• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Ideas for improving the lootable corpses

Exactly. This would mean that we could have normal dying animations and corpses that don't obstruct walking, but that are still lootable through the box locator. Another added plus is the "hand" icon that appears when near a box. So it'll be very clear to even beginning players that they can loot the corpses and how to do it.
not so ideal to me! i always use those corpses to great advantage. a low-level player would also soon die becuase he has to block all the time when he's being attacked be three enemies at once, as they can now walk through the corpses.
That is the same as before the obstructing corpses. In any case: I suppose we'll add a toggle on it.
yeah. i just realised it after i posted. however: the player didn't loose hp then, did he! i wouldn't really mind having the enemies walking through the corpses at all, if you wouldn't get any damage when blocking. then you at least still stand a fair chance.
What do we still need to change about corpse looting?
- Remove visible weapons from looted corpses
- Lack of regenerated enemies in dungeons and soldiers in ports
- Inability to loot own crew
- Game balancing issues

Which of the above are relevant and should we try to do something about? Anything else?