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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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A few questions


I got a few questions about the 13 build.

1. What is a good trade route? I already discovered one from redmond too cuba but that one goes a bit too slow to my likings ( 6000 a run ).

2. How do you gain a lot of reputation with a country? I already tried doing missions but it goes very slowly.

3. How much reputation do you need to gain anything ( land, marriage, etc )? Also ,just to make sure, the relations with a country is your actual reputation with the governor right?

4. How do you build something?

5. How do you raise your reputation with the world fast? Currently I am stuck with blokey although I give a lot of beggars money.

6. Does your reputation with a world affect much? What does the Hero reputation do? And what about the horror of the high seas one?

That's all but please, if you got any usefull tips or hints please add them.
1) i'd say smuggling mahogany. buy it at an island that exports the stuff (look in your trade book) and sell it by talking to a smuggler in the tavern. ebony is more expensive, but you can get the biggest profit from mahogany. recently looted a spanish galleon with nearly 900 units of the stuff. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_mrgreen1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheeky" border="0" alt="icon_mrgreen1.gif" />

2) sink the enemies of that nation. sinking pirates CAN gain you a lot of points. i reached approx. 450 points by sinking pirates only. taking pirate hunting missions is good to use at the start, but you should aim for the other kinds of pirates at higher levels. eliminating a pirate manowar can give you 10 to 12 points, for instance. but they are EXTREMELY rare. note: sinking vessels that are allied with a nation will lower your rep. with the nation that they are allied with as well.

3) get 5 rep. points to get the first promtion which you can fetch at a governor of that nation. 10 is for the next, then 15, then 20 or 25, and then it continues with increasingly bigger leaps, but bigger rewards. i think you can have a relationship with a governors daughter from a rep. of 50. you can marry her by simply talking to her, gaining money, raising your personal rep., and your rep. with the nation of the governor. you can let her marry you immediatly when you have 2 million and a rep. of hero. (i have changed hero to legend by the way. a pirate being a hero doesn't really make sense. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" /> )

4) pick an empty spot in the jungle, talk to an officer, and make sure that you have wood i your ship's hold.

5) just keep on going being good. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/me.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":onya" border="0" alt="me.gif" /> this game isn't as fast-paced as you seem to think. try sailing over wreckage to pick up survivors.

6) it affects A LOT. choices in quests, possiblities overall, and how everyone treats you and you treat them. the lowest rep. basically means you're skrewed. you might as well become a pirate then. the reason that you are in trouble is because everyone hates you and you can only buy goods and repair your ships at the pirates islands. to become a pirate, you need to be known as a 'freebooter' (in the relations menu) at least, and talk to the leader of the Quebradas Costillas pirates.
well two very improtant things are:

DO NOT sink the black manowar before you finish the main quest! otherwise you get a game-killing bug.


DO NOT capture greenford before you finish the main quest, for the same reason.

i'll post some gameplay tips later.

<b>aggressive boarding</b>

enemies that are attacking you, will try to point their broadsides at you. if you are following the enemy at reasonably close range, you and your opponent will start to go round in a circle. if you are faster and/or more manuevrable, you stand a good chance. if you are slower, you will have to use chainshot to destroy their sails, and try again. if you are less manuevrable, the enemy will be able to make tighter circles, and will eventually be able to fire on you unless you do something about it. the higher your sailing skill, the tighter the turns you can make, so it will become much easier to board. don't hesitate to ram your opponent in the lasy moments to get alongside to board. in the beginning, you will have to go at the same speed (+1 or -1 knot), the same direction (which can be achieved by ramming) and be very close to the enemy, nearly touching him. 'long range boarding' increases the distance, while 'master of boarding' eliminates the distance and speed factors. the higher your grappling skill, the longer the distance from which you can board.

<b>passive boarding (giving chase)</b>

if you are stronger than the enemy, or have severely damaged him, the enemy will start to flee. he will now try to point his stern cannons at you, and will likely not even bother with his broadsides anymore. again, use chainshot to make him slower than you, and make good use of your bow cannons in the chase to lower his morale, destroy his sails at a reasonably large distance (too close and you'll hit the hull) and to disable his stern cannons. if you and your opponent are going in the same direction, and you can't hit him, he can't hit you, which you can use to your advantage to close in. just steer a bit towards him to fire your bow cannons to try and disable his stern guns, after which you could go on out of his line of fire. even if you have destroyed his stern guns, keep a little bit to the left or right. if you do this, your opponent will turn away from you a little bit, and if you play it smart, you can get yourself almost permanently in a better position in comparison to the wind direction, giving you that valuable little extra speed. of course, you can try to give him a broadside by making a big turn, but this will make the distance between you and him a lot larger. however, if you manage to dismast him by doing this, you have basically already won.

one warning though: some captains are a bit smarter than the others, and have a nasty tendency to suddenly strike all sail, causing you to crash into them and possibly sink them, damaging yourself, or, if you try to avoid cxrashing, letting them fire a broadside on you. if you ram them in this case, you usually don't get a chance to board them, so it's pretty nasty.

<b>boarding fights</b>

well, what can i say? hack 'em, smack 'em an' wack 'em! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" /> a good idea is to join the smallest group of your crew to help them out, and then walk around the back to help out the other group by attacking the enemy from the rear. don't take officers with you unless they have the toughness ability, and if a captain surrenders, ask for his gold, accept the crew that you have space for, and lock 'im in the brig. don't accept them as officers straight away, as it might be a better idea to look at their stats first when they are your prisoner. (although you can usually do this when they accept as well) you can talk to your prisoners in your cargo hold by entering your ship in the 'enter/return' menu, under 'ship'. there you can decide what to do with them.

more stuff to come!
<!--quoteo(post=183796:date=Feb 21 2007, 01:33 AM:name=morgan terror)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(morgan terror @ Feb 21 2007, 01:33 AM) [snapback]183796[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
well two very improtant things are:

DO NOT sink the black manowar before you finish the main quest! otherwise you get a game-killing bug.


DO NOT capture greenford before you finish the main quest, for the same reason.

i'll post some gameplay tips later.

Black manowar? Wheeeeeeeeeeere? <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/bounce.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":b:" border="0" alt="bounce.gif" />
Thanks for the tips!

I didn't smuggle mahogany, but coffee from Douwsen too redmond.
Made me filthy rich , they give 450/coffee and I made quite a lot of money.

Also managed to board a class 2 ship and now I got 500 men under my command, 44 cannons and 1 bloody strong officer.

Could a moderator maybe add these questions/answers too the FAQ? Or perhaps make a sticky with hints and tips, would be usefull.

Edit: Ow yeah before I forget, can cities get conquered by other nations?
Reason I ask is cause when I set sail from douwsen 2 class 2 french ships were killing the fortress.
Had I not interfered they would maybe have killed it.

Also, how much money do you get per acre of land? And does it do something else?
<b>ship's list (not complete, but with all the base types and several special types):</b>

tartane - basic ship, no guns, little crew (5 or so) and cargo space of 50 cwt. decent speed, approx. 12 knots.

gunboat - excellent boarding ship, max. 11 or 12 crew, 12 knots, 5 cannons (no stern cannons) very high manuevrability, extremely hard to hit, more hp than the tartane. adventurous ship for experienced players.

war tartane - no bow or stern cannons, but 4 on the left and right. a good deal more hp than the gunboat, faster, and more crew.

the first two types have a rather unusual way of steering. unlike all the other ships, these have only one sail, so 'full sail' is max. speed, half manuevrability (as normal). 'battle sails' has no speed, but full manuevrability. with those ships, go under full sail to gain speed, and use battle sails to make tight turns, after which you hoist the sail again.

yacht - smallest trade vessel. 14 knots (i think. that would likely be the fastest type) quite a lot hp for such a small vessel, decent amount of guns and a pretty large cargo space. not such a good boarding vessel.

barque - slower than the yacht, 11/12 knots, but with more guns and PLENTY of hp. decent cargo space and crew. bad boarding vessel. i tried this ship once, and it was horrible trying to board.

lugger - not that much hp, actually pretty fragile in my opinion, but very light, fast and manuevrable. good pirate ship and boarding vessel, but one tap from ramming and it sinks or is badly damaged. 12 cannons and a decent cargo space.

there are many types of luggers, but all of them are roughly the same. the lugger VML is without doubt the best detailed, and is a bit sturdier than most luggers.

now come the sloop types, which are basically an upgrade from the luggers and a good target.

cutter - similar to the lugger, but a lot more agile. it's basically just differently rigged. perfect target to board with a gunboat, and i usually do. this is the target you often get from the early pirate missions. this is the most agile ship in the enitre game, so not that easy to board. they are really light, so you can afford ramming them, even with a gunboat. strangely enough, there are two types of cutter, but they both have the same name.

sloop - a rather big ship, but it has only one mast and thus vulnerable. has the same armament as the barque, 16 guns. pretty fast and a good cargo space. pretty good amount of crew as well. next step to schooners and the like.

bermuda sloop - one of my favorites, very fast ship, and surprisingly agile for such a ship. extremely high, so it will loose it's only mast pretty fast. great details. lightly armed, but the cannon caliber is really high for it's class.

ketch - two masted sloop, and thus a lot less vulnerable. it's a good deal faster than the sloop, in fact, a fast ship overall.

galeoth - i rarely use these, but they're not bad. basically a pretty well armed fast trading ship. better than the lugger. there's also the gaff-boom galeoth, which i've never used, but is somewhat like a large two-masted cutter. just like the cutter, there are two different ones, one of which has a cabin.

xebec - do not underestimate this ship! very well armed (high caliber, and lots of 'em), fast and agile ship. very popular with pirates. not to big cargo space, though. good hp. there's also the gaff-rigged xebec, which is highly unusual, and i've never tried it before.

aaah! the schooners! now whe're getting somewhere! believe me, you can be truly proud of these ships.

schooner - two masted, very long in comparison to it's width and thus extremely fast ship. absolutely beautiful. very well armed, lots of guns on each side, plenty of hp, (it can take a broadside from a frigate, and that says something) and lots of crew. it's the perfect pirate ship, and as a result, it doesn't have a lot of cargo space. chainshot is inessesary with these ships, as nothing can outrun them. because they are so long, they don't have as much manuevrability as other ships, though.

war schooner - slightly more butch than your avarage schooner, but the same hull. more hp, but less speed. i think it has more crew and a higher cannon caliber as well.

fast schooner - this is the one to get! fastest ship in the entire game. has got the least hp of all the schooners, but it's speed more than makes up for it. what use is hp when you're to fast to get hit? <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" /> one warning though: loose a mast, and surrender. the fastest fast schooner i ever had could do 19.57 knots.

now come the brigs. these are rather slow trade vessels, and perfect targets with any ship type. all brigs are around 12 knots. brigs are all rather heavily armed, so be aware.

16 gun brig - basically a brig-rigged galeoth, combining the two.

20 gun brig - brig-rigged schooner. pretty fast, but not so dangerous as it might seem.

shnyava - another, but very wierd looking, 20 gun brig. i don't know a thing about these, except that they tend to sink after you broadside 'em with a big ship. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" />

brig - lots of cargo space, slow, and quite a lot hp. 24 cannons, so whatch out. these are sturdy ships, so they are more likely to surrender after a serious beating than to sink.

packet brig - more cargo space, i guess. has a lifeboat attached to the end of it, so i figure that it must have more crew. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" />

brigantine - fastest of the brigs, and are pretty dangerous. it can sail, in realistic sailing mode, closer to the wind as well.

now come several trading vessels, they are primarily targets.

caravel - there is, without any doubt at all, not a more crappy ship than this one! EXTREMELY slow, in fact the slowest ship, with a speed of 8 knots, but it's really well armed for a trade ship. lots of hp, and an amazing amount of cargo space.

fleut/flute - it's the floating sea-banana! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_mrgreen1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheeky" border="0" alt="icon_mrgreen1.gif" /> pretty slow with 11 knots, and lightly armed, but they have the biggest cargo space in comparison to their size, except for maybe the pinnace. has a tendency to loose it's masts, and is pretty clumsy. in fact, it's so high, than you can hardly miss it! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" /> pretty hard to chase though, as it's really narrow.

fleut of war - a lighter and faster version of the fleut, making up for it's bad qualities pretty well.

pinnace - absolutely HUGE ship, truly menacing from a distance, but it has more bark than bite. has only 8 cannons on the left and right, two on front (which all ships have, except one), but, no less than 6 on the rear! very hard to chase a result. it is actually a really well designed trade ship. has a massive amount of hp, and a truly huge cargo space, but pretty slow and sluggish. however, don't get in front of it or you're history. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ko.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":ko" border="0" alt="ko.gif" /> they'll crush anything in their path, unless it's bigger.

pinnace of war - basically the same system as the fleut of war.

waller pinnace - one of the more peculiar creations. nice color sceme and a huge amount of cannons, but can only have 4 pound cannons. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/huh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":huh" border="0" alt="huh.gif" /> designed to use chainshot, and not to sink enemies. a run-away ship.

no, there will probably never come an end to this post. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />

galleon - not bad actually, but slow. lots and lots of hp, and a really big amount of cannons. it can handle a high cannon caliber as well. a real monstrosity, and it's even bigger than the pinnace, and dangerous to boot. lots and lots of crew. 300 to 400, i think. 38 cannons

treasure galleon - need i say more? more cargo space, thus a more tempting target. but do so at your own peril!

war galleon - now THIS is a good ship! 14 knots, so it can compete with most other ships for speed. more hp as well. i think it has a bigger cannon caliber too. all galleons have 4 stern cannons. i think that this one has 40 cannons.

now come the ship that are my favorites and are mainly warships. they are commonly used by pirates and a true threat. jeez, i never realized how many ships there actually where. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" />

corvette - aye, this is the one you want! a really fast ship for it's size, 32 cannons, and the first good ship with 4 stern cannons. pretty nice to look at too. not that much crew, but that cuts down the food supply. which is nesessary, as it doesn't have that much cargo space. in return, it has a good deal of hp. really agile.

pirate corvette - extremely rare. can be obtained in two quests. it's a corvette converted by pirates, and thus very fast, even faster than the others. can do at least 16 knots. more agile too, and it has a higher cannon caliber, that of 24 pounds.

fast merchantman - i know, it's a trader, but it IS a corvette. in fact, it's an ex-navy ship, with the lower cannond removed to change the cannon deck into a cargo deck. very little cannon's, but lots of cargo space. (i think you have a regular merchantman as well, by the way)

east-indiaman - another one of those corvettes. i'm not sure, but i think that this is the 'Amsterdam'. heavily armed trader.

now come the big boys. these are the ship you're after later on in the game.

frigate - 44 cannons, and really dangerous to small ships. pretty fast and agile for such a beast, and has LOTS of hp. about 4000. plenty of crew, and pretty much cargo space to feed it.

light frigate - basically a corvette, but with much improved stats to fit in the frigate class.

heavy frigate - just more of the good stuff. except cannons. impressive resistance to broadsides.

lineship - high, narrow at the stern, big ship with a lot of hp. i've seen them with as much as 7000. 40 cannons, and 300 to 400 crew. good cargo space, but not that much.

warship - basically, um...a floating brick with versailles palace stuck to the end of it. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" /> most hideous thing EVER! not to mention to color of the bloody thing! anyway, it has lots of hp and guns, although i don't know how much. it's more than the lineship, but it is slower.

heavy warship - a rather nutty thing, but pretty impressive firepower. no less than 74 cannons! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/piratesing.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shock" border="0" alt="piratesing.gif" /> imagine that many cannons stuck to the hull of a lineship with the rigging of a warship. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" /> that's a heavy warship.

now come the fun ships. big, bad, and noisy. don't worry, you've nearly had them.

battleship - 70 guns, 10000 hp, lots of cargo space, 700 crew (although i think it's less) and something to stay faaaar away from! 4 stern cannons, and extremely unlikely to flee. even rarer than the manowar. slow and steers like a truck. good ship to take on the smaller forts.

escalated battleship - surprisingly beautiful for such a beast. it's a bit more powerful than the regular battleship, but not much.

light manowar - 84 cannons, and the only ship with 4 bow cannons. has 8 stern cannons. a rather nice feature of this ship is the possibility to go below-decks while still on the ship through a big hole in the deck. approx. 15000 hp and 1000 crew that eats 10 wheat and 5 rum a day at normal rations. cargo space of 5800 tons or so. although this may be called the light manowar, it is actually HEAVIER than the regular one. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" /> goes just under 12 knots.

manowar - the king of ships. so incredibly huge you can still see it through your spyglass at a distance of 2000 yards. there's absolutely no way around them. if you see one, your first idea would be to run like hell, and then realise that you can board it. if you do, you have the ultimate weapon of mass-destruction. has 15000 hp, 100 cannons, a max. caliber of 42 (those are fort cannons!) 1000 crew, and it goes just above 12 knots. note: most of this amount of crew is mainly cannon fodder. it's back-up for your skeleton crew of 300+. you also have a ship of the line, which is faster, has less hp, but basically the same as the manowar.

well, there's the ship list! i can't tell you about the black manowar, because that would be a spoiler. oh, and i really hope this get's stickied. it's probably the most complete ship list on this forum!
<!--quoteo(post=183813:date=Feb 20 2007, 01:17 PM:name=morgan terror)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(morgan terror @ Feb 20 2007, 01:17 PM) [snapback]183813[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->oh, and i really hope this get's stickied.
<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->as the n'th reply in a post, it has poor structure for a sticky

besides this really have "Build Mod" sticky potential?
Would be usefull to sticky this, if it would be more organized and such.

Anyway, does any of you guys got any more good tips/hints/trade routs/and so on?

Could you also be a bit more specific on how to build something?

What type of wood? Planks? sandal? Ebony?
Do I need bricks?
How much of those?
Stored in a ship, berthed or not?
Do I need permission from a governor or something?
Where can I build? In town? Wilderness?
You say I gotta talk to an officer, under what option will it appear or will a completely other option appear?
Do I gotta have something enabled in my files folders?
planks. unless you want to make a REALLY expensive house. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_mrgreen1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheeky" border="0" alt="icon_mrgreen1.gif" />

no bricks. yet.

dunno, never use the mod.

in your current ship.

nope. just your own.

i think only in the jungle.

well, i think that the options are fairly obvious about what they do. you should be able to find it. it's one of the main conversation options.

no, unless there's a toggle somewhere. by the way: it doesn't work yet in build 13 update two. you'll need update 3. i think. or it was first enabled in update 2.

oh: when travelling on the ocean, beware of a 'convoy' or 'fleet'. those are BIG. i've encountered these two only once, but they where both of about 6 ships, of which 3 battleships in the fleet. pounded them into submission, of course. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" /> and that was only a 'small fleet'! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/piratesing.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shock" border="0" alt="piratesing.gif" />
Hmmm, I still can't build anything.

I got 200 planks in my cargo hold.
I am in a jungle.
I got an officer.
No option for building anything.

I do got build 13.2, but in "About Build 13.2" stands under option land, the very first line, Setbuilding enabled and than some more text.

What am I doing wrong?
the last time that i checked it should say: 'i want to build something. right here, right now.' when you're talking to an officer. maybe you need something else, but i don't think so. i'm too tired to remember all of this stuff. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" /> i wish someone else would help.

anyway, here's something on swordfighting:

this works exceptionally well with high hp and the toughness ability. good armor is a must too. don't even bother blocking so you won't recieve damage. if you block, you cut off the animation for attacking or flinching when you get hit. if you block for a fraction of a second right after you hit your enemy, you can halve the time needed to attack, so you can attack twice as much in the same time. perfect for killing enemies with thoughness.
About building things. Make sure you have Build 13 Update 2 or Update 3 installed. The BuildingSet is disabled in Build 13 because of some bugs that were fixed a while after the release.
And building works as Morgan explained: talk to your officer, and the last sentence in the first dialogscreen should be: "Assemble a working party, I want to build something". The rest will be explained in the dialog.

One minor correction: you can build in EVERY landlocation. I left the decision whether a building makes sense in a partuicular location to the player.
Ow my mistake, I thought I had build 13.2 or 3 installed but I didn't, downloading it right now.

Edit: Damn problem, I downloaded the Build 13 3 full version , opened the zip and tried the Runme.bat.

When I continue it says : the system cannot find the path specified.....
well, i just heard that the game doesn't run well when you don't install build 13 update 2 before installing update 3, so maybe it's a good thing that it didn't work right yet.
<!--quoteo(post=183970:date=Feb 22 2007, 02:15 AM:name=Kalenden)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Kalenden @ Feb 22 2007, 02:15 AM) [snapback]183970[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Ow my mistake, I thought I had build 13.2 or 3 installed but I didn't, downloading it right now.

Edit: Damn problem, I downloaded the Build 13 3 full version , opened the zip and tried the Runme.bat.

When I continue it says : the system cannot find the path specified.....
1 extract the update files to someplace convienent

2 find the game directory

3 move all of the extracted update files over to the game directory overwriting anything they wish to.

4 execute the runme file from the game directory.

P.S. Updates 2 and 3 "play" well together.
If you mix up and install one in the wrong order or feel that they may have acted strangely - you can re-install them in the correct order without resorting to a previous clean install. Just remember to run the Runme file after EACH update is (re)installed