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Devil's Cove on Kickstarter!


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This is not generally the type of game I post about on here, but it's been a slow news week; and this is from another Indie developer so I thought I would at least give you something to read. Anarchy Enterprises has announced they are developing a new point and click adventure game called Devil's Cove! The project just launched and their Kickstarter campaign is underway and will end on October 31'st 2012. Devil's Cove is their first Kickstarter campaign, and the video on their page looks interesting, but this appears to be a casual game at best. It uses the Unity engine and will be available on PC, Mac, iOS and Android. Here is the full press release :

September 27, 2012 - Anarchy Enterprises announces its new game "Devil's Cove" and is inviting players to join the development of the adventure by supporting the project through the crowd-funding site Kickstarter. The project is live on Kickstarter and ends October 31st - Halloween Night - under the full moon when all the other devils and monsters are roaming the streets!

Check it out:


Devil's Cove is an old school, classic point-and-click adventure for the PC, MAC, iOS and Android (all developed simultaneously). The adventure centers around a sinister Plague Doctor who is wreaking havoc in a cursed harbor town. Players will return to the golden days of adventure gaming as they uncover ghastly horrors and even contribute their own diabolical ideas to the gameplay.

By making a pledge through Kickstarter, players will not only receive the finished game (for ALL platforms!) when it is complete, but they will also get to be a part of the development process. Players will get to help shape the game by playing the beta version and giving feedback to the developer. They will also get a backstage pass to see how Anarchy Enterprises makes games.

For only $15, players will get a digital copy of the game along with lots of bonus materials and behind-the-scenes access to the development process. Additional rewards are available at higher tiers that will include a bounty of swag - unique game props, signed original game art, limited edition game collectibles, listings in the game credits, and the opportunity to become an actual character in the game.

"Anarchy Enterprises has always been a small, indie studio," said Alex Jamieson of Anarchy Enterprises. "We've always wanted to be directly connected with the players, and now we have a tremendous opportunity via Kickstarter to make that happen!"
"The new golden age of adventure games is upon us. Adventure games like Double Fine and Broken Sword kicked the door down, and revealed that the players are hungry for the kinds of games that us developers have been dying to make again, but that publishers didn't want to take a chance on. Now we're ripping the doors off our walls and welcoming the players into our development process. The making of Devil's Cove will be an amazing experience for everyone involved and we hope that you will join us."
Check out the "Devil's Cove" Kickstarter project here:



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