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Fixed Missing Ship for Generic Navy Officer Starting Characters


Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
If you want to play as naval officer, the start menu is now wrong.
There is no ships for certain charathers, needs to be controlled again.
The icon for the ship says "Navy Assignment" but is empty, and you
will not have a ship.
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You can only Fast Travel to somewhere which you have already visited. There aren't many reasons to visit Bridgetown prison. ;) But it's a big building, easily visible from the store entrance.
On Arcade Game Mode that is not the case. But even there fast travel isn't available for all locations. :no

If you want to play as naval officer, the start menu is now wrong.
There is no ships for certain charathers, needs to be controlled again.
The icon for the ship says "Navy Assignment" but is empty, and you will not have a ship.
That is intentional. The ship you get for the Free Play scenario is linked to your nation, period and starting rank.
It cannot be freely chosen yourself for a navy officer. You will still get a ship when you start the game.

Some pre-defined Naval Officer characters do show a ship type, but those are a special exception.

I would have liked to ALWAYS show the correct ship type in the Select Storyline Interface, but that became too difficult.
That would require a function with as input "nation, period and rank" and output "ship type and ship name".
But the PotC code cannot have two output for one function. So that would require two functions.
The code would get quite confusing then, so I decided to apply a simple solution there.
If the ship isn't shown at all, then it also cannot be wrong and you can see what you get after the game has started.

Does that sound about right to you? Or do you manage to actually have NO ship after the game started.
In that case, please say exactly which buttons you press so that I can try to replicate that.
On Arcade Game Mode that is not the case. But even there fast travel isn't available for all locations. :no

Does that sound about right to you? Or do you manage to actually have NO ship after the game started.
In that case, please say exactly which buttons you press so that I can try to replicate that.
I have absolutely no ship after gamestart. I just choose naval officer and start the game.
But if you scroll in the characters, some like Nelson and others will have a ship, others will not.
I have absolutely no ship after gamestart. I just choose naval officer and start the game.
But if you scroll in the characters, some like Nelson and others will have a ship, others will not.
Which storyline? Free Play one?
Also, which nation? I know you end up ship-less for the nations that @Grey Roger hasn't finished the ship progressions for.
That is because the feature is unfinished, but the work continues for it.
Which storyline? Free Play one?
Also, which nation? I know you end up ship-less for the nations that @Grey Roger hasn't finished the ship progressions for.
That is because the feature is unfinished, but the work continues for it.
Free Play storyline , all Nations, only characters who already is naval officer will have a ship.
For other characters it is only when you chance the profession to naval officer, they will loose the
ship. You can chance to all professions, except naval officer, and still have a ship.
I just tested this for France, which is finished, and I did get a ship there.
Spain/Portugal/America would be ship-less though. And pirate/personal nation might get a bit confused altogether.
I just tested this for France, which is finished, and I did get a ship there.
Spain/Portugal/America would be ship-less though. And pirate/personal nation might get a bit confused altogether.
I still have no ship, I chance the Nation flag to France, chance profession to Naval officer and start the game, no ship!
How do you start up to manage having a ship?
I just started playing the May 10 version BFF and I think I noticed that relations at the beginning seem to be set so character has British relations is that right?
I just tested this and as far as I can tell it still works. If I start BFF on Realistic, I get English relations with England hostile.
But if I switch to Arcade and do the same thing, all nations are neutral, England is hostile and the pirates are Wary.

Free Play storyline , all Nations, only characters who already is naval officer will have a ship.
For other characters it is only when you chance the profession to naval officer, they will loose the
ship. You can chance to all professions, except naval officer, and still have a ship.
Ah, you're right! I just tested this and it turns out that models without a "minrank" defined get a "minrank" of 0 and therefore you get no promotions and no ships.
Extract attached to PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay to fix. Thanks for catching! :bow


  • StartStoryline.zip
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