right away. but i didn't know that there was i time limit so i went on many detours, and then the quest book says that i failed the quest. what do i do now?
  7. S

    Cursed Black Pearl

    I've just recently repainted the Black Pearl in the shipyard to a "Cursed Fast Galleon". Then when i sail out to sea, the hull hp continuously goes down until i sink. why is this so?
  8. S

    Need Help less cannon smoke

    uhm, can anyone tell me which files i should tweak to minimize the smoke from cannon fire? because whenever i fire my cannons in first person view and look directly at the smoke, the game lags heavily.. help will be very much appreciated :)
  9. S

    holy relic bug

    when i start the nathaniel storyline, there's this hooded man in speightstown who offered me 2 holy relics, either a melee boosting relic or an hp boosting relic. accepting the relics have a disadvantage of not being able to save the game normally (quicksave works though). so i accepted the...
  10. S

    Need Help officer type skills

    can someone give me a list of what officer types affect what skills i have? for example, i know a gunner affects accuracy and cannon skills, but how about the others? especially the quartermaster, i don't know what he does really :( and what abilities per officer type i can use? :)
  11. S

    Cheat goods delivery

    hey there. i previously played the game with nathaniel hawk storyline, but just thought of this now. on barbados, at the store there, i accepted a mission to deliver loads of silver to la grenade(my first delivery mission). so i went there but instead of delivering it, i sold it to gain loads of...
  12. S

    Solved merchant won't show up and pay

    need help here. in the nathaniel storyline, i got a job from the tavern in speightstown to escort a merchant to hispaniola. this was the time when i was gonna pretend to escort the oiseau and capture or sink her. so then i left barbados and headed for hispaniola, and on the way, i captured the...
  13. S

    Solved Can't Move

    in my game, i just came from a battle where i captured 2 ships and sunk the rest. but everytime i board the enemy ship, my character just moves by himself(usually around and around in circles) and i can't control any of his movements. so i just waited for my crew to kill the enemy then i press...