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Buccaneers gets some fans!


News Crew

<img src="http://www.piratesahoy.net/images/stories/buccaneer.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" />OK back in Malaysia again, at work, so everything should be back to normal as usual <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

Buccaneers have done a another multi update on their <a href="http://www.stickmanstudios.co.uk/news.html" target="_blank">website</a>. 

<b>Buccaneer released on <a href="http://www.direct2drive.com/" target="_blank">Direct2Drive! </a></b>
Fantastic news for us at Stickman Studios as Buccaneer is released on Direct2Drive and is now available to download directly from their <a href="http://www.direct2drive.com/buy-indie-games-download" target="_blank"> Indie Game Downloads</a> section. It is something that we have been looking forward to for quite a while - being able to offer players a choice of whether or not they wished to buy or play our game via Steam. As an added boost, our recent implementation of new GameSpy matchmaking code means that new Direct2Drive players will be able to play alongside Steam players in the same Buccaneer "universe". So with one pool of players from both versions, we hope to see a rise in the number of multiplayer games running.

Massive thanks to the chaps over at Direct2Drive for providing us with the opportunity to release the game through their site. Additional thanks is also due for including the Buccaneer in-game video on the Indie Games home page.

<b>Buccaneer Fan Site Unveiled  </b>
We are also delighted to announce that we have our first fan site! <a href="http://www.freipirat.com/" target="_blank">www.freipirat.com</a> was set up by BuccaneerBuccaneer's Steam based achievements - something that I am embarrassed to admit is currently missing from our own site. I shall rectify that asap and include an achievement page to the main Buccaneer website.

Thanks again Michael for the site, we really appreciate the support! fan Michael Fuchs (aka Menschke). Currently Michael's site is in German, although he also intends to include an English version in the future. We would like to personally thank Michael for his support and are very flattered and encouraged to know that we have people out there who think so highly of our game. We were also very impressed to see that the site includes a full list of all

<a href="http://piratesahoy.net/game-news/buccaneers-pursuit-of-infamy/322-buccaneers-gets-some-fans.html" target="_blank">View the full article</a>