• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Build 11.99 turns "black" when I try to play?

Weird <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/w00t.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":woot" border="0" alt="w00t.gif" />

Looks like your game crashes when it tries to play the "title.ogg" tune. That one is from NK's beautiful Pirates! Music Mod. Do you have those musicfiles installed?

Try if it helps to switch the Pirates! music off in the Buildsettings.h:

#define PGMUS 0

(Though usually PotC just skips mediafiles that it can not find and doesn't crash like in your case <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":?" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /> )
Nope, I haven't got it installed... I've tried disabling it, doesn't help... I'll try installing it on Build 11... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":?" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />
Sorry to hijack this thread for a moment, but - Drunken, been meaning to mention this, I'll make you a sig if you wish. I've got some great images I think you will enjoy... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled thread...

AND here's my stab in the dark concerning your dilemma - you are able to play the game in a window, but not in `full-screen`? <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" /> This game is notoriously picky about how it runs! <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blah:" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /> How are you making that change? Is it just via a keyboard command, or do you alter the file that tells the game how to run?

In POTCengine.ini (open in a plain text editor like Notepad, not a word processing program like WordPad or Word) you will see this code:

<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->modules path = modules

full_screen = 1

screen_x = 800

screen_y = 600
;screen_x = 1024
;screen_y = 768
;screen_x = 768
;screen_y = 576 (&tc)<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->Alter that "full_screen = 1" line - if it says 1, change it to 0, or vice versa - and that hopefully will help you!

I have PMed you about sigs and the like...

I have solved THAT (`full-screen`) problem, the current one is when I can't play in either modes, `full-screen` or only `part-screen`, because I can only see the menu for a split second, then the loading screen for another split second, then it all goes black. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/modding.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":modding" border="0" alt="modding.gif" /> I've got the latest Omega drivers... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":c" border="0" alt="mad.gif" />
You were able to play the game before but now there's a problem? Because it might be that you need to uninstall and do a clean `re-install`.

Sometimes the game just gets corrupted! <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />

And when you download 11.99e, make sure you have EURO selected if you are not using a US/UK version of the game! <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" />
I use the US version, and I have reinstalled already because of this bug. I don't know why it does it, I have already generated an error report, as you can see on the first page of this thread. I haven't got the Pirates! Gold music installed, unless it's in the build. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":?" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />
CatalinaThePirate are you saying, that there is an European download version and an US/UK??? Maby thats why my game turns black <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_eek.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shock:" border="0" alt="icon_eek.gif" />
No, there is a "RunMe.bat" file in the PotC directory, run that, follow the instructions, and THEN try to play. You problem will probably be solved, but mine still remains a question... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_mrgreen1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheeky" border="0" alt="icon_mrgreen1.gif" />

I didn't do anything to it, and tried to start PotC. I could play it, but without most of the music. I tried to install the Pirates! Gold music, and now I can't play, it's gone wrong again... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":c" border="0" alt="mad.gif" />
Drunken, did you just change the switch in buildsettings.h?

<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->//**********MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS****************************************************

#define FOOD_ON    1  //change to 0 to turn food and rum checking off.

#define CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING    1  //change to 0 to `re-enable` reloading of the gun while sword is drawn.

#define LOOTDEAD_ON    1      //change to 0 to turn off getting loot from killing people

#define ARMOR_ALWAYSSHOW      1      //show log about armor if character taking damage has armor

#define CANNON_RANGE_SCALAR      0.5      //set to 1 for build 9 or earlier cannon range.

#define FIRE_ANGLE_SCALAR    0.5 //scalar to how high/low your guns can point (aka elevation). This is multiplied by the default (60 degrees) to get the final number.

#define PGMUS        1      //enable music from Pirates! Gold. Set to 0, and copy your old music_alias.ini back, to revert to stock POTC music.<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
No, I downloaded the pack from the PA! Mods section and installed it. Actually, the switch was already on... Raxy, have you found the cure for your problem? <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/par-ty.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheers" border="0" alt="par-ty.gif" />
No, but thanks for asking <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
Maby I just have to wait to the release of build 12 <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dunno.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shrug" border="0" alt="dunno.gif" />
Umm... Can you generate an error report with the POTCModHelper? it is in "PotC dirtools". <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_mrgreen1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheeky" border="0" alt="icon_mrgreen1.gif" />
Nathan, setting EURO to 1 hasn't solved anything, unfortunately, but I have generated a new error report:<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->-----------------------------------------------------------

Error summary







Init encounters complete.

Init weathers complete. 320 weathers found.

Init character names complete.

Main_LogoVideo() 0



Main_LogoVideo() 1



Main_LogoVideo() 2



Main_LogoVideo() 3

Number of locations: 291

bool CreateParticleEntity()

n is 2

ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=100)

ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=25)

ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=8.1)

ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=4.05)

ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=120.)

ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=180.)

ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=120.)

SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu_PGMUS





Scanning modules

Loading modules...

Loaded 0


Initializing CORE...

Creating atoms space: 128


initializing complete

Initializing DirectX 8

Techniques: 9 shaders compiled.

Techniques: 179 techniques compiled.

Techniques: compiled by 686386358 ticks.


The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value

System exit and cleanup:

Mem state: User memory: 3028  MSSystem: 2032  Blocks: 127<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->And here is my ENGINE.INI:<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->modules path = modules

full_screen = 0

screen_x = 1280

screen_y = 960
;screen_x = 1024
;screen_y = 768
;screen_x = 768
;screen_y = 576

lockable_back_buffer = 0

screen_bpp = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8

texture_degradation = 0

controls = pcs_controls

program_directory = PROGRAM

run = seadogs.c

show_fps = 0

safe_render = 1

texture_log = 0

geometry_log = 0
;offclass = soundservice

mem_profile = memory.mp

startFontIniFile = resourceinifonts.ini

font = interface_normal

numoftips = 0

tracefilesoff = 0


debuginfo = 1

codefiles = 0

runtimelog = 0


sound path = resourcesounds


memory_stats = 0

update_mem_profile = 0<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->And finally, my BuildSettings.h:<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->/*+++++++++++ TWEAKS AND SWITCHES FOR MODS ++++++++++++++

In this list you can customize the keyfeatures of the latest mods to your liking. Or disable them completely.

Change the digits and values in the middle column according to the explanations behind.

Note that anything behind the comment mark (//) has no effect in the code!


//**********GAME VERSION*************************************************************

#define EURO 0

//**********PLAYER CHARACTER & SHIP**************************************************

#define FIRSTNAME "Nathaniel"

#define LASTNAME "Hawk"

//then press N during the game to set your character's name to this.

#define START_LEVEL      1

#define START_MONEY 1000

#define START_WEALTH      500  // your *personal* money

#define START_NATION      0  //must be the nation number, not name. See globals.c for the list of nation numbers.

string START_SHIP() {return "Lugger1"; } // Note, the ship will be customized based on the player's nation.

         // check ships_init.c for all ships' IDs.

#define START_SHIP_NATION  0  // must be the nation number, not name. See globals.c for the list of nation numbers.

//**********MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS****************************************************

#define FOOD_ON    1  //change to 0 to turn food and rum checking off.

#define CANNOT_RELOAD_WHILE_FIGHTING    1  //change to 0 to `re-enable` reloading of the gun while sword is drawn.

#define LOOTDEAD_ON    1      //change to 0 to turn off getting loot from killing people

#define ARMOR_ALWAYSSHOW      1      //show log about armor if character taking damage has armor

#define CANNON_RANGE_SCALAR      0.5      //set to 1 for build 9 or earlier cannon range.

#define FIRE_ANGLE_SCALAR    0.5 //scalar to how high/low your guns can point (aka elevation). This is multiplied by the default (60 degrees) to get the final number.

#define PGMUS        1      //enable music from Pirates! Gold. Set to 0, and copy your old music_alias.ini back, to revert to stock POTC music.

#define SHOWHP_PLAYER      0      // show HP text (i.e. 65/128) for player

#define SHOWHP_OFFICERS      1      // for officers

#define SHOWHP_OTHERS      1      // for other characters

#define AUTOHIRECREW_ONCHANGESHIP    1      //automatically hire extra crew when changing ships (i.e. sell old, buy new) at shipyard.

#define ENABLE_SKILLUP_IFZERO  0      //if a character has 0 for a skill, normally you can't increase it. Set this to 1 to change that.

#define USEMAXPOTION_ONKEYPRESS  0      //this is a tweak to ALexusB's use potion key mod; set to 1 if you want to use the _biggest_ potion first, 0 to use the smallest.

#define FOG_CHANCE    30      // 1 in X chance of fog. Put 0 for no chance at all. Default: 30

#define ENABLE_VIDEOS    1      //set to 0 to disable videos

#define ENABLE_EXTRA_SOUNDS      1      // set to 0 to disable added sound effects

#define SIDESTEP_DIST    0.4 //distance traveled when sidestepping.

//**********AUTO BUY******************************************************************

//for each ammo type, the button will buy this many rounds per cannon

#define BALLS_PER      10.0      //suggested balls_per: 10.0

#define GRAPE_PER      15.0      //suggested grape_per: 10.0

#define CHAIN_PER      10.0      //suggested chain_per: 10.0

#define BOMBS_PER    0.0      //suggested bombs_per: 10.0

//for sail and plank, the button will buy this many units of sail / plank per point of hull HP of the ship

#define SAIL_PER      0.01      //suggested sail_per: 0.01

#define PLANKS_PER      0.02      //suggested sail_per: 0.02

//for wheat and rum, the button will buy this many days' worth of wheat, or rum, for your current crew size.

//note that this is for /double/ rum rations; so normally set this to half the number of days' worth of rum.

#define WHEAT_DAYS      30.0      //suggested wheat_per: 30.0

#define RUM_DAYS      15.0      //suggested rum_per: 15.0, 30 days at normal rum rations.

#define DEFAULT_CHARGE      0 // Balls = 0, Grape = 1, Chain/Knippels = 2, Bombs = 3

//**********ENCOUNTER SETTINGS********************************************************

#define MAXPIRATECLASS      2      //this is the maximum class ship pirates will be given. Defaults to 2.

#define MAXCOASTGUARDCLASS  2      //this is the maximum class ship for coast guards.


//**********ARCADE MODE MULTIPLIERS***************************************************

#define ARCADE_MULT_SPEED  2.0      //this multiplies base `ship-speed`-rate, default: 2

#define ARCADE_MULT_TURN  3.0      //this multiplies base `ship-turn`-rate, default: 3

#define ARCADE_MULT_CANNONS  0.5      //this multiplies base `time-to`-`reload-cannons`, default: 0.5

//**********SCHEFFNOWs MODS***********************************************************

#define ENABLE_TAILORSMOD      1

#define ENABLE_NOSAVEMOD      1

#define ENABLE_RUSHMOD    1

#define ENABLE_WEAPONSMOD      0





//**********COUCHCAPTAIN CHARLES MODS*************************************************

//Contact: the "PotC mods" forum at www.thelib.com

#define LOC_CAMERA    0      //set this to 1 to `re-enable` moved camera in doorways

// VICE CITY (done with a lot of help by NK)

//generates lots of friendly and/or hostile people in town

#define TOWN_VCSKIP_DISABLEALL  1      //change to 0 if vags still generated if loc has skip attr.

#define TOWN_ENC_CHANCE      1.0      //chance for anyone to be generated in town during day

#define TOWN_ENC_CHANCE_NIGHT  0.5      //chance, like above, but at night

#define TOWN_BANDIT_CHANCE  0.5      //chance of there being bandits at all. x2 if at night.

#define TOWN_BANDIT_RESPAWN_CH  0.75      //chance for bandits to be spawned again that day.

#define TOWN_BANDIT_ENC_SCALAR  0.25      //bandit probability scaled by this

#define TOWN_BANDIT_RESPAWN_SCL  0.5      //scalar to bandit prob if already bandits gen'd today.

#define TOWN_BANDIT_MAX      0.67      //max bandit probability

#define VAG_MERCH_CHANCE      0.5      //chance that vagabond is merchant in disguise

#define TOWN_OFFSET      -5  //offset to rank for monsters in town, for Create_Officer(). CURRENTLY ALSO USED FOR HOUSE

//All houses have permanent residents now. The friendly ones have lots of options

#define HOUSE_ENC_CHANCE  0.9      //chance to find someone(s) in the house

#define HOUSE_BANDIT_CHANCE  0.4      //chance for that to be bandit(s)

#define HOUSE_FIGHTDISABLE_ALL  0      //change to 1 to disable ALL encounters in houses with fight disabled; 0 leaves vags gen'd there.

#define HOUSE_DISFIGHT_SCL  0.5      //scalar to chance of encounter if fight is disabled. Only used if disableall is false.

#define HOUSE_OLDPEOPLE_REAPPEAR    0.75      //chance for the owner(s) to be in the house. Note that we must have passed enc_chance itself first.

#define HOUSE_OLDPEOPLE_BANDIT  0.35      //if above false, will check for bandit; if OK will spawn bandit.

//Tavernbrawls may take place in barrooms, and travellers appear

#define TAVERN_ENC_CHANCE  0.75      //chance for anyone to be generated in taverns

#define TAVERN_BANDIT_CHANCE  0.0      // chance for the someone(s) to be violent drunkards. Enable this (set to 0.25) only if you are up to some brawling, because this may get you in conflict with the townfolk.

#define TAVERN_ENC_QTY      0.5      //less than all possible characters will be generated if this != 1

//This lets monkeys and indians appear more realistic

#define VC_MUMMY_NOMONEY  1      //do mummies("indians") get money or not. Set to 1 and mummies get 0 for money.

#define VC_MONKEY_NAME      "a rabid"

#define VC_MONKEY_LNAME      "monkey"

#define VC_MUMMY_NAME      "an Akellani"

#define VC_MUMMY_LNAME      "native"

#define OFFICER_TO_MCHR_DIST  10.0      //was 30, stock

#define OFFICER_TO_TARGET_DIST  10.0      //was 30, stock

//You can now pick pockets and the locks of treasurechests. But this is risky, and other thieves may pick YOUR pocket too.

#define NO_THEFT      15.0      //decreases the chance of pickpocketing; above 30.0 nobody picks YOUR pocket, above 60.0 you yourself get no chance to steal

#define LOCK_OPEN    0.0      //increases your chance of opening chestlocks, above 66.0 all chests open, above 33.0 you won't hurt yourself anymore;-)

#define NO_MINES      0.0      //decreases the amount of boobytrapped exploding treasurechests; above 20.0 (minus your luck skill) there will be none.


//Lets you survive sometimes after lost fights. But you will be down and out, so it is a new challenge and no cheat!

#define DEATHRATE    1      //Chance of surviving shipwrecks and lost duels. Choose a value between 1(certain survival) and 130(certain death).

// Coastraiders & Coasttraders mod

// generates local ships in ports and around the islands. Some local merchants, others pirates.

#define COASTRAIDER_CHANCE      40      //Chance in percent that a coastal ship is a pirate and not a local merchant. Set to 0 to DISABLE the Coastraider mod.

#define NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE      40      //Ditto, but chance that raider is a foreign warship. Chance for that is coastraider_chance * navyraider_chance

#define COASTGUARD_CHANCE  30 //chance in percent that ships of the island's nation will be warships, not merchants

#define TRADE_OTHERNATIONCHANCE 30 //chance in percent that the tradeship is not of the island's nation

#define CR_CLASS_ABOVE_PCHAR    1 //if Ship sightings are capped, this is how many classes above pchar's ship class the coaster can be.

#define CR_MAX_MINCLASS  5 //highest class minclass can be. Minclass normally scales up as pchar level goes up.

#define CR_MINCLASS_PERLEVEL    4.0 //move minclass up one notch per this many PChar levels.

#define CR_MAXPIRATECLASS  4 //maximum class of pirate ship for coaster, NOT the same as MAXPIRATECLASS above

#define AUTOCREATE_CR    1      //Set to 1 to create new coastships every time you leave or approach an island. 0 will create ships only if you ask a citizen about them.

#define REDUCE_CR    0      //Set to 1 (or 2) to reduce number of coastal ships by 1 (or 2) PAIRS. E.g. in case of performanceproblems.

#define DEAD_GENNEW_CR    33      //chance to make new coastal ship for character if character is dead.

#define CR_PERSIST    5      //number of days until new coastal ship is generated


//  Toggles smaller log message font and relocates - tweak in BATTLE_INTERFACELogInterface.c

#define ENABLE_SMALLLOG      1  // Set to 1 to enable smaller log message font and relocation - added by Cat for CCC


//  Toggles skeletons back into dungeons - tweak in LandEncountersLEnc_monsters.c

#define ENABLE_SKEL      0  // Set to 1 to enable skeletons back in dungeons - added by Cat for CCC

//**********CATALINA THE PIRATE*******************************************************

#define ENABLE_NEWCOMPASS        1  // set to 1 to enable new compass skin added by Catalina The Pirate

//**********CUSTOM SAILS**************************************************************

#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_WHOLE_WHITE    15  // increase this when you add new whole white sails.

         // the files should be named sails_whole_white_pirate0.tga.tx, sails_whole_white_pirate1.tga.tx, sails_whole_white_pirate2.tga.tx, etc.

         // so if the value above is set, for example, to 15, then the file numbers should be 0 - 14

         // they should be put in RESOURCETexturesShips

#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_TORN_WHITE    15  // increase this when you add new torn white sails. the files should be named sails_torn_white_pirate0.tga.tx etc.

#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_WHOLE_RED  15  // increase this when you add new whole red sails. the files should be named sails_whole_red_pirate0.tga.tx etc.

#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_TORN_RED  15  // increase this when you add new torn red sails. the files should be named sails_torn_red_pirate0.tga.tx etc.

#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_WHOLE_BLACK    15  // increase this when you add new whole black sails. the files should be named sails_whole_black_pirate0.tga.tx etc.

#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_TORN_BLACK    15  // increase this when you add new torn black sails. the files should be named sails_torn_black_pirate0.tga.tx etc.

//**********NK PRS3*******************************************************************

#define SHIPYARD_CHANCE_OTHERNATION      0.2  //chance a ship at a shipyard will not be from shipwright's nation.

#define CHANCE_OVERRIDE_PRS3NAT_IF_PIRATE  0.4  //chance to use a random nation rather than PIRATE if passed nation is pirate in SetRandomStatsToShip()

#define CHANCE_OVERRIDE_SHIPNATION      0.0  //chance to use passed nation rather than base ship's nation if base ship has nation. Defaults to never doing so. Will almost never be used.

#define PIRATES_USE_BOTH_TYPES        1 //do pirates use ships of both war and trade type? If 0, only use type "war".

//**********ROBC BLACKSMITH MOD*******************************************************

#define ENABLE_BLACKSMITHMOD      1  // Set to 0 to disable the blacksmith mod

         // Setting ENABLE_WEAPONSMOD to 0 will also disable this mod

#define BLACKSMITH_PROFITPERCENT    10  // The blacksmith will add this percentage for his own profit

//**********AMMO DEFAULTS*************************************************************

//Default ammo loadout for stock ships (hardly ever used)

#define DEFAULT_NUM_BALLS      900

#define DEFAULT_NUM_GRAPE      510

#define DEFAULT_NUM_KNIPPELS      500

#define DEFAULT_NUM_BOMBS      570

#define FORT_CREWDAMAGE_MULT 0.02 // crew damage to forts scaled by this

#define SHIPMONEY_MULT      0.25 // multiplier to how much money you get on boarding

#define SAILTO_MIN_SPEEDRATIO    0.75 // if your speed is less than this compared to your target's, can't `sail-to`. Note, also checks wind angle for you and the target running away, and rigtype for both.

#define SAILTO_MIN_DISTANCE    500 // if you are closer than this many units to the enemy ship, you can't sailto.

#define BOARDING_HP_MORALE_SCALAR    1.0 // effect morale has on HP. Smaller number here, less effect; 0 is no effect at all. 1.0 means morale scales HP to between 0.05 and 2.0 original.

#define BOARDING_HP_SCALAR_FRIEND    1.0 // flat scalar to apply at end of calculating friendly HP for boarding. Default 1.0

#define BOARDING_HP_SCALAR_ENEMY  1.0 // flat scalar to apply at end of calculating enemy HP for boarding. Default 1.0

#define BOARDING_HP_ENEMY_POWER  1.2 //power to raise (Difficulty_level + 1) for calculating enemy HP. Default 1.2

//**********TIME SCALARS**************************************************************

#define TIMESCALAR_SEA      5 //how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea

#define TIMESCALAR_LAND  10 //same but for land

#define TIMEUPDATE_BLOCK_LAND 1 //whether time updates per minute or on location change (i.e. in blocks)

#define TIMESCALAR_SAILTO_SHIP 2 //timescalar to sail to ship

#define TIMESCALAR_SAILTO_LOC 1 //timescalar to sail to locator

#define TIMESCALAR_SAILTO_THRU 4 //timescalar to sail to something across centerpoint of island, i.e. thing is on other side of island

#define TIME_FASTTRAVEL  20 //time spent in each location when fasttravelling

#define TIME_MOVEGOOD      30 //time in minutes for 1 crewman to move 1 unit of a good. Also, no matter the crew, this * goods qty /10 is added in minutes.



//Note if you are not starting a new game you will have to change these values in the console.

int DEBUG =        0;      //debug mode

int DEBUGINFO =    0;      //log debug info

int TRACELOG =        0;      //run extra trace() commands

int TRACEALLLOGS =    0;      //trace() every Log() call<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
Yeah, this be the key:
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->BeginScene

The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->

But I'm afraid I really can't tell you where to go from here. Because that looks to be an engine issue, not a script one. :

Does build 11 give you the same error, or just 12? If it's just 12, maybe it's due to the new mainscreen?
(And if so, maybe we can try you with the old mainscreen again and see if it's any different)
But this message is is presented to me to, and it goes further.

Maybe Drunken you have swiched on "Break on D3DERR", which is red marked in the pic below?

<img src="http://img130.exs.cx/img130/5801/DX.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

If the engine throws one of the enumerated D3DERR then the game breaks i think.
Can you tell me where I can find that "eigenschaften"? That means "settings", doesn't it? <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />
Yes, in your system(settings?) folder, their should be an icon "DirectX".

<img src="http://img50.exs.cx/img50/3094/sysfol.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Ah, thanks, Emrep, but that's not the problem... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" />

Nathan, Build 11 runs fine, can you tell me what to do to copy the old mainscreen back? I like that oine better anway... (Catalina, no offense meant, but I think it's a bit too comlicated, too "assaulting", if you know what I mean...)