• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Solved I feel really stupid but...


I start my game, and there I am standing in all my glory upon my ship. I've walked all over the ship. My only command available is talk out loud. How do I get started? I am on a tartane I believe it is.

I played through the Peter Blood quests up to taking the ship but I want to play with a small ship first. Now I have one and I cant sail it.

Thanks in advance for your help!

When you started the game - did you have a crew member walk up to you and tell you about things & offer sword practice. One of the options in that dialog is to not do ( or Stop ) the practice and go ashore. This transports you to the jetty.

I did not have a crew member walk up to me. I was alone on the ship. After starting a new game a couple times I finally got the crew member. Thanks!! I thought I just couldnt find the cabin or something. I can deal with bugs just so long as I know its a bug hehe. Now I can finally get to plundering. (Realistically it will probably be get to chartering but plundering sounds better) Thanks again Captain Talisman!
