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L' Hermione Update, Sea Trials set to begin September 7'th!


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It's been a while since my last news article, sorry about that mates, I have been dealing with some real life issues that have been taking all my time. I will still do my best to squeeze in an occasional article, but they may be a bit less frequent from now on. As many of you know, this month the replica of the Marquis de Lafayette's French frigate L' Hermione will start her sea trials! According to the Google translated French article I was able to find, on Saturday September 6'th, 2014, L' Hermione will slip from her dry dock, Napoleon III, in to the commercial port on the Charente.

On Sunday, September 7'th, she will move under her own engine power for the first time down the estuary of the Charente, her masts will be lowered so she can sail under a couple of bridges along the way. She will anchor south of the island of Aix. The trip is expected to take about two and a half hours. She will set there while the crew do some last minute inspections and preparations for the first leg of her sea trails. There will be a few speeches given on the lawn before she departs the commercial port, and there is also expected to be a pretty large flotilla of 1,000 to 1,500 vessels accompanying her along her route down the river. They will be restricted from coming within 100 yards of her.

Those sea trials are scheduled to last about 2 months, and are in preparation for her 2015 voyage across the Atlantic to tour the east coast of the united States. The Friends of Lafayette have also announced the date of the New York City Gala, it will be held on October 14'th, 2014 on-board the retired aircraft carrier USS Intrepid. They are expected to make several announcements concerning both an upcoming video game, and a reality TV show that will be filmed on-board L' Hermione! As always, you can find out more over at the official web page HERE, you can also find out her full itinerary for both her sea trials and Voyage 2015! You will also be able to track both her sea trials and Voyage 2015 in real time through www.marinetraffic.com!

Also, with 8 days to go, the funding for L' Hermione's stern lantern is currently about €14,000 short of their goal of €40,000. So if you would like to contribute, now is the time! You can find their funding page over at kisskissbankbank.com.

For those of you who do not know, or do not care, who the Marquis de Lafayette was, I highly recommend you check out this PBS documentary!



  • L_Hermione_2015.png
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Someone has gone through the effort of translating a Power Point slide show that was released in French a while back to English, there is quite a lot of details about the construction of L' Hermione and it is well worth watching!
