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Annoying fog in To Each His Own


Hey there sailors,

I've recently started again playing Sea Dogs: To Each His Own and City Of Abandoned Ships and made quite some progress. But one thing annoys me especicially its the god awful fog. Which is hindering my sight and making navigation just difficult. Is there a way to disable the fog? I used the forum search option for "foggy" cause "fog" was too short, even searched via google and other search platforms but found nothing suiting my needs. I have also searched a suiting option in the plentyful setting datas but my understanding for game developement and such commands is very limited to say the least.

Thank you for your help. And keep on bootying! :treasure:
You're probably looking to tweak the island "FogDensity"

Best bet is too look into "PROGRAM/sea_ai/sea.c" at the "Sea_LoadIsland" function and replace the following line:

Island.FogDensity = Weather.Fog.IslandDensity;

Either disable it entirely or tweak it to your liking:

Island.FogDensity = 0;
Thank you for your help. It worked. But after after 6 minuts ingame time it keeps snapping back in. When I am reloading it's gone again but lays itself onto the isle after 6 ingame minutes. Found in the PROGRAM\weather directory

float FogDensity = 1.0;
float FogSeaDensity = 1.0;

But setting those values to zero didn't work either.

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Sziasztok. Olyan problémám van a Sea Dogs To turna Minden His Own , játékban , hogy felraktam a modokat meg a cheat menüt minden megy nem fagy le, de eltűnt a célkeresztem a hajós csatáknál és igy a hajókra nem tudok rá lőni. Azt irja nyomjam meg a C gombot engedélyezni a lövészt, de nem történik semmi. Nem tudok így olyan küldetéseket meg csinálni ahol ilyesmi kell.Köszönöm ha valaki tudna segíteni.
Sziasztok. Olyan problémám van a Sea Dogs To turna Minden His Own , játékban , hogy felraktam a modokat meg a cheat menüt minden megy nem fagy le, de eltűnt a célkeresztem a hajós csatáknál és igy a hajókra nem tudok rá lőni. Azt irja nyomjam meg a C gombot engedélyezni a lövészt, de nem történik semmi. Nem tudok így olyan küldetéseket meg csinálni ahol ilyesmi kell.Köszönöm ha valaki tudna segíteni.

I translate the message into English so that someone can help you.

"Hi. I have a problem in the game Sea Dogs To Turna All His Own , I installed the mods and cheat menu everything works and does not freeze but the crosshairs disappeared in the sea battles and therefore I can not shoot the ships. It says to press the C key to activate the shooter but nothing happens. I can't do any missions where I have to do something like this. thanks if anyone can help"