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Solved Mutiny on all my ships, non stop. What am I doing wrong?


I cant stop the crews moral going to treatrus,

I pay them on time, I have plenty of gold, atm I have 3 heavy battle ships.
I have gone to double rum, that worked eariler in my game near the beginning.
what ever I can think of just doesnt work. what am I missing?

what does work if my ships crew munity I kill them and moral goes back to normal, but shortly after drops quickly.

The last resort is to sell all my ships and start again.
What is your reputation and what is the reputation of your companion captains? If there is a big difference, that will make their morale drop.
A big one for morale drops is also having no food on board.

Alternatively: Are you cursed? Eg. did you plunder the chest on Isla de Muerta?
il check my rep,
no I didnt plunder the chest
Im always stocked with food and rum, always have 30days worth each spread over my ships
That is a bit odd..:shock - what version are you playing? and did you somehow found an aztec gold on any random chests? i don't know if the automatic going to your inventory and being cursed thingy is still on.
Indeed those reputations look to be unrelated too. Please do post the savegame and we'll have a look. :yes

That is a bit odd..:shock - what version are you playing? and did you somehow found an aztec gold on any random chests? i don't know if the automatic going to your inventory and being cursed thingy is still on.
It is. But that would give you only 1 cursed crewmember, which results in hardly any notable morale loss.
how can I post a game file? the uplaod file button says file too big lol
tried it as a compressed file, goes in "standard" save game folder


  • -=Player=- QuickSave 13.rar
    598.8 KB · Views: 99
Try zipping it up. That usually makes savegames nice and small. :doff
redone file as a proper save, so this one should load up ;)


  • -=Player=- Open Sea May 10th, 1752.rar
    634.2 KB · Views: 107
Ah, of course! You've got too much money:
3. For no reason at all my crew morale drops at an incredible rate and mutinies against me :(
If you have too much money your crew becomes jealous and will become unhappy with you and eventually will mutiny...
To stop this either get rid of/hide your money, pay to raise morale or change the way you're paying your crew, eg. sign articles with them.
NOTE: Explanatory note added ingame as per Build 14 Beta 2.5

To turn off this mod go to the bottom of InternalSettings.h, go to the bottom and change the 0 to a 1 on the line:
ah, ok thanks, il try that, on the spoiler, if i "turn this mod off" will it disable the mutiny`s? with out having to hide money.
It'll disable the "morale loss due to too much money" altogether and set things "back to normal".

The reason for this addition was to encourage people to switch to Divide the Plunder mode; that offers some interesting gameplay and is well worth exploring. :yes
Hi, could someone have a look at my save game, see if you can "repair" the damage to moral.

I have hidden my cash, I stuck it in the weapons locker on ship, and I have several mill at the loan sharks, I use this to buy goods and put remaining cash back to loan shark, sell goods as contraband, put money I made back in to weapons locker.

atm crew moral is still dropping, with less than 50k to pay for wages. I have had 1mill in my pocket and moral was always heroic, since I got the new battleships and extra cash moral is out of control.

If someone "fixes" it can you post save game file so I can have a look to see how you did it.

If that makes sense lol
Well, I don't WANT "hiding" to be a valid option, so it checks your ship's chest and weaponslocker too.
Doesn't matter if you have it on yourself or in one of those chests.
I know, I know, I'm evil! :pirate07:

- Switch to Divide the Plunder: Worth a try! Nobody ever seems to believe me on this, but I'm not talking that much crap here.... :rolleyes:
- Make that InternalSettings.h change
ok, il move loot somewhere else lol,

Also does my captains rank have an affect on moral?

as 1 captain does not have high enough leadership and the other one i forgot what its called lol

I have issued all my officers with items to improve their current level, they can now command a battleship, but still getting problem, though just going to try dumping cash some where else
Yay, got rid of all my gold at the loanshark and spent several days in the tavern and moral shot up :)

What is the maximum gold you can carry before moral is affected?
Also if my officers carry my gold, 5mill spread over 8 officers, would that affect moral aswell?

Thanks again