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Assassins Creed 3 Multiplayer Details Revealed!


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I just ran across this article over at ComputerAndVideogames.com, they apparently got some exclusive access to Ubisoft Annecy, who are handling the multiplayer side of the game. They have provided some detail on just what Ubisoft has in store for the Multiplayer aspect of the game. If what the article portrays is true, Ubisoft has missed yet another opportunity to make this game stand out. All the multiplayer action the article mentions all takes place on land, there isn't a single mention of the naval aspect. I won't even mention the modern day tie in they are trying to make work. Yet more proof that Ubisoft's E3 promotion was just marketing and the naval aspect was simply a last minute addon to the game, and Ubisoft is simply milking the marketing cow for all it is worth.

So what big changes are ahead for the actual multiplayer action? We can expect quite an improvement in the way the online play works, "The dynamic weather system is a perfect example of one the things we've done," Keiken says. "Now in the multiplayer maps, a snow storm or heavy rain can seriously affect your visibility, making it harder to spot the other players." He also clarifies one of the previously announced features: environmental kills - where you can use random objects, like a bottle or an axe, to perform bloody kills.

So, while the core concept of multiplayer remains largely untouched, there are new features to keep it feeling fresh. Oh, and there are two new modes too. Domination (a 4 vs 4 team mode) keeps things traditional, while Wolfpack sounds a little like AC's own brand of 'Horde' to us.

Wolfpack sees 2-4 players teaming up to hunt AI opponents against the clock. During each round you're assigned a target, you have a limited amount of time to hunt them down. Ubi Annecy have thought long and hard about how to keep this mode entertaining, and have spent ages creating different AI behaviours for your targets, "Some are cowards and will try to run away when they spot you, others are fighters and will stun you and run away. Some are almost blind; others will spot you quickly when you're on their tail," says Keiken. They'll even use perks like smoke bombs and firecrackers against you. The multiplayer in Assassin's Creed has always been great, and now it's getting significantly better and - crucially - more entwined with the single-player story.

You can read the full story HERE!


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    40.9 KB · Views: 21
i thought you wouldn't bash ubisoft?
they aren't milking. just maybe you don't get it but people who play AC play it for the storyline not the multiplayer you'll only player multiplayer when you're really bored...
You thought I wouldn't bash Ubisoft? What ever gave you that idea? Obviously you haven't been reading my posts at all.