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Female Officers


I been trying to get female officers in the game using the beatrice model and tga. Which I have them in the game and working only thing is I think my code is messed up and Im not good at this code stuff, just guessing my way thru it. Anyhow I got all the portraits working correctly and stuff but the hands are messed up on the characters I have noticed they are getting male names too I believe it has to do with the model animation, well here's my code: Taken from officers.c file. The Red is what I added. Maybe my code is just in the wrong place?

case 6://fighter
///*_*/if(myFaceType>0 && myFaceType<4){characters[iChar].model="officer_1";}else{if(myFaceType>3 && myFaceType<{characters[iChar].model="officer_7";}else{characters[iChar].model="officer_8";}}FaceMaker(&characters[iChar]);

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->if (characters[iChar].model == "officer_1" || characters[iChar].model == "officer_11")
characters[ichar].model.animation = "woman";
characters[ichar].sex = "woman";
} <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

sBlade = "blade3";
characters[iChar].skill.fencing = sti(characters[iChar].skill.fencing) + Sk1;
characters[iChar].skill.gun = sti(characters[iChar].skill.gun) + Sk2;

BTW: I replaced officer_1.gm and officer_11.gm with the blonde beatrice and the redhead beatrice which seems to work except the problem im having with the hands and its naming them with men names.
Any input would be very appreciated Thank You.... If you need more info on what ive done plz let me know.
update: I think I figured it out they seem to have female names and female animation's now. Here's my new code it was just in the wrong place. my code is in Red.

characters[iChar].Skill.freeskill = skillPoints;
characters[iChar].perks.freepoints = perkPoints;

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->if (characters[iChar].model == "officer_1" || characters[iChar].model == "officer_11")
characters[ichar].model.animation = "woman";
characters[ichar].sex = "woman";

//characters[iChar].bio = SelectBio(ichar);

I could sure use some portraits of the blonde beatrice and this would be awesome!!
<b>If anyone could help me get some blonde beatrice portaits I would sure appreciate it.</b>

If anyone is interested in having this let me know and I'll put everything in a rar.
I have added this mod to Pirates Ahoy FTP: Female_Officers_Mod_1.0.rar

FTP Info:

Address: ftp.pafiles.com
User: aop@pafiles.com
Pass: p1rate5ah0y