• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Need Help Game Help

Miles Perry

Okay guys, so this game is proving to be incredibly hard to get the hang of... From what I've gathered: ship battles take FOREVER. And then when I board people, they swing their sword like 3 times and I die, game over... Could use some tips please.
Patience is a virtue. Work on the crew numbers and morale with your cannons to make boardings easier. And yes battles normally take hours, as was the case in reality. This is not a console game.

Let your officers and crew lead the way as you are not a very good fighter until you get to at least level 16. Get the very best sword for yourself and your crew. Certain town guards have pretty good swords. You can get tatoos in the opium den on Jamaica that help. Talk to people often. They can sometimes teach you things. But mostly, choose your battles wisely.
When playing on normal or hard difficulty, turn on the ship surrender option in the options accessed ingame. Then get to an encounter 1 country vs another where you are third side. Wait untill a ship with large crew slots surrenders and take it. Doing this from the beginning you can have 350 or something boarders and they will do the fighting for you on. You just have to fight the captain. That will speed up your progress in the beginning. It's kind of lazy but ...:D