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Female Models (was Build 11 is out....)


...and my wife would like to know if you have solved the female avatar problem?
I didn't see it in the build notes, so, she begged me to come and ask :cheeky
You can use Danielle as a model, but you will disappear when sitting down. You can also give that model to your officers.
Bought like any other set of clothes. On QC, IIRC? Or everywhere.

No other female models work because they lack locators for pistols (some even lack sword locators!).
Hmmm when I put the men is womens clothes they came out looking really funny. Walked funny. Not just that arm thing either. Do I have to do something special to the files to get rid of that. The women came out fine. Now this was a texture I made myself for the female officer I made. She can wear all the outfits just fine and they all show up exactly where and how I wanted. But I can't seem to make the guys switch to females =(
yup you gotta go to characters_init file and change gender from male to female! maybe someone else could give yes a better explaination. xD:
LOL of the wierd guys in girls clothes or the female officer. She works fine it's just when the male chars put on female clothes thier arms, hair, and hands start doing some very `un-natural` things. The fight scenes will give me nightmares for years to come =)
Cat how do I take a screenshot that doesn't involve the paint program. mine seems to crash the game =(

This is the female officer I made to replace the Rys Bloom quest officer. That's the only one that I found that never sits down =). Still working on how to totally remake skins for her cuz so much is in the mesh itself. None of the short boots really come out that well cuz you get that boot line and the game doesn't handle bump maps that well. At least on my machine it doesn't.
so mate, that is the character ur wife will use? i like the way it looks, pretty nice! nice job mate, i love the blue sash too by the way.
Right now I use her as my first mate. I haven't tried adjusting the main to use females yet. The first time I tried I got that spooky arm head thing. And to be honest I got tired of messing with her skins...like I started to hate her face =). But there are a couple things I am working on. Thx alot Jack for the kind words of encouragment ;) These type of skins are not exactly what I'm used to, much harder then I thought it would be.
all you have to do mate to eliminate that "nightmarish" movements when using a girl is go into ur characters_init.c file, and this is what you do...very simple, and no stupid nightmarish movements will occure!



makeref(ch,Characters[0]); //Blaze Devlin
//ch.perks.list.InstantBoarding = true;
ch.name = "Nathaniel";
ch.lastname = "Hawk";
ch.id = "Blaze";
ch.nation = ENGLAND;
ch.model = "Animists1"; // NK
ch.activity_begin = "0";
ch.activity_end = "24";
ch.sex = "man"; <-- Just change this to Woman!
ch.luck = 4;
// ch.spyglass.itemID = COMMON_SPYGLASS;
// ch.gun.itemID = GUN_COMMON;
// ch.gun = "gun";
// ch.blade = "dagger";
// ch.blade.itemID = BLADE_DAGGER;
// ch.blade.time = 0.1;
// ch.blade.colorstart = argb(64, 64, 64, 64);
// ch.blade.colorend = argb(0, 32, 32, 32);
ch.location = "";
ch.location.group = "";
ch.location.locator = "";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "blaze_dialog.c";
ch.rank = START_RANK; // NK
ch.reputation = "50";
ch.experience = intRet(sti(ch.rank) > 1, CalculateExperienceFromRank(sti(ch.rank)), 0); // NK
ch.skill.Leadership = "1";
ch.skill.Fencing = "1";
ch.skill.Sailing = "1";
ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";
ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
ch.skill.Grappling = "1";
ch.skill.Repair = "1";
ch.skill.Defence = "1";
ch.skill.Commerce = "1";
ch.skill.Sneak = "1";
ch.skill.freeskill = sti(ch.rank) * 2; // NK
ch.perks.freepoints = sti(ch.rank); // NK
ch.money = 100000
ch.Ship.Name = "Victory";
ch.Ship.Type = START_SHIP(); // PS
ch.Ship.Stopped = true;
//ch.Ship.Cannons.Type = CANNON_TYPE_TEST;
ch.FaceId = 31;


ch.sex = "man"; <-- Before

ch.sex = "woman"; <-- AFTER!!!!

there ya go! that dont solve the fact that you wont sit down still, but there is NO solution for that anyway...you wont have any problems! just do that and ur fine u can use her as ur character! ;)
At be pretty nice werk Izzie,If ye ever feel de need tew do some more,a change o' clothes fer Depp model would be a good thing Har! ;)
NathanKell said:
You can use Danielle as a model, but you will disappear when sitting down. You can also give that model to your officers.
Bought like any other set of clothes. On QC, IIRC? Or everywhere.

No other female models work because they lack locators for pistols (some even lack sword locators!).

she did not disapear in my potc ...... she only stand up while at a table ;)
Thx Jack I'll give it a try.=) Fred_Bob it's just a redheaded Danielle with a softer look. I just gave her a new mouth, widen her eyes and made them blue instead of hazel. As long as we can't import meshes there isn't a whole lot we can do with head meshes. Well body meshes for that matter. I just wanted her to have a more gentel look. But on the mesh thing has anybody who understands how these are pieced together ever tried say attaching a different head to a different torso. If we could at least do that we could maybe have more to work with. As far as the Depp skin goes. I like the one we have personally. In the movie the char had a more slender, agile build with a longer narrow face and nose so unless the mesh can be `re-worked` or made I don't think any texture can compensate for that =(. The texture was made very well if you look at it. Maybe somebody with more shading skill can try to get a better look, when I tried all he did was look like he needed a bath. Oooh Jack I tried the tip you gave me and it works like a charm. However being a female myself I prefer to watch Nathanial's butt running through the jungle. But for anybody interested in playing a female main this finally works.
Looking nice!

Regarding changing models. You can use the functionality of the tailor mod to help with this; find and copy the entry for danielle (in initmodels), and edit it to point to your new model.
The tailor mod code will take care of switching sex, anim, and height.

Regarding meshes: The problem is that all the char meshes are in one piece. The head meshes are only used for the "closeup" in dialogs; the character's body and head that you see walking around is all one piece.
So, if you put a different head there, you'd get the same mesh walking around but a different head in the `upper-left`-corner in dialog.

The problem with exporting new character meshes is that we don't yet know how to export the vertex weighting for the animations (which are integral to each char mesh). Though that's being worked on, by Inez I believe.