• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Fun things to do?


I am having quite a bit of trouble staying occupied, I sink or capture any ship that tries to match stranghths with me and my crew are undefeatable on the deck... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dev.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":d:" border="0" alt="dev.gif" />
I am not using cheats <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/par-ty.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheers" border="0" alt="par-ty.gif" />
Mi chest o' gold has no more room, mi loansharks are bursting...
Mi reputation with his excelency grants me a nice ole income of gold... and quite shortly, I'm getting bored of the lack of challenges...
I have already captured the falaise de flour port and the french navy is just plain annoying me now... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":c" border="0" alt="mad.gif" />
I don't want to go to full piracy against the english because I want to keep at least one store open... <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/bookish.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":mm" border="0" alt="bookish.gif" />

Any suggestions? please? <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/onya.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":onya" border="0" alt="onya.gif" />
I take it you are running build 11 plus........ i also assume you have it cranked up to the maximum difficulty level. I have encountered this problem as well in that i found the early game very difficult and then it suddenly dropped off to ridiculously easy as soon as i had a decent ship.
This is how i keep myself occupied:
1)Make sure you have realistic sailing enabled as if you havent tried this it adds a new area to think about and wont allow you to chug straight into the wind as if you have a witchcraft powered ship.

2)Dont use Instant grappling or those sorts of skills, IMHO its just not cricket old boy.

3)if you are doing both of the above which i assume you are, i would suggest you ditch your good sword, fire your maxed out officers and buy a cosy little barque or yacht. A good way to rapidly achieve this is, in short, to die and hopefully be brought back to life with that strange angel dream doo dah. I know it sounds a little extreme but life should be a bit tougher working your way back up with almost everyone against you.

4) you can fiddle with the settings to increase the class of ships pirates have in buildinfo `something-or`-other as well as coast raider settings.

5) Actually you can make the game as tough as you want by only allowing yourself repairs at sea, only ever taking half your possible crew, using 12lb cannons instead of the beefier models, only ever using cannonballs rather than bombs....... Try sinking the black pearl without the special thingey and only doing it in a tiny raft.

6) Personally i do not see how you can ever get sick of bullying the French.

7) And this is the hardest challenge of all. Take Artois Vasey as an officer and try to keep the stupid whingeing little girl ALIVE FOR MORE THAN 3.2 SECONDS!
ya know... I never got around to the later game quests... still sitting on reigns dude, just haven't started the quest. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" />
as for the french... get a frigate and you could probably take down a `12-ship` group ( my sailors call that a `rag-tag` group) right in the middle of falaise de flour. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dev.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":d:" border="0" alt="dev.gif" />
Ofcourse, you will need a bit more to tae the frt down too, but whatever. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":c" border="0" alt="mad.gif" />

I'm gonna try youre advice right now actually. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/par-ty.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheers" border="0" alt="par-ty.gif" />
What! NO! Dont ever follow my advice! Any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes and i will not be held responsible for any wounding, accidental death, equipment damage or permanent psychological scarring which may ensue.
Heh... When Build 12 is released (soon, I hope) you will have lots more to do... There are new quests and new areas to explore.

And yes, by all means, follow up on those other quests, at least they'll give ya something to do - or heck, start a new game!

<img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dev.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":d:" border="0" alt="dev.gif" /> OR you can learn to mod, and write something yourself!!! That's what I did! <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/w00t.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":woot" border="0" alt="w00t.gif" />
I would learn to mod, but first I need to learn C, and that won't be in progress 'till the summer, I know C++ so I sorta understand what is written in the files, but the crap language f**ks me up alot.

Besides, to make the game more interesting for me, the AI would need to be `re-written`, THEY NEVER BLOCK! well.. ok they do but once every three hits or so, (they are usually dead by the second) <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/pirate3.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p2" border="0" alt="pirate3.gif" />

and the ship AI needs to be much less agressive for the European navies and because they should stick together more, and they should react much faster.

(I know you might think I'm picky but thats the way I am, and I wouldn't be typing this if I knew how to mod <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ko.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":ko" border="0" alt="ko.gif" /> )

and there should be "hero" pirates (like those pirates that travel alone, hella smart, strong, and usually cures somehow...)
Some ideas would be like the sea battle is set in a storm and they have like "super storm helsman" so they take no damage from the storm, or you can't board them because you can't kill the crew, so you can only sink the ship, or lower the crew the crew to zero via cannon fire ( the crew are immortal but what the hell can stay together froom a bomb blast, or if all of you're bones are broken from grapeshot, how the hell you gonna fight?) an only then you can board the ship

another intersting thing to do was if you could promote the crew members like they gain lvls and after a certain lvl they start appearing in your cabin... ofcourse you don't want like 100 crew members in youre cabin so like the top one at the time like a tavern spawn if possible, or a seperate spwawned npc in the tavern that says like "hello captain, how's it going" and you can either talk to him and he can spawn a quest, ditch him, or promote him, and if you promote him, you're ship loses a crew member.

...but now I'm getting off topic and going into the modding section or such... so I'll shut up now
any replies related to the ideas? please post them here:<a href="http://forum.piratesahoy.net/ftopic3174.php" target="_blank">http://forum.piratesahoy.net/ftopic3174.php</a> because I kinda want to save th4e rest of this thread for `on-topic` relplies <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/oops3.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":eek:ops2" border="0" alt="oops3.gif" />
Fred Bob has a topic for "Nutty Thangs" to do in PotC - You might find some ideas here:

<a href="http://forum.piratesahoy.net/ftopic1808.php" target="_blank">http://forum.piratesahoy.net/ftopic1808.php</a> <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_mrgreen1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheeky" border="0" alt="icon_mrgreen1.gif" />