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Direct Sailing: No Day-Night Circle?


Hello Pirates Ahoy Commuity :)

Well, as the Topic says I don't get a Day-Night Circle during Direct Sailing. This of course kills a lot of the realism of it. :(
I DO get changes between day and night but not everyday. Instead I get multiple days long polar nights until it's finally dawn again at the 5th day on sea or so.
i was wondering when one of you guys would notice.

this is intentional. due to major differences in the passing of time between directsail and the world map, the passing of one in-game hour at sea was changed to one-hour-and-a-day. this balances the amount of food used when sailing to an island by using either the worldmap or directsail.
Very true. Unfortunately the worldmap scale and the 3D sailing mode scale are waaay out of whack. A trip between two islands that on the worldmap would take three days might take three ingame hours in 3D sailing mode.

I'd prefer a better solution than just adding a day to the timescale for each hour sailed, also since it influences food consumption at sea for people who don't use DirectSail, but we haven't yet been able to figure out how to do that.
Well then I wish you good luck figuring out a better solution in the future :)

But now I have another problem: After I finally managed to Direct Sail to Willemstad (The City has no 'model' on the island?) I can't enter the tavern for some reason, there is simply no door symbol coming up and when I go near the door I loose the ability to speak with anyone in the area.
Also I get old loading screens all the time, altouh I've read in the Bug forum that this should be fixed with the Patch for Build 14 Beta 1.
Indeed Willemstad doesn't have a model on the island; would be nice to ahve that fixed one day too. :facepalm

Are you sure that the tavern is actually the tavern? We moved some stuff around in some of the new towns for variety's sake, but now the signs are really quite confusing. :facepalm

Old loading screens? You mean "stock PotC style" as opposed to something similar to this?

I never did finish replacing ALL loading screens in the game, but I thought pretty much all town ones were at least done...
I do get this Land Ho! screen. But in Willemstad I get Greenford and Conceicao loading screens.
Is the Willemstad tavern the one in the Conceicao area left to the entrance gate?

I also can't ask anyone for the way since everyone wants to sell me some secret for tens of thousands of gold or tells me something about the guards :D
Yep; another thing I'd want to have done for Build 14 is to add regular stock game citizens to the new towns to give you directions and rumours and such.
Yeah Pieter for some reason Beta 1 Full has the old loading screens (ie Oxbay, Greenford, Redmond, Failse de Fleur etc)
really? i never noticed. only a few screens here and there, but surely no more than 5.

so, elutherea is a known problem? i was wondering why i kept having crashes on my way there in directsail.
that's the one lacking the island model. and i just noticed you were talking about something else. anyway, you can't land at eleuthera, since the island simply isn't there. it's only displayed on the world map, but going near it doesn't give the signal that there's land nearby, and going there in directsail causes a crash.
That's bizarre; I've been at Eleuthera plenty of times.
Try starting the Master and Commander storyline and then setting sail.
That one starts ON Eleuthera.
allright then.

by the way, i'm working on the steamship. got one fifth of the required funds so far, but i'm having trouble with the boarders. i'll post a topic on that soon.
how very odd. the island's working in that quest. as well as in the jack sparrow quest, i recall. maybe it's only a problem with nathaniel? i know i had the same problem both times i played the old main quest. or it's a problem with the era, like a missing nation assignment for the island or something.
It may be that, I knew it was working for Jack Sparrow, as the island is used for one of the pirate lord sidequests...

Bartolomeu and/or Assasin it works as well as it is used in that quest... It may be Nathanial :facepalm
dang. any sidequests i'm missing? no sidequests that actually GO there up till now though, fortunately.
There's no sidequests in the Nathaniel storyline that go to Eleuthera.
Unless maybe some of the randomly generated ones do.
If it's a storyline specific thing, we should check that.
Should be no reason for it, but you never know...