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Can't equip or draw sword?


It doesn't appear to let me equip or draw a sword. I keep having to quit and start again because they'll kill me at the start of the game. What gives? Thanks.
Does the sword show as equipped under items?

If not, there is where you equip. It must show in one of the boxes, just like your pistol and spyglass.
Well it turned out that I was SUPPOSED to die there. LOL. I guess that explains it. I had to die and be defenseless in order to continue the story.

This game is proving to be extremely tedious and unintuitive so far, but I am willing to endure it all to get out to sea and be a pirate lol. :)
Ok, now I'm REALLY confused. I'm well past the initial part during which I THOUGHT I wasn't ALLOWED to equip weapons. But now the walkthrough I'm following on GameFAQs says I should be able to equip weapons, and I still can't. How exactly am I supposed to go about equipping things? Don't I just click the item I want to equip and then click the equipment slot on the right? Because if so, it's not working. Am I doing it wrong?

Select the item you want to equip, if it is an item that you currently can equip, the "Equip Item" button next to the item picture should be highlighted. If you can't equip an item, it will be grayed out. When you click on "Equip Item" the item will automatically got to the slot it was meant for and the item picture will appear in that slot.
Select the item you want to equip, if it is an item that you currently can equip, the "Equip Item" button next to the item picture should be highlighted. If you can't equip an item, it will be grayed out. When you click on "Equip Item" the item will automatically got to the slot it was meant for and the item picture will appear in that slot.

Ohhh okay. I see now. There's a BUTTON for it. I'm used to games where you just drag or click and it just works lol.
You can't win that fight. Even if you defeat all the soldiers, the officer is invincible and will beat you sooner or later.