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CSH Project


Pandora's Kitten
Storm Modder
With recent Build news, it is critical that at least some of us modding for New Horizons get some good "flight experience" with CoAS. In this respect I find myself in a rather interesting position where I can work on one of my gameplay ideas on two platforms simultaneously, as little software talent is required for the ideas I have in mind.

Namely, those in this thread:
Willemstad Builders' Trials

The object of WBT is to attain a higher standard of "realism" in vehicle dynamics by putting in a believable measure of inertia into ship handling, that is a big factor in RL sailing as well.

Doing so not only makes the appearance of sailing more believable (No longer sailing on rails), it also makes possible a lot of real world maneuvers and tactics such as, in POTC, being able to tack without the game relieving you of all your forward momentum. This makes realistic mode not an exercise of frustration, but an exercise of captaining a ship.

While WBT for POTC: NH has not even gone past acceptance trials by the Build 14 team, initial testing has revealed a paradigm shift in gameplay; battles can be won or lost depending on how good your "energy management" is, and how well your mode of thinking suits a particular combination of hull and rigging type. Some ships work very well in close quarters knife fights, others require "boom and zoom" style linear tactics, and yet others are slow and lumbering but can put that bulk to good use in an emergency turn to surprise smaller foes with (you do have to apply counter-rudder to keep the beast under control), cross the T then coast upwind on sheer momentum to gain the weather gage.

WBT makes direct sailing (manual navigation without strategic map) far more challenging as heading can drift if you're not careful. In New Horizons, the compass is not a standard issue item... so no oceanic crossings until you've proper equipment and experience with Direct Sail.

If anything, I would like to prove that realism need not compromise gameplay... WBT makes ship maneuvers easier because it's no longer required to mash down the direction keys to sustain a turn. Ships are also more forgiving because sailing 1 degree upwind more than programmed "sailable" tack doesn't cause you to lose speed instantly.

But first... I need to get CoAS first.


As for what does CSH stand for...? You can guess. And while I hunt down CoAS, you can read the WBT ship documentation I've completed so far. Basically, the new ships sail exactly like in the "case files" therein. Each nation has their own variant of a generic class, which if in use by many nations, retain some semblance of the original design's character.

Lateen sails don't automatically mean the ship is a "fighter plane", for it's square riggers that dominate the raw downwind speed department. Nor does the number of guns matter in some cases if the ship handles badly and is hard to fight (jury-rigged "field modified" ships for instance, trade handling for power).


  • SWS Willemstad Builders\' Trials v0.2 readme.pdf
    805.3 KB · Views: 247
SWS did you make that pdf, that looks great!
SWS is fantastic with PDF's! If you think this one is good Keith, you should have a look at THIS! :woot