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How do I initialize, get rid of Santos' keys and find the outfit, I want?


Three questions:

1. I discovered, that pirates (my primary source of bigger ships) only use ships up to tier 4. No wonder I never met any ships bigger than brigantines. So I edited internalsettings.h to have pirates use ships up to tier 2. However, it appears, I have to initialize to make the change take effect. How do I do that in build 14.4 with the update package from March?

2. I have finished the "Hard labours of an assassin"-quest. I'm able to toss Santos' ring and books (unable to sell them), but I can't toss his keys. Is there a console command, that enables me to remove them?

3. Is there a tailor somewhere, who offers the whole range of outfits? I know, it's a wild hope, that one tailor has a systematic wardrobe, so the player can choose his/her way through the collection and find the desired one. I search for female outfits - in particular the tomb raider-outfit (Lara Croft). I visit the tailor in every town, I visit, and have him show me five rounds of five sets of outfit. But the females with trousers rarely appear.
Once you change "InternalSettings.h", a lot of settings will take effect when you next start the game and load a savegame. I'm not sure off-hand whether MAXPIRATECLASS is one of them, but that's not the problem. Even if you change that to 2, you won't see any tier 2 or 3 pirate ships because there are no tier 2 or 3 ships defined in "PROGRAM\Ships\Ships_init.c" which are allowed for pirates. There aren't many tier 4 ships allowed for pirates either, and they're rare, which is why you don't often see anything better than tier 5.

To make it possible to dump Santos' keys, put this into "console.c":
ItemSetPrice("Santos_Keys", 1);
I'll add that into the quest code for the next update.

No tailor shows the whole range because, for an outfit to be on sale at all, it must have a nation assigned, and only tailors of that nation can show that outfit. There are indeed not many female outfits with trousers, and they're split across different nations. So you'll need to be patient and, if the tailor has nothing suitable, quit the dialog and try again; hopefully he'll have a different five outfits and eventually you'll get one you like. The Lara Croft outfit should (eventually) be available from the tailor by the gate of Pirate Settlement, Nevis. Alternatively, you can try telling any tailor "Gimme the famous Pirate Clothes Collection! (10,000 gold)". You may want to save game before you try that because it gets you a huge load of outfits, including some female outfits with trousers, and in particular, Lara Croft. You then just need to search through your new massive list of outfits to find it!
1. I miss the big sea battles with many and big ships on either side. I guess, I have to involve myself with a nation. In build 14.2-1, I frequently came across battles with more than four ships on at least one side. Is that still the case in build 14.4?

2. Where precisely in console.c should I put the command?

3. My wish in my previous post was more a wish to give the tailor more initial questions, so the player would get five suggested outfit based on an answer like male/female, rich/poor, common/exotic or the like. I think, you have made some kind of change of probability for the display of outfits, because every tailor constantly shows one or more of the very poor outfits and the native outfits - especially the natives from the apothecary quest. Frequently, there are two of them in a display of five outfits.

Thank you for your quick answer.
1: Nations can certainly have big fleets. If you use the worldmap, enemy groups can sometimes be "scratch patrol" or, if you're lucky, "small fleet" or even "battle fleet". If you choose to engage one of those, make sure you have most of the evening free because you can't save game during a battle! You can also sometimes find groups of merchants with a naval escort, and one thing which has changed is that if there are more than one escort, one of them will be at the head of the formation. That's to prevent you from sailing in quickly, grabbing the lead merchant, and running away.

2: Short answer: right after the line 'int limit;' near the top.
Long answer: have a look at this thread:
Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks
As well as repeating the advice on where to put your own commands (and in fact is where I learned it), there are several other useful hints. About the only one I routinely ignore is the one about not using Notepad; I use it all the time.

3: I don't think there has been any change to the probabilities of outfits, apart from more outfits having been added for various purposes. So the tailor has a wider choice of outfits, therefore is less likely to offer the one you want. As for adding extra questions, that would be rather complicated because the tailor's dialog file has a lot of code to generate that list of five. Comparing the current tailor dialog file to one from build 14.3 (which was the earliest version of build 14 I ever got), the only changes seem to be the part to sell you that huge pirate collection, an option to reset skills and abilities, plus some stuff which I added for one of my sidequests which has absolutely no effect on the choice of outfits for sale.

If you want, you can use "console.c" to give yourself any outfit you like. For example, Lara Croft:
1. Thanks for the tips. I remember in an earlier build, when I first was informed of a battle between one group of ships and a "small fleet". I didn't believe it, until I counted 11 ships on that side. And I'm very fond of these types of chaos, where I zig-zag in between ships and try to get experience by shooting away, boarding ships (surrendered or not) and pick up cargo and sailors from sunken ships. An especially entertaining, but dangerous situation is a three-way battle, where we are all enemies.

2. Will do.

3. A pity. I'll keep looking for the outfits, I miss.

Aaand 4. Do you know, from where the illustrations for the naval load screens come? I think, they are gorgeous and would like to know, if they are from one or more novels.
Another thought about outfits. If you're looking for a suitable outfit for your own character, rather than dressing up all your officers as women in trousers, there's an easier way to get whichever outfit you want, though it means starting a new game. After you choose FreePlay from the storyline list, there's a screen with the character portrait on the left, the ship portrait on the right, and flags in the middle. Click on the character portrait and you'll get to a screen where you can choose your starting outfit, and that one does allow you to choose man/woman, rich/poor/officer, nation - and also a choice of "Specific", "Named" or "Unnamed". The "Specific" and some "Named" outfits are special characters, mostly either historical or from famous works of fiction, and choosing them also sets an appropriate starting date and ship. You'll find quite a lot of characters from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films under those settings. And you'll soon find Lara Croft by picking "Named", "Pirate", "Woman".

Most other storylines lock you to a specific character. "Hoist the Colours" is about Captain Jack Sparrow, so that's who you'll play. The main exception is "Tales of a Sea Hawk", which allows you full choice of character the same way as FreePlay. Try playing that storyline as a woman - you should notice one very obvious change and possibly a few subtle ones. And then there's "Ardent", where I have to admit a personal interest as it's my creation! It's also of possible interest to you because it's the only other story which gives you the choice of playing as a woman, though it has its own way of offering you that choice...

I don't know where the screenshots came from. Perhaps @Pieter Boelen knows.
It's the crewmembers, that follow me around everywhere, I turn into women. My officers almost never set foot on dry land, but I like to have nice portraits of them too, so I search for outfits with drawn portaits rather than screenshots. Yes, I'm picky.

Concerning the storylines, it makes sense to be the chosen character in the specific storyline. And I hadn't noticed all the choices of appearance for Tales of a Sea Hawk, until after I had started a new game, as it hadn't occurred to me, that clicking over a picture would open another menu. I really have to learn to click on everything.

On a completely different topic (yes, my posts are devolving) - I suggest to give Joshamee Gibbs his own voice bit, like captain Jack Sparrow had, when I met him in Santos' dungeons. Right now, he uses the French peoples' voice bit. It must be possible to find one of his quotes from the movies and attach it to his character.
If you want better outfits and portraits for your officers, definitely get that big collection of pirate outfits from any tailor! It includes a whole lot of female models with trousers, some with jackets and hats as well. There are also a couple of free female officers to be collected from sidequests. One is Claire Larrouse, whom you'll find in San Juan tavern; she wants you to join her in raiding the mine on Barbados, and when the job is done, she offers to join you. And then there's Sabine Matton, whom you'll meet in her father's shop in St. Pierre if you first either talk to Baldewyn Coffier in the tavern, or offer to help Arnaud Matton extract money from Baldewyn. If you say the right things to Sabine and then to Arnaud, you end up recruiting her as an officer, and although she starts out with a basic towngirl dress, she gets a more suitable outfit for sea when she joins you. (But the portrait is a screenshot - I never bother clipping round the face to add a plain blue background, sorry!)

You should have a party of officers with you. If they have good melee skill and all the combat perks, and if you give them decent weapons and armour, they can make a big difference in boarding, and also if you're attacked by thugs in the jungle. (There's also an option to talk to a crewmember on the ship's deck and ask for more crew to join you on land, but that doesn't really help as it spawns even more random attacks.)

Getting a suitable voice recording without any background noise is tricky. Importing it into the game is even more so. I tried to import a voice clip for Davy Jones once, without success - it should have been the right format but failed to play for some reason.

"Tales of a Sea Hawk" is the original story from the unmodded game. The authors planned to give you the choice of playing as Nathaniel or Danielle, and Danielle would follow a different path through the story. They didn't get very far with that, and the only traces of Danielle's story are some pieces of dialog that are never used.
Getting a suitable voice recording without any background noise is tricky. Importing it into the game is even more so.
Or it might be unnecessary. :D

I did a bit of checking on Joshamee Gibbs. He has no nation or greeting assigned, so he gets the defaults. He's in Tortuga, alias La Tortue, which is French, therefore he's French and so is his greeting. So I looked at his definition in the "Hoist the Colours" storyline, which does give him a greeting, but the alias file which defines greetings has no entry for it. To add the definition, I needed to find some suitable sound files. And it turns out that there are already two voice clips of Gibbs in the game, Gibbs01.wav and Gibbs02.wav, and theydon't currently seem to be used anywhere in the game. After adding a definition for Gibbs' greeting to use both those files, and changing the code which spawns Gibbs to use this greeting, I loaded up an old savegame in Tortuga to test it, and found that Gibbs01.wav doesn't play any sound in the game, so sometimes he was silent. So I changed the greeting to not use it.

Download and extract the attached file, then copy the contents into place. Then go to Tortuga and talk to Gibbs. He should now always say "Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot!"


  • Gibbs.zip
    52.8 KB · Views: 158
I discovered, that pirates (my primary source of bigger ships) only use ships up to tier 4. No wonder I never met any ships bigger than brigantines. So I edited internalsettings.h to have pirates use ships up to tier 2. However, it appears, I have to initialize to make the change take effect. How do I do that in build 14.4 with the update package from March?
F11 is the Reinitialize button.

But Pirates being limited to Tier 4 is handled by more than that toggle.
Thing is, PROGRAM\Ships\ships_init.c doesn't assign any bigger ships to Pirates either.
And the limitation is also in the various Worldmap encounter codes.
So when you increase the number, either you'll not notice any difference;
or Pirates will keep using the same few ships over and over again, because they're now triggering a simple failsafe in the code.

Is there a tailor somewhere, who offers the whole range of outfits? I know, it's a wild hope, that one tailor has a systematic wardrobe, so the player can choose his/her way through the collection and find the desired one. I search for female outfits - in particular the tomb raider-outfit (Lara Croft). I visit the tailor in every town, I visit, and have him show me five rounds of five sets of outfit. But the females with trousers rarely appear.
If you set DEBUG = 1; (bottom of PROGRAM\globals.c; or do through console), then any tailor should allow you to scroll through ALL available outfits.
If I recall, it'll even already GIVE you all outfits immediately in the "Choose Outfit" screen.

My wish in my previous post was more a wish to give the tailor more initial questions, so the player would get five suggested outfit based on an answer like male/female, rich/poor, common/exotic or the like. I think, you have made some kind of change of probability for the display of outfits, because every tailor constantly shows one or more of the very poor outfits and the native outfits - especially the natives from the apothecary quest. Frequently, there are two of them in a display of five outfits.
If I recall, tailors outfit choice is based on the rarity of the models.
And "poor" models are more common than the fancier ones...

Concerning the storylines, it makes sense to be the chosen character in the specific storyline. And I hadn't noticed all the choices of appearance for Tales of a Sea Hawk, until after I had started a new game, as it hadn't occurred to me, that clicking over a picture would open another menu. I really have to learn to click on everything.
Keep an eye on the bottom line of text in the "Select Storyline" interface; it'll tell you how much customization each storyline allows.
When it says "click anything to customize your character", it does mean nearly EVERYTHING! :dance

On a completely different topic (yes, my posts are devolving)
Oh well... It's YOUR thread anyway. :razz

I suggest to give Joshamee Gibbs his own voice bit, like captain Jack Sparrow had, when I met him in Santos' dungeons. Right now, he uses the French peoples' voice bit. It must be possible to find one of his quotes from the movies and attach it to his character.
Good suggestion! I like it.

found that Gibbs01.wav doesn't play any sound in the game, so sometimes he was silent.
Maybe there's something wrong with the file?
Perhaps that's something @Jack Rackham could fix?

I tried to import a voice clip for Davy Jones once, without success
And if so, perhaps that one is worth another shot too?
Yes, it can be played now.
Verry awesome!
We thank you, Jack. :bow

Sorry... couldn't miss the opportunity for the tie-in...
Yes, it can be played now.
Thanks, @Jack Rackham! :onya

Update: this version of "Gibbs01.wav", and an updated version of "Greetings_alias.ini" to use it, will be in the next update. Gibbs will then randomly choose between...
Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot!
... and ...
Cap'n, I think the crew - meaning me as well - were expecting something a bit more... shiny."
That ought to keep any pirate captain on his toes! :thumbs1
Last edited:
I think, I'm doing something wrong with Santo's keys. So far I've placed the line from Grey Roger in the console.c like this:
int limit;
ItemSetPrice("Santos_Keys", 1);
// Case 0 = Enable reload (useful when you get stuck on boarding) + Set player type (if you cannot move anymore)
switch(0) // Case 1 = Various test and cheat codes
{ // Case 2 = Location coordinate information
case 1: // Case 3 = Automatic instant cheats in port
// Case 4 = Instant teleport to Hendrick Vanderdecken

Was that the wrong place? Presently, I've noticed no effect.
That does look like the correct place to add the command.

When you press F12, do you get the on-screen message "Executed Console"? If not, could you upload "error.log"? That file does not always exist, but if you've tried to run "console.c" and it didn't give the message then "error.log" will certainly exist and will have a clue about why "console.c" failed.

The effect should be that you can put the keys into a chest or give them to one of your officers.
Oh, so I should press F12 to effect it? Haven't done that.

It also took me quite some time to figure out, that Gibb's new voice didn't work, because I hadn't initialized. :oops: