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Fixed Music Missing from Personal Towns


Storm Modder
Since I'm working on all that Wiki stuff at the moment I played a bit to refresh my memory. Captured Pointe a Pitre, because attacking forts never gets old. And then I noticed something: as soon as you take a colony for yourself there's no music for the city anymore; strangely enough, it also counts for your new tavern. Shops, shipyards and normal houses on the other hand are fine.
It's probably caused by the fact that there is none defined in PROGRAM\sound\ALIAS\ for your own colonies. Not very important of course, but it makes me a very sad pirate somehow.
Good catch, @Cassadar! Indeed based on that code, I totally understand why this would happen.

Should be easily fixed. Main question would be: What music to actually use there?
Could it be any of the existing tracks? Or something new? If new, any suggestions?
Huh. Now in hindsight I should have opened this thread myself.

Should be easily fixed. Main question would be: What music to actually use there?
Could it be any of the existing tracks? Or something new? If new, any suggestions?
Not sure, I always use my own music. Don't do anything fancy though, just use what's there already. I personally like these tracks:
Hol_Town (<- especially that one)
Legrands_house; too bad it ends abruptly.

Just using every single one of the national town tracks in your own colonies would be another possibility.
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So I finally managed to download and update my game - I now merge my personal tweaks into them, and something of the past got in my mind: Are we still searching for new music? I have an really really awesome music track from Civ V for Sea battles.
I will add it for myself, and if I get goosebumps when it starts playing in a fight, I will upload it :D

Hmm well problem is that tiny word "personal" .. how can someone add personal for all? Thats a really tricky quest :D
Hmm well problem is that tiny word "personal" .. how can someone add personal for all? Thats a really tricky quest :D
You are not wrong! :wp

Maybe something "towney" and "folksey" that doesn't sound particularly nation-bound?
Hmm the game Port Royale had many town musictracks - some clearly nation-bound, some quite neutral. Most of them are quite "peaceful" so I guess they could fit pretty good.. problem is that those tracks are all rather short.
I think this should better be answered in here.

I think that will be easily fixed. As long as we find something suitable to put into place.
Should not be a big issue. :no

I always play as a pirate, so I'm probably not very helpful in finding some neutral sounding music. I can only show you what I will definitely use for myself, and since most of it sounds more comicy (I prefer it that way) it probably wouldn't fit the mod anyway. At least I suppose so.



This is one of the songs I use for shops, btw:

Maybe something like this one for personal colonies?
I see some nice sugestions in here. @Cassadar and/or @Pillat feel free to add it to the game and upload the files here.
You can download Fiddles McGinty (the tavern one) from here: Royalty Free Music Converting it to .ogg is easy with Audacity, but you probably know that already. The song is released under Creative Commons though, so you have to make sure to give proper credit to the author:

Maybe one of the other ones inside that category would fit as a town song too, I'm not sure. Try 'Skye Cuillin' and 'Folk Round' (on page 2).

As far as I'm aware the credit-button on the main menu of the mod is broken at the moment, but perhaps it's only on my side.
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I tried Cassadar's list - the first 2 tavern soundtracks are perfect, the shop soundtrack not exactly my taste but fits good.

Town music Celtic Mists is really nice, the Tropico soundtracks are too 'childish' for my taste

A second towntrack, I think it fits pretty good altough its maybe a bit too calm^^:

Alright, music zip incoming. It contains Fiddles McGinty, Celtic Mists, Treasure Cove and a new song named Alvae, all of them already converted to OGG. Alvae is one of my Direct Sail songs, but it should fit as town music too.
I asked/read around a bit (except for Kevin MacLeod, since Creative Commons is a no-brainer) and it's perfectly legal to use their stuff for non-profit projects, as long as proper credit is given, so here we go. I did that because of two things:
  1. I don't want to get you guys in trouble; you never know when that might happen.
  2. As an artist myself I absolutely hate it, when I create something and then some egotistic little prick comes along, takes everything without asking, because he thinks everything on the internet is only made for himself, and then uses it for his own stuff without crediting me. Making art takes a lot of time, patience and effort and just taking it is a pretty dickish move; it also makes you feel pretty horrible as an author. Don't want to make other artists feel the same way; I just can't.
And that's the whole boring story already. Hope you understand my feelings here. :nerbz

Dropbox - music.7z

Please add this cleary visible and easily accessible for everyone to the mod, namely the credits section:
Fiddles McGinty Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Adrian von Ziegler (adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com)
- Treasure Cove
- Alvae

Derek & Brandon Fiechter (dbfiechter.bandcamp.com)
- Celtic Mists
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added music for towns that the player has conquered for their personal nation.

its got separate music for the town, governor and also tavern. its got 8 tracks for the town, 2 for the governor and 2 for the tavern. 3 of the town songs are duplicates and the tavern songs are copies of the stock ones too. theyre all pretty generic; the purpose is for the player to overwrite if they so wish to add that personal touch

Personal Nation Music on MediaFire

gonna update my alternate pack too once Im satisfied with the new songs :p


  • sound.c
    44.5 KB · Views: 286
  • music_standard.c
    14.3 KB · Views: 285
Included and tested, with a slight modification. I removed the duplicates to save space as they shouldn't be necessary; anyone who knows to edit "sound.c" or "music_standard.c" can probably figure out what to add, or failing that, just copy and modify any existing line.

@DeathDaisy: the music is a bit quiet - in fact, for a while, I thought there was a problem as I couldn't hear it. I've run into this problem before when importing some music of my own. If you don't have the software to boost the volume a bit, I can maybe have a go when I have time. The software I use is Audacity, which is freeware:
Included and tested, with a slight modification. I removed the duplicates to save space as they shouldn't be necessary; anyone who knows to edit "sound.c" or "music_standard.c" can probably figure out what to add, or failing that, just copy and modify any existing line.

@DeathDaisy: the music is a bit quiet - in fact, for a while, I thought there was a problem as I couldn't hear it. I've run into this problem before when importing some music of my own. If you don't have the software to boost the volume a bit, I can maybe have a go when I have time. The software I use is Audacity, which is freeware:
hm, I usually check the soundlevels, but otoh I sometimes forget, so no surprise there :p Ill upload new ones in asap

EDIT: here they are! I tried to keep the sound from blowing out when clipping, so I didnt crank it all the way up and I ran they worst parts through a compressor, but they shd have a much more lvl volume with the rest of the music!
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