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Need Help Ahoy me mates need help


Master Mariner
Ahoy mates need help i'm new here to this forum so please bear with me !!!!
i love POTC a lot since the original game and you outstanding mod just made it better with the option to conquer capture kill plunder ....!!
i still don't understand few things in POTC:NH B14B4 some quests need to reload saves for it (have no problem with it) still sometimes(even thought i heard it was fixed) glitches in sea battle where the screen start mixing the sea with sky sometimes i can't see properly but as i said sometimes when you capture a town i noticed something strange even thought you are the owner of that colony you can't buy personal navy ships it says naval(navy)ships only can't buy i don't know why and also i always end up fighting my town coast guard with my own flag(is it other country ships with my false flag) and quest of smugglers always repeat it self after taking it from my assigned gouverner (sometimes i can't fight for example Turks shore with that bridge i need to be alone fighting all 4 mens and the mens in the cave after them alone or the game crash when i or one of my mens draw a sword ........ and many other minor bugs that i don't care about since they don't do much for the gameplay

now for my questions !!!HAHA
will any country recapture the town that they lost to me i toke Turks and was in the other side of the map for about 1 year and a half (in game) no one dared to attack it only roaming around it and Turks fort isn't that strong what will happen when i capture all towns or when i capture lets says Portugal or USA lands (usa 2 towns in one island Portugal one town in one island) and they are left with none will they disappear (i know pirate can't even if they will) and can we build more then 15 building limits (and when will they have collision (if that was the best word to describe it) so that we wont be walking through walls like ghost and how can i make my all ship crew wearing my personal uniform
and on e last question i tried to start as naval officer under the service of (not any country but personal ) i can't go to sea the screen becomes dark
and one last bug i forget to mention which may screw game play a little bit is when you start as a free play story when your man talks to you in your captain cabin game always crash unless i chose to follow him to the town then send him off or go throw the storm other wise it crash no matter what ship i have
edit : Strange but now it dosent crash i will be walking like stupid in my ship deck without being able to talk to my crew or go to sea no matter what i press everything didn't work
thanks and sorry for the long.....long...long crap above ...need to go protect my dear Tortuga from England and its allies
Ahoy @imado552, welcome to the forum.

To be certain, what exact modpack version are you running? I think I might know, but we need to know for sure.

If I understand correctly, you report the following issues:
- Can't buy navy ships even in towns that belong to yourself
- If you are smuggling on your own island, you get caught by your own coastguard
- Something with the Governor Smuggler Quest repeating (how?)

As for your other questions:

- Other nations do not capture colonies; eventually I'd like to see that added as a feature, but for now your colonies are safe

- If nations have no towns left, their ships can still be encountered at sea (just pretend they came from Europe)

- The limit on BuildingSet structures is to avoid having too many characters in the same location; there is no way around that, I'm afraid

- A start was made on "collision detection" for BuildingSet structures, but it doesn't work right so it has been disabled for now

- You can try to play with this code in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h for your crew:
// Models for Nathaniel's boarders.
// These are filenames from resource\models\characters but with extra character at the end describing whether they are
// men ("M"), ladies ("W") or skeletons ("S"). Empty string ("") gets stock default.

#define BOARDERMODEL          "standard"   // Outfit for your boarders, insert one of these groups (Don't change spelling or the "" !):
                         // "marine", "corsair", "masked", "skeleton", "girl", "soldier" (soldiers of current flag),
                         // "boarder" (Nathaniel's soldiers); default: "standard"

#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_0       "33_TG5DW"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_1       "33_Piratess10W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_2       "Skel3S"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_3       "towngirl1W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_4       "Will_2M"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_5       ""
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_6       "towngirl7W"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_7       "Corsair1_4M"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_8       "50_IndiaW"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_9       "black_corsairM"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_10     "black_corsairM"
#define NATHANIEL_BOARDER_11     "black_corsairM"

#define BOARDER_INDEX         -1       // INT - range= -1,100 , Select model for Nathaniel boarders.
                         // -1: random (generates different sets for every deck; works also for remaining groups),
                         // 0: sequential (NATHANIEL_BOARDER_1 to NATHANIEL_BOARDER_5; works also for remaining groups),
                         // 1-99: one selected model for all boarders (works also for remaining groups in range from 1 to 99),
                         // 100: sequential (NATHANIEL_BOARDER_6 to NATHANIEL_BOARDER_10; for remaining groups identical to 0).
But all code related boarder models is very messy and needs a complete rewrite. We just don't have the manpower to make it happen.
Still on our to-do list though: High Priority - Updating the Character Model Groups | PiratesAhoy!

- What exact settings did you choose in Select Storyline when you got the "Personal Naval Officer Black Screen"?
Assuming that you are indeed running a Beta 4 WIP version, I can see that potentially going wrong.
"Personal" doesn't have any ships defined. Simplest solution may be to have "Personal" share with the unused "Pirate" ship choices.
Ahoy Pieter Boelen i'm running the latest version Build 14 Beta 4 WIP and thanks for your replay
i used the following options in the free to play only story date 1800-1830 14-24 may i used my nationality as personal so that i don't belong to any nation i can play good when i chose options other then navy officer it start good i follow the man to town to do simple quest then go back to port then when ever i click on ship-(not in deck view i can see that normaly) in the entire ship view i see black screen i don't know why i can press F11 and see menu it doesn't matter how much i try to reload saves its the same
and yes i can't buy navy ships in my own town i see let say for example navy sloop (sorry if the name is wrong) i can see that the nation is set to personal with my own flag but can't buy it i don't know but when i recruit from my towns officers nationality is personal
i always get caught by my own coastguard when smuggling and when i get back to the governor of my town to complete the quest i get the money and he says not enought and the quest is updated to repeat the same thing the same reward each and every time

thanks for your replays on my questions it helped me alot time to put France into its place hahahaha
I'll see if I can come up with some quick fixes for your Personal Nation issues this weekend.

Do you have a savegame on which I could replicate the issues?
Ideally one just before that Governor quest loop and in a town with navy ships you cannot buy.
@imado552, I'm not quite sure yet how best to handle the issue of being caught while smuggling by your own guards.
I can think of several solutions:
1. If the island nation is Personal, simply never get caught smuggling
2. If the island nation is Personal, have there BE no smuggling goods (by consequence, that quest should then also not be available)
3. If you do get caught, the guards will always let you go and any coastguard ship would be neutral to you

Do you have any idea which of these sounds the most reasonable? Or can you think of any other solutions?
This question also @Grey Roger, @Hylie Pistof, @Levis, @ANSEL and @pedrwyth .
If you're Personal and were caught smuggling by guards of a Personal colony, there's also option 4 - nobody is above the law, including you! The governor is the one in direct control of the colony and has decided, either as a way of lining his own pocket or for the genuine good of the colony, that some goods are illegal, and you've been caught breaking the law.

From the coastguards' point of view, here's a ship which is bringing in illicit goods and dealing with smugglers, so it's their duty to stop that ship. The fact that it's flying the same flag as their town is of no more significance than if you're trying to smuggle into Kingston while flying a British flag. The only person who's going to get a good look at you is the captain of the ship when you duel him, or the guards if you are attacked while you're on shore, and they don't believe it's really you because the real boss of the Personal colonies would never smuggle into his own towns, break his own law and damage the economy of those towns. So as far as they're concerned, you're both a smuggler and an impostor!

Option 5 is that because you've been caught at best merely breaking the law you helped set up and at worst undermining the authority of the governor, the colony revolts! Either make it Pirate or have it pick a random nation to choose as its new protector, because you obviously can't be trusted. :D

Otherwise I'd go with option 2. Ideally, as the Supreme Boss, you'd decide which goods if any are to be illegal. And, as Supreme Boss, if you want to bring something in that's currently illegal, you'd just change the law. The game interface doesn't allow you to do that, but the effect is reasonably well simulated by having nothing illegal, so you can bring in whatever you want.
Last edited:
Otherwise I'd go with option 3. Ideally, as the Supreme Boss, you'd decide which goods if any are to be illegal. And, as Supreme Boss, if you want to bring something in that's currently illegal, you'd just change the law. The game interface doesn't allow you to do that, but the effect is reasonably well simulated by having nothing illegal, so you can bring in whatever you want.
Maybe I am misunderstanding, but isn't that my option #2, eg. there ARE no smuggling goods for Personal islands?
Option 2 makes most sense to me too. Why smuggle if you are only cheating yourself, and you are in control of what is declared illegal/heavily taxed. So simply have no items as contraband.

In the same way having your governor set quests for YOU seems the wrong way round too - so disable them too.

All of which makes a captured colony a bit boring apart from having your own shipyard for ships you wouldn't otherwise be allowed perhaps.
Option 2 makes most sense to me too. Why smuggle if you are only cheating yourself, and you are in control of what is declared illegal/heavily taxed. So simply have no items as contraband.

In the same way having your governor set quests for YOU seems the wrong way round too - so disable them too.
Thanks; I'll do that then.
At some point I changed some code so that the Governor Smuggling Quest WOULD be available from Personal towns too, but I never knew if that would work or not.
Disabling it is indeed probably the simplest.

All of which makes a captured colony a bit boring apart from having your own shipyard for ships you wouldn't otherwise be allowed perhaps.
You're definitely right there!

I think Personal governors can also still give you the Governor Ship Hunting quests.
Not sure how much sense that makes, but it can't hurt to keep, I imagine. Otherwise it becomes even MORE boring! :shock
@imado552: Please confirm the EXACT modpack version you are running according to the date shown in your main menu.
Alternatively, upload the compile.log file from your main game folder.

Reason I need to know is because there is ALREADY code in place to remove all smuggling goods from islands owned by the player.
In PROGRAM\Towns\Towntable.c:
void CaptureTownForNation(string town, int iNation)
   bool chknation = iNation >= 0 && iNation < NATIONS_QUANTITY;
   int orgNation = GetTownNation(town);
   string sNation = "n" + iNation;
   ref island = GetIslandFromTown(town);
   bool bFirstInit = false;

   chknation = chknation || iNation == PERSONAL_NATION;
   if (!chknation || !TownExist(town)) return;
   if (orgNation == iNation) return; // PB: Don't do any of the below if the town is already of that nationality
   if (CheckAttribute(GetTownFromID(town), "do_firstinit")) bFirstInit = sti(Towns[GetTownIndex(town)].do_firstinit);
trace("CaptureTownForNation: town="+town+", 1st="+bFirstInit);

   if (CheckAttribute(island, "smuggling_nation") == true && sti(island.smuggling_nation) == orgNation && iNation != PERSONAL_NATION)
     island.smuggling_nation = iNation;
     UpdateIslandSmugglingState(island); // PB: Probably should update this, no?
And also PROGRAM\smuggling.c:
void UpdateIslandSmugglingState(ref sisland)
   //This function updates the smuggling state, this needs to run daily.
   int townnum = GetIslandTownsQuantity(sisland.id);
   // if there are not towns then we dont need to check
   bool bRemoveContraband = false;
   if (townnum == 0)  bRemoveContraband = true; //no smuggling state has to be set either
   if (sti(sisland.smuggling_nation) == PIRATE  ) bRemoveContraband = true; //no coast guard if the island is under pirate control
   if (sti(sisland.smuggling_nation) == PERSONAL_NATION) bRemoveContraband = true; //you don't want the coastguard to get you on your own island
   if (bRemoveContraband)

even thought you are the owner of that colony you can't buy personal navy ships it says naval(navy)ships only can't buy
Open PROGRAM\INTERFACE\shipyard.c and find:
if(GetLocalShipAttrib(arCurShip, ShipsTypes[st],"Type.War") == true && GetLocalShipAttrib(arCurShip, ShipsTypes[st],"Type.Trade") == false && GetCurrentLocationNation() != PIRATE)
Replace with:
if(GetLocalShipAttrib(arCurShip, ShipsTypes[st],"Type.War") == true && GetLocalShipAttrib(arCurShip, ShipsTypes[st],"Type.Trade") == false && GetCurrentLocationNation() != PERSONAL_NATION)
I think that will solve it.

quest of smugglers always repeat it self after taking it from my assigned gouverner
In PROGRAM\NATIONS\nations.c find:
bool IsInServiceOf(int iNation)
   ref PChar = GetMainCharacter();
   if (iNation == PERSONAL_NATION)         return true;
   if (HaveLetterOfMarque(iNation))       return true;
   if (ProfessionalNavyNation() == iNation)   return true;
   return false;
Replace with:
bool IsInServiceOf(int iNation)
   ref PChar = GetMainCharacter();
//   if (iNation == PERSONAL_NATION)         return true; // PB: This would unlock the smuggling quest for Personal Governors
   if (HaveLetterOfMarque(iNation))       return true;
   if (ProfessionalNavyNation() == iNation)   return true;
   return false;
That should disable the Smuggling Quest from appearing at Personal Governors.
and on e last question i tried to start as naval officer under the service of (not any country but personal ) i can't go to sea the screen becomes dark
Open PROGRAM\INTERFACE\select_storyline.c and find:
              case PLAYER_TYPE_NAVAL_OFFICER:
                 if (NationNoIsland(CharNation, curPeriod))
                   lidx = FindLocation("Tortuga_Port");               // Island-less naval officers start at Tortuga, not Nevis
                   if (CharNation == ENGLAND)
                     lidx = FindLocation("Redmond_port");             // Speightstown isn't much of a navy base
                 NavyLockShipSelection(true , model);                 // Navy assignment is pre-defined
Replace with:
              case PLAYER_TYPE_NAVAL_OFFICER:
                 if (CharNation != PIRATE && CharNation != PERSONAL_NATION)
                   if (NationNoIsland(CharNation, curPeriod))
                     lidx = FindLocation("Tortuga_Port");               // Island-less corsairs start at Tortuga, not Nevis
                     if (CharNation == ENGLAND)
                       lidx = FindLocation("Redmond_port");             // Speightstown isn't much of a navy base
                   NavyLockShipSelection(true , model);                 // Navy assignment is pre-defined
That disables the special "navy ship selection behaviour" for Pirate and Personal characters.
ahoy mates thanks all for your help i will put a back up for the files and do as you said and see what it looks like and here is the compile.log
and yeah its kinda boring doing the quest over and over and over
and one more question (sorry for too many questions) is there anyway to disable wind option in realistic i enjoy playing realistic but sea battle with too much wind is too hard for me at the moment sometimes as it just happend to me now i tried to play as pirate or under pirate service sometimes screen goes black when i try to go to the ship but if i click F5 and do quick save the F11 load save its fixed and after it was fixed i found myself fighting two british warships in pirate settelment port and the wierd thing is screen started mixing like sky in sea sea in sky for a few secs then their british flag a Huge one blocked the screen for a while i was able to see only my ship then everything went normal other then few other bugs i'm really enjoying it and thanks for seg i will try them all now


  • compile.log
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ah never mind my question i was just looking in internal setting and found the options thanks anyway and if i as you said Pieter boelen change the codes to change my crew outfit i think that was in build 13 i don't remember how do i know if i set to my personal crew outfit not pirates or a ship full of WOMANS!!!! (all of this just to ask the names of the models how can i know them is there any files that i can see to find the list that have them or something like that) thanks
I've got to admit your posts are quite hard to read, really.
If there is anything you can do about that for future posts, that would be much appreciated. :doff

and one more question (sorry for too many questions) is there anyway to disable wind option in realistic i enjoy playing realistic but sea battle with too much wind is too hard for me
You could switch to Arcade Game Mode, but enable various realism settings separately using these toggles at the top of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:
// ======================================
// ======================================
// Included in Realistic Game Mode:
#define REALISTIC_SHIP_INERTIA       0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Ships require counter-rudder and don't sail as if on rails
#define SHORE_DANGER_ALARM         0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Red flashing icon and danger music do not start until enemies draw their blade
#define DISCOVER_SAIL_TO         1     // BOOL - 0=OFF - Shores and ports must be discovered by sailing there manually before you can use Sail To
#define DISCOVER_FAST_TRAVEL       1     // BOOL - 0=OFF - Town locations must be discovered by finding them manually before you can use Fast Travel
#define NAVIGATION_EQUIPMENT       0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Items required for certain navigational information to become available
#define ENABLE_LIMITED_SHIPCLASS     0     // BOOL - 1=ON - When player takes command of ship of too high tier, Leadership and Sailing skills drops
#define CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING   1     // INT - 1=DEFAULT: Controlled by Realism Mode - 0 or 2 override the Realism Mode setting
#define SAIL_OPERATE_DELAY         3     // INT - sailors will operate sails this amount of seconds after receiving command (set to 0 to restore stock PotC)
// Included in Iron Man Mode:
#define OPEN_SEA_MOD           0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Worldmap enlarged for realistic DirectSail
#define WORLDMAP_DISABLED         0     // BOOL - 1=ON - DirectSail enforced
#define SAILTO_DISABLED           0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Cannot Sail-To any ships at sea
#define ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED         0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Spyglass and compass additional information disabled, cannot move camera to non-player ships
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES         1     // INT  - 1=DEFAULT: Controlled by Realism Mode - 0 or 2 override the Realism Mode setting
#define ITEM_REALISM           0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Items like rubies, diamonds and inca statuettes give no skill bonuses (books and items like compass etc. still do)

sometimes as it just happend to me now i tried to play as pirate or under pirate service
What does that mean? :confused:

i found myself fighting two british warships in pirate settelment port and the wierd thing is screen started mixing like sky in sea sea in sky for a few secs then their british flag a Huge one blocked the screen for a while i was able to see only my ship then everything went normal
Sounds like you're running into this problem:
Engine Limitation - Graphical Anomalies | PiratesAhoy!

all of this just to ask the names of the models how can i know them is there any files that i can see to find the list that have them or something like that
RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters contains the actual files.
We recently got this tool which may be the easiest way to view them: http://piratesahoy.net/build/tools/Modeling+Texturing/Animation View.7z
I haven't used that yet myself though, so I don't know how to work it.
ahoy mates !!!Pieter boelen i tried your solution for my crew but nothing changed i tried girls as well to see but nothing i'm playing free play story only and i did started a new game just to test it does it have a problem with -1 random something at the buttom of the border list or does it have to be natanial hawk(sorry for the name i know its wrong too lazy to go check it)story and does this affect as well your crew members who follow you thanks for the help
i tried your solution for my crew but nothing changed i tried girls as well to see but nothing i'm playing free play story only and i did started a new game just to test it does it have a problem with -1 random something at the buttom of the border list or does it have to be natanial hawk(sorry for the name i know its wrong too lazy to go check it)story and does this affect as well your crew members who follow you thanks for the help
As I said, all code related to that is messy to say the least and needs to be properly rewritten some time.
But there are so many other things still to be done and this issue has become rather low priority.

@DavyJack is usually good with hacking the game code for personal reasons.
Maybe she could figure out a quick trick for you.
@imado552, please upload ANY savegame where you have captured towns for yourself.
I need to check something in there.

Also, exactly where are those Personal soldiers who catch you during smuggling?
Does that happen on a beach of the island?

In PROGRAM\Towns\Towntable.c find:
if (CheckAttribute(island, "smuggling_nation") == true && sti(island.smuggling_nation) == orgNation && iNation != PERSONAL_NATION)
Replace with:
if (CheckAttribute(island, "smuggling_nation") == true && sti(island.smuggling_nation) == orgNation) // PB: was && iNation != PERSONAL_NATION
That may be the trick to make new towns captured for yourself stop having smuggling goods.

But I'm not sure why any of that would be needed.
As far as I can tell from the code, the "smuggling nation" of islands should NEVER be set to Personal.
That is the nation whose soldiers would catch you if you do smuggle.
In other words: Regardless of whether you captured any or ALL towns on an island, the coastguard should remain unaffected.
it won't allow me to upload pics more then this or the page freez and have to reload lossing all what i wrote mmm bad ill upload them alone
this is saves and screen shot from the program you gave me it works like a charm but some times in some models textures aren't showing properly but not a big deal
2016-03-12_141529.png 2016-03-12_142010.png 2016-03-12_142026.png 2016-03-12_142159.png
and i don't know why pirate toke over my town turks but i got it back here is a screenshot
they did as well take tortue from France then France toke it back i'm amazed never knew this could happen the first time no ship logs no messages nothing tolled me T-T
and here a pic of the smuggler quest in my personal town 2016-03-12_151309.jpg
and if you go to buy a new ship in shipyard navy ships aren't allowed don't know why
and i'll try my best to explain better in the future sorry about that
and what i meant with
i tried to play as pirate or under pirate service sometimes screen goes black when i try to go to the ship but if i click F5 and do quick save the F11 load save its fixed
is when i start a new game with pirates as my nation or when i'm joining the brotherhood sometimes(Sometimes) screen goes black when i'm on ship i hear the winds i hear sounds but nothing so i fixed this by doing quick save F5 then going to menu >load save game > and reload the save it sho now properly don't know why
if i missed something please remind me thanks


  • 2016-03-12_141529.png
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  • 2016-03-12_142010.png
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  • 2016-03-12_142026.png
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  • Personal save.zip
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  • Personal save.zip
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  • Personal save.zip
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