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Find a spy in town

Prince bobby

for new bees

when you go to governer for work

he will order you to find a spy in the town

they are two diffrent ways to do it

1. talk to the locals in the town and ask them you are working for the governer to find a spy conform their identify by other local.
one local cant be identify by other he will follow you to governer house for surrener and mission is complete

2. if you cant find the question for the locals....
you have to go to every house if any one in house he will introduce him self
but the spy did't respond when you enter his house just ask him and he will fight with you when you kill him the logbook will be updated and your mission is complete
Sea Dragon,

Just to add, in rare circumstances, there is a 3rd way to find the spy if you are unable to generate a response dialog from the citizens you ask.

In my case, I tried both your ways but the dialog never displayed the text to question the individual. I discovered that I had to ask the barmaid first about the spy and then it gave me the dialog text for the citizens after that. I don't know if it's a bug but I usually don't talk to the barmaid until after I talk to the governer to ensure he doesn't give me a spy mission.

So ... in other words, if #1 and # 2 don't work above ... talk to the barmaid.
