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Need Help Abnormal program termination


I need to shut down my PC when playing POTC(NH) for some obvious reason. After it I am unable to run the game. When I try to run its saying=

"Microsoft visual C++ run time library
Program C:\ Games\Pirates of the Caribbean\engine.exe
Abnormal Program Termination "

And then turn of. How to run the game again??
Oohh. :facepalm I ran into that a while back and somehow managed to get it running again, but do not remember how.

That might not be a POTC problem so much as a general sick computer problem. Or you could try deleting the options folder. Are there any log files?
There is a 'options' file present(not a folder), do you mean that? It has unknown file extension to me. Mannage to open it with notepad++.
I attached two files that I had found.


  • error.log
    101 bytes · Views: 260
  • system.log
    239 bytes · Views: 195
  • options.txt
    10.5 KB · Views: 272
If you delete the options file a new one will be created when you restart POTC. You will then need to reset everything in it, but that has been known to fix some problems.

The error.log says it can not load a certain file. That means that file is either missing or corrupted.

Do you defrag often? Also do you play for many hours non stop? POTC has a memory leak that causes corruption if the game is played too long at one sitting. Defragging every 2-3 days helps stop this.
Then that is your most likely source of the problem. Please defrag and see if it starts working again.

I use IoBit Advanced System Care 7 and Smart Defrag 3. It is free and is pretty effective.
Ok, I am going to delete options file and then defragmentation. Lets see.... will ping later with the result. Thanks fr the advice.
I think I got my dead POTC install to start working again by running the latest installer again, then starting a new game. All of my other dead installs got deleted and then a new POTC installed.

You can copy your save folder someplace else and then reinstall, then move that save folder back in and see if that works.
Ok, I am thinking the same. Is safe mode 'on' will resolve this problem in future?
And what about quick save(F5)? Not working where I had an active profile.
I doubt it. I do not know what that safe mode does as I avoid the config.exe completely.

Quick save? I never use that either.
I have the latest installer when I install the game few weeks ago. It happened while I am playing & for unusual shut down of my PC. I am shortly going to install it again with the newly created installer, 112mb as I remember.
That particular error.log cannot possibly be generated during playing.
Either that missing file is there and the game will run or that file isn't there and the game will refuse to start up.
Then that is your most likely source of the problem. Please defrag and see if it starts working again.

I use IoBit Advanced System Care 7 and Smart Defrag 3. It is free and is pretty effective.
And unless you're careful, they try to install extra junk and mess with your browser. When you install either of these, make sure you pick "Custom" - do not let them run an "Express" install. Then you at least get to see what else they're trying to do to your computer and you have the chance to stop them from doing it. Advanced System Care also tries to persuade you to buy the commercial version when you run it.

I installed both of them on my home PC. Despite letting Advanced System Care do its stuff whenever it nags me, which is about every couple of days, there's no noticable improvement in performance. Mind you, that PC is running pretty well anyway, despite Advanced System Care's warnings. My work PC, on the other hand, is running slowly, so I installed both programs there too. The most visible result was that the privacy sweep fouled up the PC's ability to log onto the network. Advanced System Care will not get a second chance to do that!

As for running PoTC for longer than a couple of hours: sometimes when you're in a big sea battle, you don't have much of a choice in the matter because you can't save game at sea. This is one reason why I don't use DirectSail, preferring instead to travel between islands on the worldmap. You can save there, just before you go into a battle, then if the game crashes you haven't lost all your progress.

After installing the game, I edit the various configuration files, run the game just long enough to get the controls set up, then when everything is the way I want it, I copy the whole game directory to a backup directory. If the game then starts misbehaving and it can't be cured by loading an earlier saved game, I delete the game directory (except the "SAVE" directory), then copy everything from the backup directory (except the "SAVE" directory). It's a lot quicker than a total re-install and means I don't need to edit the configuration files all over again.

If I do need to reinstall (e.g. when an updated version is released) then I first delete the existing installation, install the basic game from CD's, then install the new version on top of that. This way there is no chance of anything dodgy being left in place from the previous installation.
Yeah I forgot to mention that about what they want to install. Pretty much everybody does that these days.

The ASC does good stuff for me, but the defrag is the most important one. My C: drive is always getting thrashed and it needs defragging every few days. Oddly, POTC is on my D: drive which recently got formatted and that drive stays good.

I wish I could remember which POTC install this is. A year ago when Pieter broke his hip I had one install that was 3-4 months old. That one lasted to November when it died, so I made a new one, then I installed the latest patch onto the dead one and it revived. When I formatted the drive I deleted one but do not remember which one it was. This install is either well over a year old or 7 months old and still chugging along. Normally a POTC install lasts me 3-4 months. This is all the more remarkable because this computer has a dying motherboard and I know it is not as stable as it used to be.

This is why when people have problems with POTC crashing a lot I start talking about maintenance.
As for running PoTC for longer than a couple of hours: sometimes when you're in a big sea battle, you don't have much of a choice in the matter because you can't save game at sea. This is one reason why I don't use DirectSail, preferring instead to travel between islands on the worldmap. You can save there, just before you go into a battle, then if the game crashes you haven't lost all your progress.
You can save in DirectSail. Just not in mid-battle.
Thanks guys. Today I discover my PC problem, it's my new RAM. Fortunately it is within warranty period. I need to shut down my PC when I am playing, coz for irritating display & my hard disk was not responding that moment. When I restart back POTC not starting and I had this error.

"Microsoft visual C++ run time library
Program C:\ Games\Pirates of the Caribbean\engine.exe
Abnormal Program Termination -> OK"

I delete 'options' file & did defrag with defraggler(from Piriform), but result is the same. So I copy the save game files & deleted POTC. This is the hole story. I will get back a new new RAM in 2/3 days.

For @Grey, thanks, I am aware of the 'ad-ware' programs that coming with most of the utility programs in those days. They basically comes with installer. I am used to with custom installation. I maintain my PC as much as I can, using Ccleaner & Tuneup.
Thanks for your tips about 'save game', I will try to fellow.