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modern pirates news - somali pirates attack frigates


Public Relations
A gang of Somali pirates has been captured and had its boat sunk after launching an over-ambitious midnight attack on a US navy frigate last night.
The USS Nicholas came under fire while patrolling the Indian Ocean, west of the Seychelles.The ship, part of the US Africa Command's anti-piracy force, returned fire and then pursued the skiff, which was carrying fuel and ammunition.Three pirates were arrested before the boat was sunk, a US navy statement said. The gang's "mother ship" – the launchpad for attacks far out to sea – was confiscated and two more pirates arrested.It is not the first time Somali gangs have made such an error. Last year pirates twice tried to hijack French warships, losing their boats and their liberty each time.Following last night's failed attack, the US government warned that Somali pirates would become more active in the coming weeks because of calmer seas.

India's directorate general of shipping reported that Somali pirates have increasingly been preying on small Indian trade boats during recent months.
Although they do not fetch high ransoms, the dhows are easy to board and can be used as mother ships. At least 100 sailors and seven dhows are missing, the Indian government said


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Thanks rupert! PsycoMiles has shown interest in becoming a News Gatherer, so I am trying to show him the ropes a bit. :dance