• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Arr, this game has me beat!


Sailor Apprentice
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
I've been trying to get into the game but I'm finding it very difficult. Mainly the swordplay is frustrating me. I just started the game and I chose difficulty "Captain" since it says that's the 'Normal' level. Would it be a significant difference dropping it a few levels?

I had no problem at all with Caribbean Tales swordplay, but here I have to resort to a cheasy quickly-repeated piercing attack to kill opponents. And when I face more than one? Forget about it.

How do I fight in this game? If I block they just use their big slash that goes right through it and if I try any big attacks they interrupt me.

Also, is there any way to disable the events at sea? I am getting annoyed by these rats devouring everything. I am waiting for a "Arr! Rats have ate the ship captain! We must swim ashore now!"
I've been trying to get into the game but I'm finding it very difficult. Mainly the swordplay is frustrating me. I just started the game and I chose difficulty "Captain" since it says that's the 'Normal' level. Would it be a significant difference dropping it a few levels?

I had no problem at all with Caribbean Tales swordplay, but here I have to resort to a cheasy quickly-repeated piercing attack to kill opponents. And when I face more than one? Forget about it.

How do I fight in this game? If I block they just use their big slash that goes right through it and if I try any big attacks they interrupt me.

Also, is there any way to disable the events at sea? I am getting annoyed by these rats devouring everything. I am waiting for a "Arr! Rats have ate the ship captain! We must swim ashore now!"

Basicly don't fight heavy fights before you take the swordfighting perks. When you are forced to fight try to spam LMB to disrupt enemy attack. If you are forced to fight more then one enemy try to find bottlenecks. But when you fight stronger fighters they will try to make overhead hit which must be either disrupted or evaded. Disrupting needs perfect timing so learn to evade those hits with Ctrl+RMB.
As for the rats search the forum. There is very easy and safe way to get a ratgod totem which purges the rats.
Oh nice, there is an item that gets rid of the rats?? That is a nice touch!

As for fighting, does it get significantly easier as I develop? What are the perks I want to grab first to make fighting easier?

Thanks for your reply!
Oh nice, there is an item that gets rid of the rats?? That is a nice touch!

As for fighting, does it get significantly easier as I develop? What are the perks I want to grab first to make fighting easier?

Thanks for your reply!

"Elite fencing" perk helps very much; if you get elite fencing and cuirass you will receive only 15-25% from the damage (with prerequisite perks and depending on the cuirass). Berserk is very helpfull too - for 10 seconds you make triple damage. But you should consider taking early the perks which increase your life and your stamina too. They icnrease your life and stamina with 1 point per level and this may seem unsignificant but you probably will got to 30+ (if not 40+) lvl so if you take those perks early you will have 30-40 points more in health and stamina.
It's also a good idea to hire fighter officers and give them plenty of healing potions (but you'll still need to do some bits alone, especially skeletons tend to cut your fighters to ribbons no matter how good and equipped they are).