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FTP backups down

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
For some reason all I get when going to the FTP backup pages is a blank page. This makes life difficult as my old hard drives are still inaccessable. Does anyone have a copy of TX Convertor they could share? :oops:

PS: Half of the smilies are missing too. :rumgone
Thanks! I got some utilities just 2 days ago and went back for more today. It looks like they will be going into my Dropbox.
Any news on this? because i wanted to grab some stuff for COAS only to find its no longer there.;((
Nope, no news. I doubt we're getting back the old files, even if we can get a new system up and running.
Ok thanks, a shame really because i was hopping to get someold files to locate the changes made for direct sail to work correctly. I guess i'll just have to go through each and every file and try and tyrack down the code that way.